About this mod
Reality Redemption aims to improve the visual fidelity of this game with better textures, models, and weather cycles, fixing continuity errors, as well as improving its gameplay elements for a more fluid and realistic experience.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Mirrors
- Changelogs

Red Dead Redemption is amongst one of the best Western titles ever created, next to its successor and sequel. However due to this game's age, various gameplay and visual elements feel outdated and not up to today's gaming standards, Reality Redemption aims to improve the visual fidelity of this game with better textures, models, and weather cycles, fixing continuity errors, as well as improving its gameplay elements for a more fluid and realistic experience.
A shader developer familiar with volumetric lighting and Reshade and by extension, Reshade addons. With the plan of bringing volumetric-based clouds, dust, and fog to the game.
- Increase memory pools and improve general performance
- Improve reflection quality
- Improve draw distance for vegetation
- Improve draw distance for the map
- Improve particles and particle count
- Improve debris variation and count
- Improve physics for liquids like water
- Improve AI behavior
- Improve the game camera to behave more like RDR2
- Improve the Euphoria physics
- Improve random events spawn and spawn rate
- Improve materials and their interactivity
- Improve culling
- Improve cloud skyhats
- Improve cliffs and rock formation textures
- Improve John Marston textures
- Improve game world textures such as trails, roads, grounds, terrain, and railroads
- Improve procedural vegetation textures
- Improve detail-map textures such as horse skin, fabric, wood, clothing, and snow
- Improve loading times by skipping the long intro
- Modify the movement animations for smoother, and realistic transitions
- Fix the nighttime broken fog and other time cycle shortcomings
- Fix the moonlight ground overbright issue
- Update the game's lore with new textures, dialogue, and subtitles
- Improve building textures
- Improve secondary character and pedestrian textures
- Improve loading screen textures
- Improve tree and bush textures and smaller physics-based props
- Improve vehicle draw distance
- Improve the shadow maps and shadow distance
- Improve sky lighting and time cycles
- Improve weather and cloud variations and improve the overall weather system
- Improve cloud shadows
- Add an option to disable rainy weather at Thieves Landing
- Add new and improved particle and effect textures
- Increase some memory allocations
- Improve rain effects
- Improve weapon and environment sounds
Yellow = WIP
Blue = Not started yet
Q: What if I only want to install a certain feature and don't install something I don't like?
A: As of the 2.2 update you can customize your installation with the automatic installer, you can choose exactly what you want, and what you don't want to install.
Q: How do I use this?
A: You need to have a legit copy of the 360/Switch/PC versions, don't worry, it will be an easy installation.
Q: What version does this work on? do I need any specific version?
A: All game versions on the 360/Switch/PC are fully supported.
Q: When I install Reality Redemption, other mods that I have installed don't work, how can I combine Reality Redemption with other mods?
A: It's best to install Reality Redemption first, then install any other mod, and make sure to install your mods into the update\game folder.
Q: Will you port assets from RDR2?
A: No.
@BadassBaboon - Mod author
@Im Foxxyyy - CodeX, Magic RDR & helping with fixing various bugs & adding new content
@Shvab - LibertyFourX
@CabooseSayzWTF - Silent Virtues trainer & improving the installer
@DayL - Helping with improving various terrain, road, path, and cliff textures