Shows Lifmunk effigies, lore notes, dungeons, nearby chests, nearby eggs, nearby outposts, fruit trees, nearby junk, coal, copper, quartz, sulfur, hexolite, and oil as icons on the map with the options to toggle each
Other user's assetsAll the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources
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Modification permissionYou are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the features so long as you credit me as the original creator
Conversion permissionYou are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances
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Version 5.1.2
Fixed dots still sometimes being too big when zoomed in
Version 5.1.1
Fixed dots being too big when zoomed in
Version 5.1.0
Added setting to show only collectables, only resources, or everything
Added setting to show teleport buttons even if not the host
Version 5.0.0
Added junk, hexoite, and oil
Made UI match in-game UI
Added ability to override icon images
Opening the map and loading the game is MUCH faster
Shows all resources in multi
Added second teleport effigy
Removed fully inaccessible effigy
Added many settings
Version 4.1.1
Fixed multiple maps opening if the map key was spammed
Version 4.1.0
Hid effigy that's at the bottom of the ocean and impossible to collect
Version 4.0.0
Fixed icons being off position
Fixed lag that got worse every time you opened the map
Version 3.2.1
Fixed UI position not working
Version 3.2
Added a fix for multiplayer (some icons can only be shown nearby)
Version 3.1
Added UI scale setting (requires Mod Config Menu mod)
Version 3.0
Added resource icons (coal, copper, quartz, and sulfur)
Added setting to hide icon clusters (reduces lag)
Added setting to hide icons when dragging map
The mod now remembers which checkboxes are checked
Further reduced lag and map opening load times
Version 2.4
Added button to show/hide UI so it doesn't take up so much space
Added settings integration with Mod Config Menu (UI)
Added setting to change UI position on screen
Version 2.3.1
Fixed white square I accidentally included for testing
Version 2.3
Add nearby egg icons
Add nearby outpost icons
Add fruit tree icons
Fixed dungeon icons lag and crash issues
Version 2.2.1
Removes icons while panning the map to prevent lag
Version 2.2
Adds nearby chest icons
Fixes dungeon icons unable to be hidden
Version 2.1
Adds dungeon icons
Version 2.0
Uses icons instead of markers!
Adds a button to remove old markers for previously installed versions (wait for an autosave after)
Version 1.4
Added a button to teleport you to the effigy hidden at the bottom of the map (singleplayer only)
If you get stuck, use the Spectator Mode mod to get back
Version 1.3
Removed effigy that the devs put at the bottom of the map lol
Version 1.2
Added markers update as soon as you collect an effigy/note without needing to open the map
Update to version 4.0.0+ for icon position and lag fixes!!!
PLEASE READ IF YOU USED A PREVIOUS VERSION If you used a previous version of the mod (pre-2.0) you will see a button at the bottom of the interface that removes the old markers. You must then wait for an autosave for it to stick. You should now no longer have the old custom markers!
Adds checkboxes to the map to toggle:
Show effigies
Include collected effigies
Show notes
Include collected notes
Show active dungeons (only nearby in multiplayer)
Show nearby chests
Show nearby eggs
Show nearby outposts
Show fruit trees
Show nearby junk piles
Show coal nodes
Show copper nodes
Show quartz nodes
Show sulfur nodes
Show hexolite quartz nodes
Show oil fields
These are shown as icons on the map
Adds progress counter for effigies and notes
Adds buttons to teleport you to two effigies hidden at the bottom of the map (singleplayer only)
Supports overriding icon images to show custom ones
Supports UI settings with the Mod Config Menu (UI) mod also installed
Make sure your UE4SS version is AT LEAST 3.0 to use on multiplayer
Possibly due to anti-cheat, some icons can only be shown if nearby to the player
Install UE4SS if it's not already installed. Many mods here have detailed instructions to do so.
Make sure in "Pal/Binaries/Win64/Mods/mods.txt" set the line "BPModLoaderMod" to 1. For GamePass, the folder is WinGDK instead of Win64.
Put "MapCollectablesMod.pak", "MapCollectablesMod.modconfig.json", and the "MapCollectablesMod.ImageOverrides" folder in "Pal/Content/Paks/LogicMods". If "LogicMods" does not exist, create it.
If you experience crashes or lag spikes, in "Pal/Binaries/Win64/UE4SS-settings.ini" set the line "bUseUObjectArrayCache" to false. For GamePass, the folder is WinGDK instead of Win64.
"Palworld sometimes crashes immediately after launching!" - This just happens sometimes and isn't a bug in the mod. Sorry. "Palworld sometimes crashes after exiting the game!" - This just happens sometimes and isn't a bug in the mod. Sorry. "I teleported and somehow got stuck!" - Get the Spectator Mode mod and you'll be able to escape.