About this mod
I made a mod! It replaces many of the textures to add lovely pictures of cute neko girls into the game. The ouija board, the journal, the ghost writing book, picture frames, pictures, the splash image loading the game etc.
- Permissions and credits
Just a heads up, Phasmophobia is adding a report system and automated anti cheat system. As such, I will not be updating the mod until I can confirm that Texture2D mods will not cause a ban on anyone's account. I have however, attempted to message DKnighter but have received no response. As such, I cannot guarantee the safety of using mods at all within phasmophobia after the new patch comes out. Also, I wish to talk with DKnighter to see if we can get an exclusion on unsupported texture modding. So this mod is ON HOLD
Have you ever wanted a mod that weebs your game up? Well here it is! I love catgirls, and thus have now created the catgirl phasmophobia mod!
The few images you see are but a mere small scale of what has been changed in the game. Every image should be completely safe for work! The worst images are just a couple neko girls in bikinis. So it should be totally safe to stream! If there is an image that's too inappropriate let me know and I'll swap it.
1.0 is out! It changed everything in the game that I wanted to change that's not audio related.
No it is not true that texture mods can ruin your game or others, nor can you get banned. The moderators in phasmophobia discord claim that touching the game in any way will corrupt your save file and they will not help you. They are ignorant. Your save file is located in appdate, under kinetic games. If you're somehow worried about your save file being corrupted you can back it up.
This mod includes the following!
- Replaced pictures within picture frames
- Replaced ouija board textures
- Replaced Tarot card textures
- Replaced TV screen texture
- Replaced images on the journal and ghost writing.
- Replaced truck texture
- 2 Easter eggs
- and way way more!
Currently working on:
- Swapping audio in the game
- Swapping models in the game
^ These are advanced methods and I have to change me entire mod to make these work. Still months to go.
Future plans:
- Adding more creepy sounds
- Adding 200+ more textures
- Model swapping
This mod will break completely if a new version comes out.
Sometimes updates do not break however, and you can simply replace again. This is rarely the case.