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About this mod

This mod reduces the time it takes for a 3DMark Benckmark to pass through by reducing the max. time of a 3DMark run.

Permissions and credits

Everybody wants to achieve the Highscores in the 3DMark benchmark tests. However, the duration to run a single benchmark test is quite long, thus making multiple tests in a row rather tedious. This mod lets you choose the time you want to set the 3DMark duration via the mod's config file. It's possible to run 3DMark tests instanly or increase the time if you want!


1. Download and install BepInEx -> How to install BepInEx
2. Download my Faster 3DMark Mod
3. Extract the .ZIP file in your newly created "\PC Building Simulator\BepInEx\plugins\" folder
4. After running the game once with my mod installed a configuration file will be created at
    PC Building Simulator\BepInEx\config\
5. Open the config castix.pcbs.faster3dmark.cfg with an Editor or Notepad++, etc.
6. Change the value of "BenchmarkTime" as you desire


Jacob Klein (PUC_Snakeman) - Extracting the ProgramConstants values from the game
synogen - Inspiration to update his old mod