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Currently only Bela's attack voices successfully change to male voices. Her dialogues and all Cassandra and Daniela's voices do not work and be muted. Gonna update later when I figure out how to fix it!
Thank EXQRAY for helping me with audio modding and made male Bela's attack voices work!
This mod must be installed with the Fluffy Manager 5000. If this mod doesn't work after installation then open Fluffy Manager 5000 click uninstall all mods, click re-read game archives and install this mod again.
This is my Discord user info if you want to add me on Discord and describe your wanted mod there instead: User ID: 440391752675753984 Username: TrieuPham#7106
And if you like my mods please donate! It helps encourage me to continue making mods for future RE games! Donate Link