If input is not working, press CTRL+K while you have your inventory open It's still buggy tho, I had to press the windows key to regain mouse input on some pages
This seems to still work with the new update, with the one caveat being after remaking your character you will be stuck on an "infinite loading screen" where you'll still be able to open the menu (you'll hear the sound but can't see it) which leads to you needing to Alt-F4 unless there's another method to quit to title without memorizing the menu layout. However going back to your game, it typically keeps the changes you made to your character.
i know you said that this was just until they came out with the official method for reopening the screen but they implemented it in such a way as to make you need to be lvl 24 and spend ancient tech points and parts which is ridiculous to the worst degree, so can you please update this to hijack the menu open from the Antique Dresser so we dont have to spend half the game dealing with a look we dont care for anymore just to change some cosmetics?
Para los de habla hispana. El mod funciona pero no como se describe en algunos tutoriales o videos. para poder que funcione debes hacer todo el proceso de UE4SS_Xinput_v2.5.2 luego modificar el archivo UE4SS-settings.ini con el block de notas y situarce en la linea que dice: bUseUObjectArrayCache = true donde en "true" lo vas a pasar a "false" una ves esto lo guardas y ahora pones el RemakeCharacter en la carpeta llamada mod. Una ves todo esta listo vas a iniciar el juego y dentro ya de to mapa con el caracter te vas al inventario y dentro del inventario tecleas CTRL + K y con esto te llevara al editor de USUARIO y listo edita a tu gusto. Luego cuando edites y le des en aceptar el juego quedara en la pantalla de cargando pero eso quedara así infinitamente, solo debes darte cuenta cuando en la parte de arriba te diga Guardado es donde tu cerraras el juego completamente y ya podrás abrirlo para usarlo. un saludo a todos.
It's still buggy tho, I had to press the windows key to regain mouse input on some pages
Truly, the mod we needed.