Resident Evil 4 (2023)

The recipes will all be reorganized under the tabs in the crafting menu.
  • Bolts are now in the AMMO tab.
  • Only explosives are listed under the MISC tab.
  • And under the HERBS tab is now Material Scrapping.

Changes to existing recipes:
  • Ammunition exclusively gets crafted with Resources (S)
  • Explosives exclusively gets crafted with Resources (L)
  • Adjusted the amount of gunpowder and crafting results.

The amount of ammo you receive from crafting is reduced for Shotguns, Rifle, Magnum and Bolts to match the fixed amounts found in the game.
To compensate, the bonus crafting chance of these ammunition types is increased.
Shotgun shells as an example:

                          Ammo in Inventory            %Chance                 Bonus Ammount      
Vanilla                           0                                    35                                  2
                                       4                                    15                                  2
                                     16                                      3                                  2 
                                       4                                    45                                  2
                                       9                                    30                                  2
                                     16                                    15                                  2

In combination with charms, accessories, and briefcases, the overall bonus chance is 85% with 4 or fewer ammo in the briefcase.

This change was necessary to prevent the scrapping system from being exploited and unwanted ammunition being carried for so long before the quantity is obtained for scrapping.

All healing items are created by dragging them together. An additional recipe has been added.

You get the first Crafting Companion with 99 charges in the small factory (location) in Chapter 2.
The Crafting Companion is needed to scrap unwanted items to get Gunpowder, Resources (S) and Rersources (L).

Additional 99 charges can be purchased at the merchant for 1 Spinel with the beginning of chapter 4.
The maximum stack size is 999.

Clicking on the Crafting Companion and then on Craft, you will find all scrapping recipes that includes ammunition and explosives.
The resources scrapping can be found under the HERBS tab in the Crafting Menu.

A note: The Crafting Companion will share the symbol with the broken combat knife until I find a way to get the Crafting Companion its own logo.

Scrapping resources can be found in the crafting menu under the HERBS tab. An additional recipe can be found on the bottom if you craft directly from the resource (S) in the briefcase (game restrictions).

Every scrapping recipe has a %chance to get an extra ammount of resources.
  • Resource (S/L):   1 bonus ammount
  • Gunpowder (7):   3 bonus ammount
  • Gunpowder (14): 6 bonus ammount


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