Rogue Legacy 2

The traits in the config file for this mod are specified using the internal name of the trait.
This is a list of them with the scientific and non-scientific names and descriptions.

  • Antique
    Antique - Heir starts with a random relic.
  • BlurOnHit
    Panic Attacks/Stressed - Getting hit darkens the screen.
  • BonusChestGold
    Compulsive Gambling/Lootbox Addict - Only chests drop gold and chest values swing wildly!
  • BonusMagicStrength
    Crippling Intellect - -50% Health and Weapon Damage. Mana regenerates over time.
  • BounceTerrain
    Clownanthropy - 30% less Health, but you can Spin Kick off terrain.
  • BreakPropsForMana
    Minimalist/Breaker - Breaking things restores Mana.
  • CantAttack
    Pacifist - -60% Health and you can't deal damage.
  • CheerOnKills
    Diva - Everyone gets a spotlight but all eyes are on you.
  • ColorTrails
    Synesthesia - Everything leaves behind color.
  • DamageBoost
    Combative - +50% Weapon Damage, -30% Health.
  • DisarmOnHurt
    FND/Shocked - Taking damage inflicts Disarmed, meaning the player cannot attack or use spells for 2 seconds.
  • EasyBreakables
    Clumsy - Objects break on touch.
  • EnemiesBlackFill
    Associative Agnosia - Enemies are blacked out.
  • EnemiesCensored
    Puritan - Enemies are censored.
  • EnemyKnockedFar
    Hypergonadism - Enemies are knocked far away.
  • EnemyKnockedLow
    Muscle Weakness - Enemies barely flinch when hit.
  • ExplosiveChests
    Paranoid/Explosive Chests - Chests drop an explosive surprise.
  • ExplosiveEnemies
    Exploding Casket Syndrome/Explosive Enemies - Enemies drop an explosive surprise.
  • FakeSelfDamage
    Histrionic - Numbers are exaggerated.
  • Fart
    IBS - Sometimes fart when jumping or dashing.
  • FMFFan
    FMF Fan - You're probably Korean. (No effect)
  • GainDownStrike
    Aerodynamic - Your Spinkick is replaced with Downstrike.
  • Gay
    Nature - Being true to being you.
  • HighJump
    IIB Muscle Fibers/High Jumper - Hold [Jump] to Super Jump.
  • ItemsGoFlying
    Dyspraxia/Butter Fingers - Items go flying!
  • LongerCD
    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Exhausted - All Spells and Talents have a cooldown.
  • LowerGravity
    Hollow Bones - You fall slowly.
  • LowerStorePrice
    Charismatic - 15% gold discount from all shopkeeps.
  • MagicBoost
    Bookish - +50% Magic Damage and +50 Mana Capacity. -30% HP.
  • ManaCostAndDamageUp
    Emotional Dysregularity/Overcompensation - Mana costs and spell damage are increased by 100%.
  • ManaFromHurt
    Masochism - Gain 50% of your mana when hit, but can't regain mana from attacks.
  • MapReveal
    Cartographer - Map is revealed but you have no position marker.
  • MegaHealth
    Hero Complex - 100% more Health but you can't heal, ever.
  • NoColor
    Colorblind - You can't see colors.
  • NoEnemyHealthBar
    Alexithymia/Unempathetic - Can't see damage dealt.
  • NoHealthBar
    C.I.P - Can't see your health.
  • NoImmunityWindow
    Algesia - No immunity window after taking damage.
  • NoMeat
    Vegan - Eating food hurts you.
  • OldYellowTint
    Nostalgic - Everything is old-timey tinted.
  • OmniDash
    Superfluid - -20% Health, but you can dash in ANY direction.
  • OneHitDeath
    One-Hit Wonder/Fragile - You die in one hit.
  • PlayerKnockedFar
    Ectomorph - Taking damage knocks you far away.
  • PlayerKnockedLow
    Endomorph - You barely flinch when enemies hit you.
  • RandomizeKit
    Contrarian/Innovator - Your Weapon and Talent are randomized.
  • RevealAllChests
    Spelunker - -10% HP but you can see all chests on the map!
  • SkillCritsOnly
    Perfectionist - Only Skill Crits and Spin Kicks deal damage.
  • SmallHitbox
    Disattuned/Only Heart - 25% less health, but you can only be hit in the heart.
  • SuperFart
    Super IBS - Super Fart Talent that releases a cloud that inflicts 3 seconds of Burn on enemies and launches the player upwards.
  • SuperHealer
    Hypercoagulation/Super Healer - HP regenerates, but you lose some Max HP when hit.
  • TwinRelics
    Compulsive Hoarder/Hoarder - All Relics are Twin Relics (when possible).
  • Vampire
    Vampirism - Gain 20% of your Weapon Damage as Health, but you take 125% more damage.
  • YouAreBlue
    Methemoglobinemia/Blue - You are blue.
  • YouAreLarge
    Gigantism - You are gigantic.
  • YouAreSmall
    Dwarfism - You are tiny.

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