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About this mod

This mod affects almost every enemy in campaign/adventure mode (almost every) so there a 4 different versions: TraitPointsOnly, SimulacrumOnly, TraitPoints&Simulcarum, Lootapalooza. I'll explain that fourth one lol in the description. Shoutout to the multiple requesters on Discord and NomadMoxy over on the nexus for requesting these.

Permissions and credits
So all versions of this mod guarantee all enemies that use the asset Spawntable_EnemyDrop_Ammo drop a Trait Point, Simulacrum or both. Now Lootapalooza was a special request from a personal friend who originally wanted pinata enemies... That crashed the game wayyyyy to much so I scrapped that project.

So Lootpalooza makes the enemies drop
  • 1 of each: Trait Point, Simulacrum, Corrupted Shard  
  • 25 of each: Bloodmoon Essence, Iron, Forged Iron, Galvanized Iron, Hardened Iron, Alien Alloy, Ancient Alloy, Mithril Alloy, Relic Dust, Lumenite, and Corrupted Lumenite
  • 250 Scraps

Installation Instructions: (This works on PC and GamePass versions)
  • For starters this mod requires Allow Asset Mods by Narknon here Allow Asset Mods at Remnant II Nexus - Mods and community
  • After doing step 1 now download my mod and unzip it
  • Navigate to your installation folder and head to Remnant2\Content\Paks\~mods
  • Paste the .pak, .utoc, .ucas or the the second folder that holds them into there
  • Now go play some whack a mole with