No, the notion that this feat was supposed to grant Kingmaker items is a huge misunderstanding. Back in beta the table used for this feat was from one of the Kingmaker DLCs; subsequent patches fixed it since then. This mod is absolutely NOT a fix, it's a cheat.
?Ah, the "thou shall not cheat lest you poison the game for every true player" holy warrior is here, fresh from his crusade to ensure all pencil tips are correctly sharpened according to the moral guidelines booklet / supplementary toilet paper supply.
I wonder, what is it that triggers you so hard about perceived cheats that makes you burn time commenting on internet pages for people who couldn't give a f what you think?
Does "God" piece your scrotum with a nail and pin it to a wooden board for every cheating sinner he knows about? Because if not, I can't understand the motivation for you to rant about people "cheating", given that what they do will never, ever affect you in any meaningful way.
Would you be able to add Royal Guardian? Or was it not part of the pre-patch list? I'll respect a decision not to if the answer to the latter question was affirmative.
Hi, just wanted to let you know that some of these items are placeholders, thats why they arent avaible. If you get the item, all you see is a pink 'missing' texture.
Not a complain tho, just letting you know in case somebody ask.
So it is certainly a fix to this Greater Mythic Trick, and regarding the balance issues you mentioned is is nowhere as bad as Perception 2.
And then you have Persuasion 3, that can instantly annihilate 99% of enemies as soon as the encounter starts.
If cheat is actually your point, you're barking at the wrong tree.
I wonder, what is it that triggers you so hard about perceived cheats that makes you burn time commenting on internet pages for people who couldn't give a f what you think?
Does "God" piece your scrotum with a nail and pin it to a wooden board for every cheating sinner he knows about? Because if not, I can't understand the motivation for you to rant about people "cheating", given that what they do will never, ever affect you in any meaningful way.
If you get the item, all you see is a pink 'missing' texture.
Not a complain tho, just letting you know in case somebody ask.