This is required, to achieve same image quality as Enhanced Edition screenshots and achieve photorealistic visuals for vegetation.
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Other user's assetsAll the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources
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Conversion permissionYou can convert this file to work with other games as long as you credit me as the creator of the file
Asset use permissionYou are allowed to use the assets in this file without permission as long as you credit me
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This mod is available in the Upscaled Items Hub, Check out my other mods there :) This Included.
I don't think tree BARK has been upscaled, but most if not all leaves, bushes, weeds, etc. have been upscaled.
I have a weaker PC and with this new file replacement install.xml I'm testing out I don't have any issues with crashes, though it is still possible. Please check out the Upscaled Items Hub for general information on this ^
There is some weird artifacting near edges of transparent textures, idk why my upscaler messes this up but i have to fix it, it shouldn't be visible unless you're really looking closely
Enormous thanks toAbdelrahmanMahmoud for editing the install.xml and sending it to me, helping the mod load 100s of more files!
Drop the lml folder into your game root folder
If you have Lenny's mod manager I'd recommend launching it and turning on "Overwrite" for the mod, load order shouldn't matter then.
There shouldn't be any conflicts, maybe one with some other higher res mods, that is why you should enable Overwrite for my mod, all textures here are at least 2x bigger than any other mod on nexus
I mainly upscaled aldebo textures, some normals have been upscaled too.
Here is a quick video guide on how to reduce crashes due to VRAM overloads, keep in mind you must have plenty of extra space on your hard drive/SSD for this to work effectively.
If you like my mods and want to support me, simply downloading it is the best way :) an endorse would also be dope :D