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File credits
------------- Fluffy Quack: -------------
His mod manager tool makes it very easy for modder to make and use mods.
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Version 1.0
Hunk (a.k.a. Mr. Death) is the 4th survivor from the Resident Evil 2 game. He is the leader of Umbrella Security Service Alpha Team.
I have a mod that replaces ALL UBCS members with USS models. You can download THAT mod here. =========================================================================================
To install:
1) you will need to download Fluffyquack's mod manager (The tool is updated regularly) www.fluffyquack.com/tools/modmanager.rar
2) simply place my mod rar file into the Modmanager's Games\RE3R\Mods folder
3) using the mod manager, before running the game, go to manage mods and install Taskmaster... uhhh I mean Hunk (I swear I didn't copy paste this from another mod I made)
Note: Mod installation and uninstallation can only be done while the game is off.
(1) I observed seeing some texture problems on UBCS Tyrell, even though I never tampered that character. Some strange texture glitches are happening there, I suspect - might be due to shared materials / textures. Currently under investigation, will update this mod when I found how to fix it
(2) This mod was designed to ONLY work with the default Carlos model, and not with his alternate / DLC costumes.
UPDATE: Included updated model and textures for quick "Zombie Carlos Scene" Blink and you'll miss it