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About this mod

This mod replaces enemy textures with higher resolution.

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Mod info:
This is not an upscale or anything like that, all this mod does is take the high 4k/2k/1k unused textures of common enemies from Model Viewer (Figures) and add them to the main game. Not all enemy textures have higher quality textures in Model Viewer than in the main game, so this mod replaces not absolutely all textures, but only those that are have higher resolution in Model Viewer, but the mod cover all enemies anyway. By the way, in the game itself there are no enemy textures with 4k resolution at all, this mod "fixes" that.

You can install it manually by dropping the mod folder into Fluffy Mod Manager directory modmanager\Games\RE8\Mods and turn it on via Fluffy Mod Manager.
Or just drag the mod folder/archive into the Fluffy Mod Manager. For the mod to work, make sure you don't have your graphics settings set to low.