About this mod
These commands use VoiceAttack to translate the in-game on-screen SWAT menus from Moving through Breaching into natural and intelligent voice command phrases that will fire keypress macros to help maintain immersion in single player Ready or Not gameplay. Keys auto-loaded from game files & profile can be updated without importing a new VA profi
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Profile for VoiceAttack
by =VG= SemlerPDX
These commands use VoiceAttack to translate the in-game on-screen SWAT menus from Moving through Breaching into natural and intelligent voice command phrases that will fire keypress macros to help maintain immersion in single player Ready or Not gameplay. As an additional option, these voice commands can be locked behind a push-to-talk mode bound to keyboard key or controller buttons, allowing any other VoiceAttack command unrestricted access if needed, while still restricting these RoN SWAT menu command macros. I have also added an optional Audio Feedback Mode to play a short radio cue sound when a command is successfully recognized (off by default). As with all my AVCS4 voice control profiles, my goal was an intuitive system, so there is no user manual - only a few infographics and quick reference pic of all the SWAT menu commands.
If you can think of a way to say a menu action, it's probably covered. I typically imagine sentence structures that can mimic most "any way you say it", and use those for my recognition commands to ease the learning curve. No need to memorize strict phrases like "Mirror Under Door" - most natural options are recognized already, just try what comes to mind at the time, such as, "Mirror that door" or "Mirror under this door", etc. If the way you like to say something truly doesn't work, you can easily add it through the included AVCS CORE Quick Command Creator - add your phrase the way you say it and make the action to execute the proper relevant command phrase already set.
Say goodbye to the keyboard, and enjoy the immersion! Cheers!
-Automatic Key Bindings detection from 'Ready or Not' game folder (in AppData) on profile init
-User can reload key bindings file manually after changing any binds in the in-game options (see commref)
-Patch Update system can fix or edit how menu layouts operate, no new profile download/import required if game changes
TBD - This is an open public Beta Test profile for VoiceAttack v1.8.9 or higher. The game itself is in Beta, so this profile may develop over time. The purpose and focus of this profile is only on the Single Player SWAT menus voice controls.
*Please be sure to download the AVCS CORE Framework Profile for VoiceAttack as well, it is now a requirement for any AVCS4 game profile I release, such as the upcoming Elite Dangerous profile, and more...

(download file contents)
Features included via AVCS CORE (required 'hub' profile for VoiceAttack):