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About this mod

Greatly improves Wyrdeer usability, handling, slope tolerance and more.

Permissions and credits
Mod Description

Do you hate that Wyrdeer's Camera is always offset instead of being centered on your character? Well no more!

Among many improvements, this QOL mod allows you to dash using only the control stick, leaving your right hand free to control the camera. It also removes the offset inexplicably added to the camera, and increases its following sensitivity so that you will *mostly* keep facing forward while turning. See below for a list of all features!

Fully compatible with the Better Basculegion mod.

If you enjoy, please leave a like or thanks to show your support! If you find a bug, please report it in the comments. Feedback and suggestions are always welcome as well.

2 Versions Available:

     Full: Includes all features
     Lite: Does not replace 'Press B to Dash'

Full List of Features
  • No B Button to Dash: Dash using only the control stick
  • Improved Camera Tracking When Running Forward: To help keep the camera facing forward while running
  • Improved Camera Control with Right Stick: Significantly reduces jarring camera 'switchback'. Added in v1.5
  • Removed Camera Offset: Why, Gamefreak, why?
  • Increased Slope Tolerance: Tiny hills will no longer stop Wyrdeer in his tracks
  • Increased Step Height: Tiny rocks will no longer stop Wyrdeer in his tracks -- barrel right over rocks and small objects* like a huge deer should
  • Increased Jump Height and Length: Greatly improves usability and mobility - Let your Wyrdeer soar
  • Reduced Fall Damage: No more dying from tiny cliffs you could survive jumping solo
  • Increased Water Entrance Depth: No more accidentally switching to Basculegion in shallow puddles or streams

*Mod creator is not liable for any tiny Pokémon stepped on or injured as a result

**NOTE: This mod is the standalone version of a feature from Pokemon Legends: Arceus+ (my Complete Overhaul mod) and will not be compatible with other mods that use the same files. For compatibility with all my other mods, please check out the full version included in PLA+!

Want to chat or give feedback on this mod?
Click here to join Inidar Academy on Discord

For mod showcases, modding tutorials and more Pokémon content, check out my Youtube channel

Feedback & Suggestions

Feedback and suggestions would be greatly appreciated! The best way to reach me is on Discord.

Huge thank you to Jamorhi, VulgrPixel, itskurtly, Omegatron3423, TheSnorlaxBoi, H3roDude, Ænigma, TTiN, Ph30n1xFl4r3, SaintSolo, and Quill for your support -- Legends, all of you.

All my mods are always free, but if you want to support my work and get
your own shoutout, check out my Patreon or buy me a coffee below :)

Installation Instructions

Installation on Switch

Copy romfs folder from mod into: sdcard:\atmosphere\contents\01001F5010DFA000\
Installation on Emulator

Step 1. Open the emulator.
Step 2. Right click on the game, select "Open Mod Directory" (Ryujinx) or "Open Mod Data Location" (Yuzu) and a folder will open.
Step 3. Create a new folder in the directory you opened in Step 2 and name it
'ModName' (or whatever you want). Then, place the romFS folder into the
new folder you created.
Your final directory path should look like this:\...\01001F5010DFA000\ModName\romfs