Planet Zoo
Where I've Been

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Hi their I've haven't been hanging out in the Nexus mod PZ community for a long time heres Why, Around 1.18 Update i started to Stop playing for a long time.Theirs many reasons why but i have Four Reasons

1.Lack of Inspiration
2.Me being Kinda Disappointed it does not look like the Habitats you find on YouTube
3.Lack of Prehistoric Mods that aren't JWE2 Ports
4.having to work on School homework

I Explain all the reasons, I had a Lack of Inspiration during 1.8-1.9 of PZ back then, I had barley no Inspiration for Extant or Extinct animal habitats, My Old 1.9 Habitats weren't that great they were mostly a 7/10 for me, The More Blueprints i used the Less Proud I am Finishing the Habitat, Their was lack of Prehistoric and while i do like the Recently Extinct Mods such as the Warrah and Great Auk, I Kinda Miss the days of 1.5-1.6 where we got so many Cool and Odd Prehistoric animals from Tntgames999 and Tnt if your seeing this i Hope your doing great man!, The JWE2 Mod Ports were amazing for me at first, But over time i kinda just Didn't that much of those mods any more, While i do use the Triceratops and T.rex from Leaf, The JWE2 Ports aren't bad but i think the Paleo Mods from 1.5 were just much more Fun and each different to stand out from each other, Nothing against any Modder's you don't have to make Paleo Mods, The Reasons why i like playing with Paleo mods is because it makes my parks different from other Zoo's like Extant and Aquarium Modded Zoos, I never seen anybody on YouTube to try and make a "Hardcore" Paleo Zoo and Prehistoric Kingdom i did buy and while its not a bad game, The FP'S for it is very lacking and slow for me and it keeped Crashing for me Sadley. And Last School, Back in 1.9 i had School so i had less time to make Great habitats, And I Also Kinda got Depressed for a While, I'm going to say it for Personal Reasons but it was hard for me to Enjoy Playing PZ.

Right Now i had a Reddit Account, If you seen my "Planet zoo Animals i could beat in a Fight 1.10" that's me heres a Link:

If you could Tell from the Image I started to love playing PZ again. My new Paleo Zoo "Primeval Kingdom" is The Best Zoo i ever made so far.Thank you GiornoPizza for Updating the Platybelodon and Giant Beaver Mod, Hopefully your Other Paleo mods can be Updated but take your time,LeafProductions was also helpful for Inspiration for His Boggy Bottom Zoo that i love I Often watch leaf a lot on YouTube for just chilling or for Ideas. The Conversation pack helped me to play PZ,Animal Packs are Great but they get kinda boring when you don't have any New Plants and Construction Pieces.

I hope you guy's and Modder's Keep making Amazing Extant and Extinct Mods,Im Not sure for the Fate of the Gorgonops mod but i will update this post if i get any Update about it,I Will post my Primeval Kingdom Pictures on Reddit soon I Hope we See More Accurate Paleo Mods in the Future and maybe Old Paleo mods can get Updated such as the Dimetrodon.

Thank you and if you have any Questions you can ask below


  1. barger53
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    i can relate I've gotten into the game again recently for shear fact if been to occupied playing prehistoric kingdom and jwe 2 so I'm glad to see you back

    edit: im making that hard core paleo zoo at this moment
    1. EmronRazqi
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      thanks and good luck for your zoo
  2. ThatOneGlitchMods
    • member
    • 6 kudos
  3. nausicaa2007
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Im glad to see you back!
    With a little luck there will be more paleomods and you will have more inspiration
    1. EmronRazqi
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Thank you,Right Now im working on my Parasaurolophus habitat,After when thats finish i'll post some screenshots on the Planet zoo reddit

      Thank you