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This is a zombie mod for Rimworld, featuring zombies that can infect your colonists and turn them into more zombies, as well as zombie horde and a zombie apocalypse event in which the virus goes airborne and reanimates all corpses regardless of their cause of death.
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This is a zombie mod for Rimworld, featuring zombies that can infect your colonists and turn them into more zombies, as well as zombie horde and a zombie apocalypse event in which the virus goes airborne and reanimates all corpses regardless of their cause of death.
Adds a new faction to the game, the Ghillie Units.
Small mod that adds an evil gang of elves led by an even more evil Santa. Just in time to get you into the Christmas spirit by killing off raiding elves who have nothing better to do since their toy industry is over with.
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Small mod that adds an evil gang of elves led by an even more evil Santa. Just in time to get you into the Christmas spirit by killing off raiding elves who have nothing better to do since their toy industry is over with.
It removes the Fire Spew ability of Impids for rimworld 1.5.