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About this mod

This mod adds many Quality of Life improvements to the game, such as:
Ability to pry doors, windows, vehicles, etc. open
Lots of new and improved recipes.

Permissions and credits
Common Sense
It's something so simple, but PZ lacks it sometimes.
This mod solves this issue by adding many Quality of Life improvements to the game.
I plan to continuously update this mod, adding more and more common sense to the game over time.

Full change list:

  • Crowbars can pry open doors, windows, vehicles, etc.
  • Sacks can be emptied at will.
  • Spears can be crafted with mops, brooms, etc.
  • Canned food can be opened with knives, screwdrivers, spoons, etc.
  • Pie slices now have a happiness bonus of 5.
  • Sheets can be crafted.
  • Flashlight can be attached to your belt.
  • Added and improved various recipes.
  • Certain items can be repaired


Does it work in Multiplayer?
Of course it does!

Does it work on existing saves?

Is the mod compatible with [...]?
This mod shouldn't have any incompatibility with other mods, but if it does, let me know.

Can I pry windows open?
No. As far as I know, this is handled internally by the game and cannot be touched by mod code.

What does this mod offer?
Please click here for a full explanation of all added mechanics.

Everything by BitBraven.
And of course, thank you for supporting me!

Like my mods?

Join me on Discord and maybe on Patreon if you feel like it!
I also accept Ko-Fi tips. All money is used on mod development.
Like my mods?
Join me on Discord and maybe on Patreon if you feel like it!
I also accept Ko-Fi tips. All money is used on mod development.

Workshop ID: 2875848298
Mod ID: BB_CommonSense