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About this mod

Adds the ability to modify the size of every pal.

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Adds the ability to modify the size of every pal.

Every pal has a size attribute of either XL, L, M, S or XS. 

The mod adds the ability to modify the scaling of each pal's size based on their size attribute.

You can select what type of pal to modify (depending on their size attribute) and even select their scaling.


Open config.lua with Notepad to find:

Here you can select what Pals the mod is going to affect and set their scaling. For example if you don't want the mod to affect size XL Pals then all you have to do is to set config.affectsXL to false. 

If you want the mod to affect rare (lucky/shiny) pals only (normal pals are left with their default size) you do: config.affectsRarePalsOnly = true

I've also added a separate scaling for rare (lucky/shiny) pals since they are significantly bigger than their non rare counterparts

The scale settings determine how much the Pal is going to be scaled down from its original size (or scaled up if you use values bigger than 1.0). The default value of each scale setting is 1.0, which is the original size of the Pal.

You can use any values you want, but I've found that using a consistent value for all Pals yields the best results. For example, if you set the scaling to 0.6 for XL Pals while leaving XS and S Pals unaffected, it might appear as if they are too close in size to the scaled-down XL Pals. Universally scaling down all Pals seemed to provide the most visually appealing results to me.

This is also going to affect tower bosses, which can look weird because their trainers might float above their models. But this issue doesn't occur with the player's pals as you can see from the screenshots.


  • Read "Correct folder and file structure".
  • Delete xinput1_3.dll in \Palword\Pal\Binaries\Win64 if you installed the xinput version of REUE4SS.
  • Download REUE4SS: Releases · UE4SS-RE/RE-UE4SS ( Latest version is 3, direct link to 3: Release v3.0.0 · UE4SS-RE/RE-UE4SS ( File name: "".
  • Drop its files to \Palword\Pal\Binaries\Win64.
  • Download the mod.
  • Drop its folder in \Palword\Pal\Binaries\Win64\Mods.
  • Read "Notes".
  • Correct folder and file structure
  • \Palword\Pal\Binaries\Win64\UE4SS.dll
  • \Palword\Pal\Binaries\Win64\UE4SS-settings.ini
  • \Palword\Pal\Binaries\Win64\dwmapi.dll
  • \Palword\Pal\Binaries\Win64\Mods\CustomPalSize\Scripts\main.lua


Tested on singleplayer and dedicated server. Works fine on both so I would assume it works fine on co op as well.

I suggest using Notepad++ since its way better than Notepad. Makes messing with all kinds of text files easier. 

If you want help, info on modding the game and your server you can join the Palworld modding discord server: Invite for Palworld modding discord  

REUE4SS generates a log file named UE4SS.log in \Palword\Pal\Binaries\Win64\. You can open it with Notepad to see for errors.

If you installed everything correctly you should something like "Mod 'Pause' has enabled.txt, starting mod." in your log file.

If the mod isn't working for you or if you have any errors you can share the contents of your log file on and share the link in the bugs section of the mod.

To help with crashes open UE4SS-settings.ini in \Pal\Binaries\Win64 and set bUseUObjectArrayCache to false.

Check out my other mods

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Credits to whoever wrote this part of the wiki since this is where I found the function to scale down the Pals.