Weapon Mods
- Refine results Found 8 results. 39 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: categories. (Clear filters)
I made a few changes the murderbot weapons.You can now crouch and dual wield them. The minigun no longer fires a sweeping pattern.Also have them unlocked at the store.
- 39KB
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I made a few changes the murderbot weapons.You can now crouch and dual wield them. The minigun no longer fires a sweeping pattern.Also have them unlocked at the store.
Dubstep gun 'Industrial' to 'Dancing Funeral meme'
Replace Dubstep Gun from Industrial to Dancing Funeral meme
- 502.1MB
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Dubstep gun 'Industrial' to 'Dancing Funeral meme'
Replace Dubstep Gun from Industrial to Dancing Funeral meme
Dark Matter AR (Desert Replacer Skin)
A simple replace for the Desert camo AR in SR4, made from the CODBO3 Dark Matter textures! BTW I am also taking suggestions of what to make next so go ahead and post any ideas you would like to see in the comments.
- 2.3MB
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Dark Matter AR (Desert Replacer Skin)
A simple replace for the Desert camo AR in SR4, made from the CODBO3 Dark Matter textures! BTW I am also taking suggestions of what to make next so go ahead and post any ideas you would like to see in the comments.
A retexture for the Camo in the Heavy SMG, with a sleek white look, i also have a few others I have been working on and by all means if you would like to see a mod comment it and i will see what I can do!
- 427KB
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A retexture for the Camo in the Heavy SMG, with a sleek white look, i also have a few others I have been working on and by all means if you would like to see a mod comment it and i will see what I can do!
A retexture for the All American because Rick and Morty is as American as you can get! Enjoy! BTW I am also taking suggestions of what to make next so go ahead and post any ideas you would like to see in the comments.
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A retexture for the All American because Rick and Morty is as American as you can get! Enjoy! BTW I am also taking suggestions of what to make next so go ahead and post any ideas you would like to see in the comments.
Dubstep gun 'Industrial' to 'Retro'
Replace Dubstep Gun from Industrial to Kinzie's mission dubstep gun (Retro)
- 499.7MB
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Dubstep gun 'Industrial' to 'Retro'
Replace Dubstep Gun from Industrial to Kinzie's mission dubstep gun (Retro)
Sinterpol Armory Pack (Saints Row Gat out of Hell Weapons)
Brings various weapons from Saints Row: Gat out of Hell to Saints Row IV.
- 2.9MB
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Sinterpol Armory Pack (Saints Row Gat out of Hell Weapons)
Brings various weapons from Saints Row: Gat out of Hell to Saints Row IV.
Friendly Fire Pack (Saints Row The Third Weapons)
Brings various weapons from Saints Row: The Third to Saints Row IV, adapted to the new upgrade system.
- 1.1MB
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Friendly Fire Pack (Saints Row The Third Weapons)
Brings various weapons from Saints Row: The Third to Saints Row IV, adapted to the new upgrade system.