Scavenger SV-4

Important Security Notice

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What has happened?

In the very early morning of 8th November 2019 we noticed suspicious activity by a potentially malicious third party actor against our services. Using an exploit in our legacy codebase, our logs confirm that they accessed a small number of user records from the old user service.

Even though we were able to secure the endpoint as soon as we discovered the exploit, as a measure of security, we are informing all of you, as we cannot rule out that further access to other user data including email addresses, password hashes and password salts has taken place.

We immediately worked to rectify the situation and, as part of the process, brought forward our release schedule for our long-planned new user service to ensure no other potential exploits on the old user service could be used to obtain user data. This step we took is ensuring that the new passwords are not only better protected, but that any encrypted passwords that have - potentially - been obtained from the old user service are already out of date.   

Further, and as is required by law, we have informed the ICO about this incident and we are in the process of fulfilling our obligations related to the matter.

What does this mean for you?

While we noticed the suspicious activity on 8th November 2019, and we have no evidence of past activity in our logs, we cannot say for certain whether the exploit had been used before, and thus cannot ascertain how many - if any - email addresses, password hashes and salts were accessed. 

Recognising our obligation to all of you, however, we are strongly urging you to be vigilant of potential phishing and credential stuffing attacks.

General Recommendations

  • If you haven’t already, please log out and back in, in order to update your account and password and migrate to the new user service. If you’ve already used the new user service, then there is no need to change your password again.
  • If you were using the same password you had on our old user service on other sites, please, change your password on these other sites as soon as possible.
  • We strongly recommend using a password manager and to not reuse passwords across sites.
  • Always use unique and strong passwords of at least 12 characters for each service you use.
  • Consider using Two-Factor Authentication, especially if you are a mod author.


Comments locked

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  1. Pickysaurus
    • Community Manager
    • 680 kudos
    This thread is almost 6 months old and is no longer monitored by the staff. If you have constructive feedback, please post on our forums.
  2. ogu19635
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Yep, just gonna join here, of course this account is a 10minute mail account. Since the theft of accounts and passwords here on nexus I had to fight over all my secondary instagram, facebook and steam accounts. Luckily they were secondary for a reason and I had nothing heavy to worry about them more than some random Corean using them to contact with random girls around the world. Well, the fight is over and I took control of all my accounts again. And I wouldn't mind forgiving nexus. In the internet most of people is very unforgiving, but my thoughts were: 'Well, I've been using their site for free and enjoying it a lot, sure they have earned me understanding that s#*! happens and keep going'.

    But now the attitude is forcing passwords security and what not, which wasn't the problem on the first but a security issue on their side... Surely I'm not gonna give them a good password so that they can lose it again... So now I have totally forgotten which my original account pasword was and I'll be using a new fire and forget account whenever I need one to download heavy mods, make a question in a mod page or see adult content... Which I think is not what nexus teams wants us users to do... but in the new envyroment is what I am going to do...
  3. pufthemajicdragon
    • premium
    • 75 kudos
    IT engineer here. You know what the absolute worst thing is for password security? Complex passwords. Counter-intuitive, I know, right? But longer and more complex passwords lead to people reusing more passwords and saving them in Word or Excel documents on their desktops. That's why Microsoft has minimal complexity requirements but encourages (and in some cases requires) MFA. And the cool thing about MFA? A 6 character simple password is no less secure (and arguably more secure) than a 12 character complex password as long as you use MFA.

    And what's funny is seeing supposed security people talk about brute forcing like it's still how accounts get cracked. "Gotta make the passwords harder to guess!" as if anybody's trying to guess it. Nah, legit hackers don't brute force anymore. If they want your password, they send you phishing e-mails, malware with keyloggers, malware that takes advantage of password manager vulnerabilities (and you thought that would keep you safe), or the real good ones take advantage of website vulnerabilities to steal hashes (oh, look, what happened to Nexus). I do still see brute force attacks, but only in business and they're pretty lazy attacks against outdated protocols where the attacker figures "if they're still using PPTP then they're probably using stupid simple passwords".

    But what this really boils down to is Nexus screwed up by having bad security and instead of fixing their $%^& they make their users jump through hoops that meet (outdated) "security best practices" but don't actually improve security.
    1. patchling
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      I use really complicated passwords, long complicated passwords. Never two times either. Write them down? You bet I write them down, in pen and paper offline.

      MFA? started looking into that. But umm... where do I get the other piece from? My home phone? That is about all I have to get something else on.
    2. Kulze
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Umh... like any other common application nowadays? Either use MFA via phone or E-mail? It's an extra layer of security after all, one which can very very hardly be cracked in any way outside of mistakes from the user-side.

      Hardly, everything is possible... but that's stuff which should be common practice by now and luckily is for many companies handling sensible data.
    3. lefttounge
      • supporter
      • 218 kudos
      I am also an IT major, with a cyber security concentration. I gotta say, a true hacker isn't even going to go for the small fry's "12 character long" password. They're just gonna go directly hack the admins, which would give them access to all of the users passwords, even the 12 character long ones. The sad matter is that many of the vulnerabilities that are associated with these kind of breaches doesn't have anything to do with the nexus. It's Windows. Windows is extremely exploitable, perhaps one of the most exploitable software in history (even if its just my opinion).
      In fact you could go in your windows computer right now, and delete an important file you need in order to operate your computer, and completely destroy your software. If you can do this, a hacker can do the same thing.
      No, the real thing that needs to be protected is not just the data, but the actual database. In where if software is compromised, it can easily affect the company. From what I'm seeing, nexus mod's website is still slightly old fashioned compared to what could be improved, this is just from a glance.

      In terms of constant mod manager updates, you gotta keep in mind that the actual files for the mods are also old fashioned, and if it isn't, trust me, it will be, I'd be shocked if it wasn't) , and so the way they're handled can be old fashioned as well.
      Not every user on the nexus is computer savvy in wanting to upgrade to vortex, many are nervous they'll lose their mods, even the slightest change can destroy their whole game. It's that finicky, and so it's very stressful for them to not only create a hard to remember password that usually doesn't stop hacking attempts, but upgrade to completely new managers while installing, uninstalling mods. Very stressful!
      This discourages new users, and makes old users wanna move on.

      Also another vulnerability, there are many spam users that serve as bots. With Hackers becoming more advanced in programming, and not to mention desperate, they're finding new ways to get their software to get past the CAPTCHA, I think they're Youtube videos that show programs doing this. This combined with a super fluency of bots can further harm the confidentiality of the network.
      The bots are the huge portion of why the nexus is being compromised so many different ways. As time goes on, these new gen bots capable of passing CAPTCHA (so like over 1,000 bots able to do this) this is gunna butcher the entire site and be very difficult to keep up with, as I'm sure admins do all day is remove fake user accounts for spam.
      I can go on about what different improvements can be done.

      Another fun note for those who wanna keep reading, it talks about the utilization of demilitarized zones
      What Nexus and many other networks use in order to prevent unauthorized access from entering the system, is what's called a DMZ. (Demilitarized Zone).

      This allows good traffic, such as coworkers and staff, while preventing malicious entry from gaining access such as black hats or script kiddies .DMZs consist of a router, firewall, etc. The stronger the DMZ is, the less likely you'll be gaining access. On the user side, you're able to get in no problem, but the trick is to make it so that despite your privileges you cannot access restricted areas. But devs can. If your DMZ is too strong, then nobody will be able to gain entry, this includes staff that really need to, its like a house with no windows and doors, keeps thieves out, but also keeps the home owner out too.
      If you think about it, an overpowered password system begins to take the role of an overpowered dmz, in where users can't get in as easily, and have a hard time gaining access to their house(the network; their user profile) A bank their serves like this for good reason, however they too struggle when their customers can't gain access to their account when they need to. Its a give and take, the more money a criminal is likely to steal, the greater you need to make your dmz. The less likely a robber will get away with much, the more laxed a dmz can be to allow a continuous flow of the company, and a smooth availability of the network.

  4. deleted83284153
    • account closed
    • 0 kudos
    Is this related to that time many accounts were exposed in a data breech and passwords stolen while the site Admin, or whoever, failed to inform Nexus users of the breech until much later? Perhaps I'm wrong about action being taken to inform of the breech, but I cannot remember ever being informed unless it had been posted via Nexus Site news back then. Fortunately for me, the password I used back then was only used on the Nexus. I received an email from a hacker trying to con me out of bit coins by attempt to scare me by flashing an old Nexus password. I was able to trace the breech back to Nexus mods via a (Have I been had check) which is where I first found out about the Nexus breech.

    Regardless, I barely have any trust in this site anymore . Of course I still use Nexus, but I find it funny the site actually wants us to buy premium for faster downloads when I would not even trust this site with a phone number. LOL
  5. Regnier1919
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    My Avast told me it had safely aborted a connection to because it was infected with HTML:script-inf(susp) Could someone clarify have I downloaded an infected file from Nexus or is this something else?
    1. bvanharjr
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Get rid of Avast altogether (it's bad nowadays), and use something better - or, if you are on Windows 10 (and version 1903 or HIGHER), use the built-in protection.

      This comes from 5+ years of personally USING THEIR SOFTWARE. Their code is so filled with bugs that it's a miracle that my PC hasn't required me to reinstall Windows from scratch yet.

      (not listing every issue I have with Avast - the final straw I had with 'em was with their exclusion system not working AT ALL - quarantining files THAT I PUT ON THAT LIST as "malicious & dangerous" - EVEN THOUGH THOSE FILES WERE 100% CLEAN.)
    2. Dazner
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Avast is actually pretty good. I use it and mod skyrim extensively. Not many complaints there.
    3. deleted34304850
      • account closed
      • 57 kudos
      Avast you say? Pretty good you say?
    4. marijn211
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      I used Avast for around 2 years and found myself reinstalling Windows 2 times because of false positives on system files which after that had been removed, now I stick to Malwarebytes, it costs money for more protection than just weekly scans but if you donacdum on the internet that should be enough
    5. trishaxuk
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Totally agree with this. I too was an avid user of Avast 4+ years (and previous to that, used AVG for 3+ years at home). In both cases; I eventually stopped using them because of many false positives which could not be rectified through a controllable whitelisting system, and their reporting mechanism and remedies for these problems was ineffectual.

      Thankfully; Microsoft's previously poor AV products have much improved, so I use that for basic cover now. Malwarebytes is a solid product for all the stuff which gets through the cracks. Even the free/trial mode is a life saver. Sometimes I use Sophos too (as I get home license coverage from work). It's always been very solid (due to good support - not just the client software), but it can be a bit over hard on the machine performance for gamer type scenarios. It's best left on your 'work' machine..
    6. quadraphone
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
      Systems Engineer here:

      Don't make suggestions if you don't know what you are talking about. Windows Defender isn't a bad anti-virus product in real-world scores, it's better than nothing, but it isn't better than Avast. Avast consistently scores better in real-world tests and has less performance impact.

      See for yourself:
    7. quadraphone
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
      Please limit recommendations to something you have expertise in. If you aren't a doctor or a nurse practitioner, don't hand out medical advice.
      If you aren't an IT professional, don't hand out anti-virus recommendations.
    8. quadraphone
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
      Malwarebytes is a great tool for removing malware infections, but as an anti-virus platform, it is below the middle of the pack in real-world tests. In short, the performance of it's resident protection modules are unacceptable.
    9. quadraphone
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
      This sounds like a malicious script stored in your browser cache.

      For future use, you can use a free tool called CCleaner from Piriform to clean the caches of multiple browsers at the same time, and the Windows system temp files:
    10. quadraphone
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
      Following the Vice article, Avast stopped the harvesting and selling of browsing history, bought stock back in the company Jumpshot that was responsible, and closed the company down.
  6. Thandal
    • Moderator
    • 184 kudos
    Avast, (and AVG, they are owned by the same outfit now) flags many games' and mods' executables as malware. For example, they keep any game using the Frostbite engine from starting.

    There are many alternatives, including free ones (e.g. "Windows Defender", which is built-in to Win10) that do a much better job.
    1. Saggaris
      • member
      • 29 kudos
      And what of the 'aborted connection to' that MANY are concerned about is that safe?, should we just say "yeah, well it's probably OK"
    2. Pickysaurus
      • Community Manager
      • 680 kudos
      Most people can visit that page fine. I'd guess GEMS either doesn't use SSL or the certificate has expired. Really it's on the GEMS team to sort out whatever is triggering that warning.
    3. quadraphone
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
      Systems Engineer here:

      Windows Defender scores in the middle of anti-virus products on the market, in real-world AV tests. . It's better than nothing, but it does not do a much better job than Avast or AVG, both of which consistently score near the top.
  7. amadeuskun
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    *uses the same password across every website* "I can't believe I got hacked" *blames The nexus for getting hacked*

    Ppl who use one password for everything are playing with fire, just like people who use easy-to-guess passwords and PIN numbers.

    Don't use any personally identifiable information in your passwords, bible verses, famous quotes, lucky numbers, easy-to-guess number combinations (12345, 77777, 6969, birthdays, SSNs, etc.) If someone can go on your social media page and write down everything they know about you and break the password, it wasn't a good password.
    1. Saggaris
      • member
      • 29 kudos
      What do you want, a badge?
      Yet another know it all that thinks everyone should have the same grasp as he, let me tell you something, people are different and and MANY can't remember what they go to the toilet for... not everyone has the same outlook as you.
      Of the 20 million folks here a good number of them wouldn't understand what the hell you were talking about, they might not have spacebook, facetube or even read the bible.
      You're preaching to those that already understand and others that ain't listening and don't care.
      I've used the site for 15 years and I still know nothing.
    2. Ethreon
      • premium
      • 626 kudos
      Sorry to break your bubble but if you are on a modding site. You should more knowledgeable than the average user. So yes, if you use the same password everywhere it's your own damn fault.
    3. Saggaris
      • member
      • 29 kudos
      working in the mental health industry for a decade gives you a different outlook on peoples understanding and their desires, they are in many cases at very different levels.

      Now, I say if you have 20 million peoples details, details that you demand when they join, it should be up to you to keep those safe, not each and everyone that you enticed in.
    4. metaphorset
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      @Saggaris - the badge is yours. This stuff isn't exactly breaking news. In this day and age ignorance is a choice. You chose ignorance and you seem to carry it quite proudly.
    5. Saggaris
      • member
      • 29 kudos
      Nope, you're the ignorant one that wishes to assume a level ability playing field, you obviously don't mix with folks with different abilities, after all it's down to the hedgehog to learn when to cross the road isn't it?
    6. CommandantShepard
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      @Saggaris You are correct that it is on the website to protect their (your) data to the highest possible standard. However, ultimately it is a user's responsibility to manage their own personal online security. I don't expect everyone to understand this and am well aware they don't as I work in Software Support, however a user refusing or unwilling to learn more about this does not make it any less true. Not defending NexusMods or this breach in any way, just stating a general fact.

      I also think posting what you did and the way you did it is completely unnecessary, as @amadeuskun wasn't specifically bashing anyone but in fact was sharing information that could potentially help someone in a situation of having bad passwords.
    7. zlostnypopolnik
      • premium
      • 55 kudos
      Remember the hack, when a 100+ megabyte file was replaced with a few kilobytes file (if I remember good) ? How can a 100 digit password help you then? I am not saying that one should not use such passwords, I use combined and different passwords for each account myself, but you know what I am trying to say.
      I downloaded the file and ran it. Since then, penis extensions offers have been sent to my (dummy) email address
  8. Buddytwo
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Are passwords encrypted server side?
  9. DaisukeNiwaKun
    • premium
    • 112 kudos
    Geeez people you are arguing about usernames, 12 letter passwords and god knows whatever else. I was mad too about my username but it's only a username it took me 5 min to understand this change. But one thing is really silly!

    Well the site knows exactly with user is premium and who isn't. So why when clicking download it takes me to a sub site to choose slow download or fast download. I think people here made a bad decisions and users will gonna quit not only because of their usernames and passwords but also because of the psychological forcing to buy a premium subscription. Staff add only a button, but what the future will brings? 30 seconds timeout with ads for free users next?

    Dear Nexus please stop where you are now because you choose the wrong side. The year 2020 should be better not worse! Do not let this happen.
    P.s. The subscription lifetime plan is little to expensive, make a promo.
    1. dragonagesusi
      • supporter
      • 11 kudos
    2. crowsraven
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I agree wholeheartedly with what you said about psychologically forcing premium, DaisukeNiwaKun. We all know how to opt for a premium account, and we all know that download speeds are capped unless you pay. So why do we need to be taken to a "choice" screen where we are shown - in the same way those tacky file share sites display it - how our choice to use the free version of Nexus is a bad one? The downloads don't take long even at slow speeds, many of them being small, and I have never downloaded anything for which I impatiently waited.

      I have paid in the past (under a different account, which is gone now hence the new one; I used to be under the user name "centime") for a premium account, but this hard sell guarantees that I never will again. And I also agree about the price of a lifetime subscription...49.00 UK exchanges to $64.74 US; too much for a game modding site (in my opinion, which counts for nothing to anyone but me). Perhaps if I were younger...

      Call me whatever you like, but there is no need for pushing our faces down into the idea of paying for a subscription. Again, we all know how to do it and what is at stake if we don't, but this new tactic will, I believe, turn off a lot of would-be financial contributors to Nexus. This has left such a bad taste I don't think I will be here for too long anyway. Greed is, to me, the most ugly of human attributes.
  10. tirtan1
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    As a prem life time member already Please explain why you are asking me to pay again
    1. PCGirl
      • premium
      • 28 kudos
      I am confused by your comment. Where in this news post do you see anything about paying again?
    2. splitwires
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      they probably got sent to the page asking them to sign up for premium
    3. Pickysaurus
      • Community Manager
      • 680 kudos

      As you can see your account is not Premium. Perhaps you had another account with a different email address?

      Send a copy of your purchase invoice to [email protected] and we'll help you track it down.