This AI mod aims to be more realistic than the current AI in-game. We can all agree that the current AI has no self-preservation and somewhat unrealistic behavior. This mod addresses that issue by tweaking certain values so that the overall gameplay is more realistic, well-balanced, most importantly it's still fun & challenging!
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Version 1.72
Fixed major freezing/crashing issue I am really sorry for this thanks to everyone for pointing it out!
minor changes
Fixed Amos Voll unable to spawn on Thunt version
Version 1.71.1
Fixed XtraThunt not working correctly on certain Maps.
Version 1.71
Remove Blueprint loader dependencies
Repackaged all .uasset files with the latest UAssetGUI build to avoid unintended bugs
Incresead Suspect awareness range from 7meters to 20meters
Increased SightDetectionAccuracy from 0.25 to 0.75 this will "heighten" their senses
Reworked Suspect PreCombat Cover behavior so they are more likely to flee & take cover after hearing loud noises (game changer you guys should try it out!)
Change Narcos AI Difficulty to Professional and Elephant to Experienced suspects
some minor adjustments & clean up
Version 1.70
Home Invasion DLC update
UE5.3 Support
mod requires Blueprint loader in order to work Online
many more changes that I don't have the time to explain...
Version 1.64
- Updated all AI modules to the latest version
- Readjusted AI Accuracy to work with the new system
- Added a brand new difficulty Professional Suspects
- Increased DamageCap from 70 to 250 this change adds challenge back to the game which was missing in the latest update
minor AI changes
Version 1.63
Slightly reduced Swat Health & Accuracy to make them less overpowered.
Increased Swat Vision Range from 25m to 50m so they can shoot at targets further away.
Reduced AIKilledMoraleDamage from -0.5 to -1.0 this will make the Suspect more likely to surrender if they see their Ally get killed.
Reduced Inexperienced Suspect MaxMorale from 1.0 to 0.6 to make them more likely to surrender.
and some minor changes.
- No Traps, Thunt, & Xtra AI release. (Pls report to me if you find any bug!)
Fixed Xtra Thunt Suspect Spawn.
Reduced AIMaxFlees from 2 to 1 on Xtra AI versions.
Version 1.62
Final update before the end of the year, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
- Reduced Experienced Suspect Hesitation Chance from 0.5 to 0.4
- Increased Inexperienced Suspect Hesitation Chance to 0.6 - 0.75
- Increased Inexperienced Suspect Hesitation Time from 5 seconds to 8 seconds
- Increased Inexperienced Suspect PushCombatMoveCooldown so they are less likely to rush at you
- Increased Suspect SuicideChance on Club & Hospital map
- Reduced MaxSuspects to Spawn on Streamer map from 8-10 to 3-5 Suspects
- Added randomized Traps to certain Missions
- Added a rare chance for Unarmed Suspect/Suspect with a knife to spawn on certain Missions
- Fixed Suspect morale buff from SWAT actions that should reduce their morale (thanks Reddit guy!)
- Swat AI now uses SemiAuto firing mode instead of FullAuto
- Increased SwatAI Health from 250 to 275 to increase survivability during intense firefights
- and many small changes enjoy the surprises!
Version 1.61 release.
Slightly reduced Suspect AR & SMG fire rate.
Slightly increased Suspect Reaction time.
Minor AI changes to certain Maps.
Updated to the latest RoN build to avoid unnecessary bugs.
Version 1.60
Increased SWAT AI Accuracy to avoid killing civilians accidentally.
Increased SWAT AI Hearing Range & Peripheral Vision so they will try to maintain a 360° coverage.
Slightly increased Suspect reaction time.
Slightly reduced Suspect morale so they give up easily.
Reduced the likelihood of Suspect tracking through walls/wall-banging after losing line of sight to SWAT.
Adjusted Suspect accuracy, less accurate when moving and more accurate when holding a position.
Slightly reduced Suspect Peripheral Vision to avoid 180°/360° spinbot.
Increased Suspect hesitation chance.
Increased Suspect startled chance.
Version 1.59.6
- Some minor AI adjustments
- Reduced Suspect Accuracy on Ridgeline
- Reduced the chance of Suspect Blindfiring from a Cover
- Change Civilian behavior on Active Shooter so they give up easily instead of running away from Officers
- Remove Player Head bone from Suspect BoneTargetZones so the Suspect can't Headshot aimbot/snapshot (They can still 1 tap you if you are low on Health)
Version 1.59.5
- Fixed SWAT AI stuck on Stairs.
- Readjusted Suspect Duel & Suppression weight so they are more likely to suppress at you.
- Some minor AI adjustments.
Version 1.59.4
- Fixed major Suspect bug on Hotel unable to surrender after being stunned.
- Readjusted Suspect BoneRetargetingRate and EngagementTimeUntilReachedLastBoneZone to be less accurate/aimbotty.
Version 1.59.3
- Slightly reduced Suspect Reaction Time on Hard difficulty.
- Fixed Gas Station suspects unable to surrender if being suppressed.
- Removed Suspect Hesitation Chance from Xtra AI version so they will never hesitate to shoot their gun, this change is to reduce the likelihood of unintended unauthorized use of force penalty during chaotic gunfights.
- Reworked certain Suspect actions like taking cover, flanking, fleeing, dueling, etc to be interruptible by other actions. It means that if other action's requirements are met they will cancel the current action immediately so they can do the next action instantly without the need to finish the current action, in short making the AI more dynamic than before.
- Slightly increased Suspects Reaction Time for all difficulties.
- Potential fix for random Game Crash during gameplay.
- SWAT AI is now less hesitant to shoot at armed suspects.
- Reworked Suspects Hard Cover (Take Cover) behavior so now they can take cover immediately after hearing loud noises.
Version 1.59.1
- Fixed major Civilian bug on certain Maps unable to Surrender.
Version 1.59
- Readjusted Civilian Archetype so they are more likely to Surrender or Hesitate depending on the situation
- Readjusted 'SuspectSightStimulusReactionTime' and 'SuspectAlertReactionTimeMultiplier' on Hard Difficulties Suspects to be more fair and balanced
- Increased 'EngagementTimeUntilReachedLastBoneZone' from 4 seconds to 6 seconds this change aims to have more balanced gunfights
Version 1.58
- Fixed a major bug where AI Suspects unable to surrender
Version 1.57
- Reworked All AI Archetypes to make them Smarter & more Deadly
- Increased the chance of Suspect grabbing a Hostage
Version 1.56
- Added Maximum/Minimum AI Suspects & Civilians to Modded Maps to make gameplay more dynamic.
- Increased Suspect "Suppression" Weight so they are more likely to suppress at you.
- Increased Suspect "Hard Cover" Weight so they are more likely to take the nearest cover.
- Reduced Suspect "Push & Charge" Weight so they are less likely to rush at you.
- Possible fix for Suspect not shooting even their gun is already aiming at you.
- Possible fix for Suspect shoots randomly even though there are no SWAT nearby.
- Minor AI changes
Version 1.55
- Added a few Civies on Hospital.
- Added more Roamers on Xtra AI.
- Added more Bomb Timer on Xtra AI.
- Slightly increased Suicide and Fake Suicide chance on Club and Hospital.
- Slightly increased Hostage Taker chance on Gas Station, Importer (Postal), and Hospital.
- Readjusted SWAT AI Model Collision to reduce the chance for them to get stuck on small obstacles.
- Readjusted Suspects Behavior on Meth House & Ridgeline so they are more likely to flee, hide, and flank.
- Readjusted Suspects Bone Target Zones so they will try to aim at your body first instead of aiming for your thigh.
Version 1.54
- Added more Suspects & few Civies on Hospital Bomb Threat.
- Removed Suppression Morale Decrease from Suspects on Terrorist Hunt & Xtra AI versions to make them not give up easily.
- Readjusted Cover Search Exclusion Zone Radius to be based on Map size, smaller Maps will have shorter range to make close engagement possible and vice versa.
Version 1.53
- Slightly Increased Suspect AI Hearing Range.
- Slightly Increased Suspect AI Peripheral Vision.
- Slightly Reduced Hesitation Chance from Hard Suspects.
- Removed Unarmed Suspect on Thunt.
- Added more Civilians on Port and removes robes from few Slaves model.
- Added optional file No Unauthorize mod.
Version 1.52
- Fixed major Civilian bug on Port not using the correct model.
- No Traps, Thunt, & Xtra AI release.
Version 1.51
- Suspects AI Overhaul released.
- Sorry too much change I made don't have time to explain every single one of them xD
Version 1.50
- SWAT AI Overhaul Standalone Release.
- Increased SWAT AI Hearing Range.
- Increased SWAT AI Vision Cone.
- Reduced SWAT AI Model Collision.
Version 1.41
- Reduced Suspect Strafing Speed, say no more to AI moving at Supersonic Speed!
- Added Slower Reload Speed for Inexperience Suspects like in Meth House, Gas Station, and Fast Food.
- Increased Swat AI Peripheral Vision, now the AI will try to maintain a 360 degrees vision making them more efficient at clearing rooms and holding a position.
Version 1.40
- NEW! Added inertia on Suspect movement speed. Say no more to Inhuman speed!
- NEW! Reduced Swat AI Collision Cylinder. Say no more to Swat AI blocking your way!
- Slightly increased AI Awareness range.
- Readjusted Suspect Stress value on all game modes.
- Added support (Currently only Vanilla Plus version).
- Readjusted Swat AI's reaction time to better match the new Experienced Suspect.
- Readjusted AI Suspects' reaction time on certain maps, so now experienced Suspects have a slightly faster reaction time. Stay frosty!
- Reduced Suspect AI Vision Cone when alerted, this change aims to eliminate the AI's ability to do 360-degree Snapshot/Aimbot to Swat AI or other Players.
Version 1.35
Added a few other versions.
Slightly reduced Suspects' morale on Gas Station & Meth House map.
Suspects would now surrender more easily if they saw a dead fellow suspect nearby.
Readjusted Suspects' starting stress value to be more realistic based on the different maps and game modes.
Reworked AI spawn on Hostage Rescue game modes, now they will spawn closer to the hostages so act fast and work together as a team!
Added a rare chance for "Unarmed" Suspects to spawn on Barricaded & Raid mode for Meth, Port, Dealer, and Farm. So watch your shots and ID your targets!
Version 1.34
Added No Traps & Thunt Xtra version.
Increased Suspect's chance to escape in certain situations.
Increased Suspect's chance to fake surrender/recover their weapons.
Reworked Suspect's accuracy to aim at your body first, reducing the chance of an instant headshot.
Increased the number of AI roamers to make gameplay more dynamic, watch ur six & wedge those doors!
Reduced SwatTrackLastKnownLocationTime from 10 seconds down to 2 seconds, this simple change actually made the Swat AI clear rooms more efficiently.
Version 1.33
Reduced the chance of AI using the same hiding spot.
Increased the chance of Suspects AI using the nearest cover.
Version 1.32
Added Terrorist Hunt game mode. Increased the chance of AI Idle Conversation.
Reduced the chance of Aggressive AI so now the AI will be more likely to stay hidden/set an ambush instead of rushing straight at you like an idiot.
Version 1.31
Slightly decreased AI Reaction time so it's slower and you have more time to react.
Readjusted Civilians Morale value so they are more likely to surrender and minimalize the chance of civilians running into a crossfire.
Version 1.30
Readjusted AI Stress value based on different types of game modes.
Reworked AI Accuracy Penalty, I finally know how to increase the penalty :D So now the AI will have a reduced accuracy when moving fast.
Version 1.25
Readjusted AI parameters to work correctly with the current Build.
Version 1.2
NEW Stress mechanic for AI added by the Devs! Thank u :3 I've tweaked the value to be more realistic.
It's finally here the most comprehensive AI overhaul mod! The #1 Lore-Friendly AI mod on Nexusmods AI Overhaul SWAT AI
Increased SWAT AI Accuracy to avoid killing civilians accidentally.
Increased SWAT AI Peripheral Vision they will try to maintain a 360° coverage.
Increased SWAT AI Vision Range they can shoot at targets further away.
Increased SWAT AI Hearing Range they can hear sounds from further away.
Slightly Increased SWAT AI Health to increase survivability during intense firefights.
SWAT AI will now use Semi-Auto firing mode instead of Full-Auto.
Suspect AI
General Improvements
Readjusted Suspect reaction time on a per-level basis.
Readjusted Suspect morale on a per-level basis.
Readjusted Suspect hesitation behavior on a per-level basis.
Readjusted Suspect suicide chance on a per-level basis.
Readjusted Suspect weapons fire rate on a per-level basis.
Readjusted Suspect weapons reload time on a per-level basis.
Readjusted Suspect & Civs spawn rate on a per-level basis so they feel like an actual SWAT raid instead of a warzone.
Readjusted Trap type & spawn rate on a per-level basis.
Rebalanced Suspect arsenal on a per-level basis, not all Suspects will have weapons so PID your targets!
Reworked Suspects take cover & flee behavior so that they are more likely to execute it after hearing loud noises.
Added more Roamers to all levels.
Decreased acceleration and reduced Suspect strafing speed.
Suspect are more likely to surrender if they see their Ally get killed.
Slightly reduced Suspect Peripheral Vision to minimize 180°/360° spinbot.
Adjusted Suspect accuracy, less accurate when moving and more accurate when holding a position.
Reduced the likelihood of Suspect tracking through walls/wall-banging after losing line of sight to SWAT.
Increased SuppresionMoraleDamage so they are more likely to surrender if being suppressed or hit by a bullet.
Always watch your back! You never know what lies behind those shadows
Inexperienced Suspect; Thank You Come Again, 23 Megabytes A Second, Twisted Nerve, Ends of the Earth, Greased Palms, & Dorms.
Erratic unpredictable behavior
Much more passive & defensive
Slower reaction time
Slower reload speed
Low accuracy
Low morale much more likely to hide or flank
Easy to surrender
High chance of hesitation afraid to shoot their guns
Experienced Suspect; The Spider, Valley of the Dolls, Elephant, Rust Belt, Buy Cheap Buy Twice, Carriers of the Vine, Hide and Seek, Lawmaker, Mirage at Sea, & Leviathan.
Dynamic active & passive behavior
Medium reaction time
Medium reload speed
Medium accuracy
Medium morale
Medium chance of hesitation
On certain Missions, they can place Traps
A small burst of fire can kill you BE EXTRA CAREFUL!
Professional Suspect; A Lethal Obsession, Ides of March, Sinuous Trail, Sins of the Father, Neon Tomb, Relapse, Narcos, & 3 Letter Triad.
Much more active & aggressive
Faster reaction time
Faster reload speed
Highly accurate
High morale very confident will use all available tactics to get the upper hand
Some are suicidal will not give up easily
Small chance of hesitation
On certain Missions, they can place Traps
A small burst of fire can kill you BE EXTRA CAREFUL!
They are always ready for you so BRING YOUR A-GAME!
And yes my mod also works on modded maps!
Versions 1. Main Version, this version aims to make the game as realistic as possible and very lore-friendly, the intended SWAT-sim VOID advertised! Recommendation 1-5 Players. 2. No Traps, this version is for those who hate Door Traps! Some modded maps have permanent traps that can't be removed. 3. Terrorist Hunt, this version is for those who want to re-live the old Rainbow Six experience! All Suspects are armed & dangerous. Remove almost all Civilians, sadly I can't remove Civilians that are part of the Mission Objectives/Mission Briefing like arrest Amos Voll, rescue Person of Interest, etc. as they are hard coded to the Map itself. 4. Xtra AI, this version is for those who like more challenge! Fun Chaotic Mayhem! Add 10-30+ Suspects depending on the Map. Recommendation 5-10+ Players. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR SOLO PLAY! unless you are the Baba Yaga himself... You can increase the Player Count by up to 16 Players by installing this mod In-Game Menu on Nexusmods All 4 versions above already include SWAT AI Overhaul If you are installing the Bundle I already mix & combine these versions, so you just need to install the one you like! pakchunk99-Mods_ArmeTAI_P (The Main version Lore friendly) pakchunk99-Mods_ArmeTAINoTraps_P (Same as the Main version but without Door Traps) pakchunk99-Mods_ArmeTAIThunt_P (Terrorist Hunt is pretty much the same as the Main version but with no/fewer Civies) pakchunk99-Mods_ArmeTAIThuntNoTraps_P (Same as Thunt but without Door Traps) pakchunk99-Mods_ArmeTAIXtra_P (The Main version but more Suspects can spawn up to 30+ Suspects depending on the Map) pakchunk99-Mods_ArmeTAIXtraNoTraps_P (Same as Xtra but without Door Traps) pakchunk99-Mods_ArmeTAIXtraThunt_P (Same as Xtra but with fewer Civies) pakchunk99-Mods_ArmeTAIXtraThuntNoTraps_P (Same as XtraThunt but without Door Traps) 5. SWAT AI Overhaul Standalone, this version is for those who don't like my AI configuration and prefer the Vanilla AI behavior or just want to pair it with other AI mods out there! This standalone version only includes:
Increased SWAT AI Hearing Range, now they can hear sounds from further away.
Increased SWAT AI Vision Range, now they can shoot at targets further away.
Increased SWAT AI Vision Cone, now they clear rooms more efficiently and they will try to maintain a 360° coverage.
Installation 1. Make sure you don't install any other AI mod because my mod will conflict with them!
If you are using Standalone SWAT AI Overhaul you can install it with other AI mods.
If you are installing the Bundle I already mix & combine between mods versions, so you just need to install the ONE you like!
2. Delete my previous AI version (if you install them). 2. Download WinRar or 7-Zip. 3. Extract the file. 4. Move the file to the Paks folder in this directory "steamapps\common\Ready Or Not\ReadyOrNot\Content\Paks" or you can do this Open Steam, right-click ReadyorNot, hover your mouse to "Manage" then click on "Browse Local Files".
Example if you want to install Thunt No Door Traps and also if you are a subscriber on please unsubscribe otherwise it won't work with other variants
Or you can use Vortex if you already set it up for the game. That's it, Enjoy!
How to Play Coop 1. Only the Host needs my mod, if the Host doesn't have it the mod will not work! 2. Disable Server-Side Checksum in the game settings. Enjoy playing together!
Uninstallation 1. Delete my .pak file from the Paks folder.
My page SWAT and Suspect AI Overhaul for Ready or Not - PLEASE READ BEFORE REPORTING ANY BUGS! Known Base Game Issues: - Sometimes SWAT AI does not follow your commands.(there's a workaround just tell 'em to "Fall in" it will refresh the SWAT AI state and try again what you did before) - Bad SWAT AI Pathfinding/Room Clearing on certain Maps. (impossible to fix without a proper SDK) - Crashing issues with certain Hardware configurations due to AI taking cover. (fixed by devs thanks VOID)
Known Mod Issues: - Playing with the Xtra version can lead to degraded game performance make sure you have a decent PC!
ANY FEEDBACK IS WELCOME! IF YOU FIND A BUG PLS LET ME KNOW! To report a bug please tell me on which Mission you encountered the bug thanks!
This is my first AI mod hopefully you guys are happy with it! Thanks to the RoN Modding Community for the guidelines & tools they provide! Big thanks to Kalugaa and the RoN Indonesian Community for testing and providing the best feedback! AI mods are a matter of preference so just try it and let me know your thoughts! and please for the love of God don't steal my mod thank you! :))