- Refine results Found 8 results. 92 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: tags. (Clear filters)
55 weapons and 69 cyberware (over 270 if you include grades) parts from the original pen-and-paper Shadowrun game are recreated.
- 417KB
- 748
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55 weapons and 69 cyberware (over 270 if you include grades) parts from the original pen-and-paper Shadowrun game are recreated.
Add up to 400 of your custom player portraits to SR:R. It's quick and easy, and no vanilla portraits are replaced. The added portraits will be available on character generation in the main DMS campaign, all UGC and also in the editor.
- 3KB
- 446
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Add up to 400 of your custom player portraits to SR:R. It's quick and easy, and no vanilla portraits are replaced. The added portraits will be available on character generation in the main DMS campaign, all UGC and also in the editor.
ShadowrunReturns Advanced Editor
Shadowrun Returns Advanced Editor gives the ability to edit byte files within content packs or create new byte files. Currently only *.item.byte, *.ab.byte and *.mode.byte are supported
- 411KB
- 227
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ShadowrunReturns Advanced Editor
Shadowrun Returns Advanced Editor gives the ability to edit byte files within content packs or create new byte files. Currently only *.item.byte, *.ab.byte and *.mode.byte are supported
A shop for all tech and magic, as well as a small matrix testing area and a shooting range
- 360KB
- 29
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A shop for all tech and magic, as well as a small matrix testing area and a shooting range
Underworld \'93 Content Pack PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS NOT A STORY PACK AND THERE ARE NO MISSIONS TO COMPLETE, ONLY STORY LOCATIONS FOR UNDERWORLD \'93 AND TEST POINTS A Shadowrun Returns content pack based loosely on architectural assets from the 1989 FASA Corporation publication Mercurial by Tom Dowd and Paul Hume. Map assets created for the
- 4.2MB
- 26
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Underworld \'93 Content Pack PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS NOT A STORY PACK AND THERE ARE NO MISSIONS TO COMPLETE, ONLY STORY LOCATIONS FOR UNDERWORLD \'93 AND TEST POINTS A Shadowrun Returns content pack based loosely on architectural assets from the 1989 FASA Corporation publication Mercurial by Tom Dowd and Paul Hume. Map assets created for the
Some items and spells i have made for my ugc. Shamanhealing, Magehealing, ChiCasting, Smartguns, Cyberware, tattoos. They come in one rar, just copy the parts you want in your modfolder and reload in the editor.
- 38KB
- 24
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Some items and spells i have made for my ugc. Shamanhealing, Magehealing, ChiCasting, Smartguns, Cyberware, tattoos. They come in one rar, just copy the parts you want in your modfolder and reload in the editor.
This resource pack gives you 50 new prop cars to use in the editor. The cars come in new and worn versions.
- 5.2MB
- 17
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This resource pack gives you 50 new prop cars to use in the editor. The cars come in new and worn versions.
Old Warehouse and Shipping Yard
Unused maps from an upcoming adventure