Rune Factory 4 Special

I noticed some graphical issues with a few of the textures. I fixed those, and I deleted the one expression texture in association with Frey's secondary pose, as it isn't actually required for it to show up in game. There is still somewhat of a tiny line in Frey's hair that you may or may not notice, depending on resolution, where the expression texture meets her body texture. It took me a while to actually notice it, as it is very small, but that may take time to fully fix. I have to test some things out because it wasn't as simple as coloring that area in, unfortunately.

Anyway, I will update once I do figure that out. Still no new leads on opening up the 3d models though. I've tried to convert those into something I can use, but to no avail. If anyone does figure something out with that, hit me up!

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