About this image
These past few days and weeks Frontier has kept us in suspense for what's to come, and I'd like to see your thoughts in this post to see what's most likely to come. For my part, I hope and wish that it will be a pack of animals from South America, since many animals are missing and we have already confirmed the capybara. I hope there is no toxicity or fights in this post, just comment your ideas from your humble opinion :D
Amur Leopard
Golden Takin
Przewalski's Wild Horse
Raccoon Dog
Japanese Giant Salamander
Tibetan Scenery
Possible Substitutes
Pere David Deer
Sloth Bear
If not that, then maybe an Antarctica Pack. It'll be small when considering the animal selection, but the scenery will be along the lines of a research station.
Animals: Leopard Seal, Adelie Penguin, Emperor Penguin, Weddel Seal