It's practically identical to the Dark Souls III debug menu, seeing as the games are pretty much the same.
The debug menu font was cut from the game, so custom fonts had to be added. Huge thanks to Enlisted for practically making the entire draw function.
This mod only activates the menu, and displays the text. The core functionality is leftover from FromSoftware themselves, hence the Japanese text.
If you enjoy this mod, and you'd like to support me, you can buy me a coffee here.
Best used with an xbox controller, in windowed mode at the moment.
Simply drag and drop "dinput8.dll", and "debugfont.ttf" into your Sekiro directory (where your .exe is located)
Delete dinput8.dll", and "debugfont.ttf" from your Sekiro directory.
Q) What is it?
A) The developer's debug menu for the game, it includes so many options I can't list them here.
Q) Can I use it in my mod?
A) Of course! I've released it really as a resource other modders can use to change various aspects of the game. I'd appreciate you letting me know if you're going to package this mod with yours beforehand though just to avoid any misunderstandings, otherwise go ahead.
Q) 'X' crashes!
A) Let me know what crashes and I'll have a look into it, this is the debug menu though, so some things will inevitably be removed.
Q) I can't see text on the GUI windows
A) That's still broken, I'll fix it later
If you have more questions, feel free to either make a post here, send me a message, or join the souls modding discord here:
Special thanks for Enlisted for helping me figure out the draw function.
Special thanks for Pav for restoring some of the menu drop-downs.