Remastered Woolly Mammoth Juveniles

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Here's my new original models for the Woolly Mammoth juvenile.


  1. Mandolinus13
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    do you have a planned release date for the mod?
    1. NDPdesigns
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      Hmm, possibly the end of december, so around christmas. It really depends on if I finish another project that's holding me up so I can get back to finishing the adult's 3d model. 
    2. GabrielVale
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      Is it a coincidence that the mod may come out around CHRISTMAS and the wooly mammoth lived in cold climates and sometimes is associated with Christmas?
    3. NDPdesigns
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      It's complete now- You can find it right here:
  2. CyberSaurus0829
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    Any update on this? I know the tentative release date was around christmas but clearly that had to be delayed. I hope this mod wasnt scrapped as I've been absolutely fiending for a woolly mammoth to sit as the centerpiece of my conservation zoo.
    1. NDPdesigns
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      Now available
  3. Txns3689
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    Sorry, still waiting on the wooly mammoth. Been wanting to see it for a while now and the models look so good, along with the color variants and detail put into it. Hopefully this will be done soon because I can't wait to use them!
    1. NDPdesigns
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      Now available
  4. Disorkov
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    This is how Peak looks like.
  5. bodhichicken
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    looks cool
  6. blrlpaleoartgaming
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    Hold on before you release this mod, there are many key details to take note of or aknowledge.
    Not to sound condesending or mean but  here are my detaisl to helpp with your mod :)

    Woolly Mammoths had a similar coloration to hairy Asian Elephants, with counter shading similar to rock hyraxes and pale beards and lips.
    The ears of modern elephants develop long hairs around the earhole that are quite common today but mammoths would obviously have them completly covered by hair, and that hair was paler than the rest of the body.  They were also smaller than the ones in this picture, almost like the proportional size of human ears to human skulls, that also aplied to adults.  The ears would barely be visible with their full winter fur.

    The fur around the lips and cheeks forming the beard was muchlonger, asian elephant calves today can have massively long hairs on their lips and around the tusks and of course, mammoths would be even hairier.
    And note that the hair would also be much longer around the belly and arms, like bions and yaks.

    By your's truly, paleoartist Benjamin-Leon Reinoso-Langlois 

    if you need some reconstructions for inspiration/reference, you can DM me on Instagram at Benjamin-León Reinoso-Langlois (@benleon_paleoartist) • Photos et vidéos Instagram , I'll be most happpy to help and contribute to your mod, extinct proboscidians are my expertise.

    1. NDPdesigns
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      Hello, thanks for the input.

      Initially I did try making some skins just as you describe, particularly the third one from the left (See attached image), but I was having a difficult time getting it to look good in game, so I abandoned the design and mixed it with just a more regular one. But I might try again in the future.

      In my non-game model the fur is much longer around those areas, however with planet zoo's fur it can be a bit difficult to make super long fur without it ending up looking bad- so I did make it shorter. It's a bit longer than it looks in the picture, from close up it should look longer, I could try seeing how much longer I can get it before it starts looking bad with the game's shaders. 

      Do keep in mind that this would be an actually well-groomed mammoth born in a zoo- so not as messy as a wild one, the same would go for the adult. But I might consider attempting to make a messy fur shader in the future- but that would require me to delay the mod and spend countless hours experimenting with how to get it to look good, and I can't nearly afford to do that lol. I may try if I develop these technologies further with more extinct species I plan to upload in the future. 

  7. SerpentGoddessL
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    Too cute, and I love all the variants; especially the pied! Can't wait for the release, they all look amazing! :D
  8. BadMoonBeast
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    it looks so good, awesome job! I don't normally use extinct mods but this definitely makes me reconsider
    1. MitsuRoselia2
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      Me to :o ♥
  9. MitsuRoselia2
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    O M G i want all of this cuteness mammoo ! ♥ :'( i need them
  10. BalaurBonduc
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    their so god damn cute