
There are a lot of changes and new features in this version of PALA. As such, the potential for bugs is higher than usual. If you're worried about that, then please skip this update until things have been tested more.


  • Last Online column sort not sorting correctly.
  • Removed the Query Server switch on the main window as it was confusing and didn't offer any real value. All server queries are based on whether or not RCON is enabled in settings.
  • Hopefully no longer adding players returned from the game server with an ID of 00000
  • Rewrote the backup system
  • Hopefully finally fixed the issue with regions that use a , instead of a . for decimal places. Please let me know.
  • Server settings getting overwritten (Is actually due to Palworld game server, not PALA, see Shutdown feature for more info)


  • Redesigned the main PALA UI a bit
  • Added text box to send server messages to all online players.
  • Added Admin menu to top of PALA. Currently has an option to copy the admin login to the clipboard for pasting in the game to become an admin
  • Added status bar to bottom of PALA, current contains RCON status, more to come.
  • Rewrote the shutdown code/UI
    • Due to when sending the game server the internal shutdown command, saving the current Palworld INI settings, thus overwriting any changes you might have made while the server was running…
    • A new shutdown UI was created with new functionality.
    • When shutting down the server, the a save is always performed on the server before shutting down.
    • When shutting down, you now have the option of a last 10 seconds countdown (each second <10), the events will fire. Check or uncheck at will.
    • You can now abort a shutdown that is in progress by opening the shutdown window and clicking Cancel Shutdown.
    • At the following intervals during a shutdown, Discord webhooks are now fired (10 minutes, 5 minutes, 1 minute, every second <=10) See Discord Webhooks for more information.

Added a scheduler to schedule events that you'd like to happen
General notes:
  • Missed events will NOT be fired. Meaning, if PALA wasn't running and events were supposed to happen, they will NOT happen when you start PALA. Only events going forward from the time you start PALA will be fired.
  • Use CTRL-ENTER to create a new line in the Description Box
  • Events will not be live until you close the Scheduled Events window

Event Types

Stop Server
Adding the optional parameters will delay shutdown for X minutes and display your message
Optional Parameters:
MESSAGE=Your message here

Start Server
Does what it says

Backup Server
Performs a backup

Commands - Can be used in any event type
  • You have the following commands available in the Description
  • SAY=Your message here, sent to in game chat
  • This will simply send the message to in game chat
  • DHOOK=<Name of the Discord Hook to Fire>
  • This will fire the Discord Webhook matching the name (NOT case sensitive).

Added new UI for Discord Webhooks (Icon on the main toolbar)
Webhooks allow you send messages to your discord server. Through PALA, you can send these messages when the server starts, stops, etc.
New events will be added to PALA as requested/possible.

When creating a webhook for the first time, open the Discord menu in PALA and click the "How to Create Webhooks" link. Follow those instructions.

  • In PALA, set the "Default Hook" to the URL you're given after creating your webhook. This will be used for all new PALA webhooks by default (so you don't have to enter it every time).
  • Then enable the hook
  • Type in a name for the hook. This name can be whatever you want, but keep in mind you might want to reference it from the new Scheduler so don't make it too difficult.
  • Select the event type, this is when this event will fire. New types will be added on request as possible.
  • Discord hook, leave it empty and the default will be used. If you want to use a different hook(like sending messages to another channel/Discord server instead of the default), then put that here.
  • In the content area, if you are just sending plain text (not a Discord embed), simply type in the text.
  • If you want to use an embed, then make sure you click the Is Embed checkbox.
  • You can use the "Embed Builder" website to create a webhook embed (make sure you select Enable Webhooks at the bottom of that page or it won't work).

You're always in "Edit mode" in the PALA Discord window, so if you want to make a new hook, click Add first.

There are variables available to use in the Content window of your hook, they are as follows:
  • {server_version}
  • {server_ip}
  • {server_port}
  • {date}
  • {time}
  • {current_players}
  • {max_players}
  • {seconds}
  • {shutdown_message}

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  1. Darkestnoir
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hopefully finally fixed the issue with regions that use a , instead of a . for decimal places. Please let me know.
    Nope, issue still there,
    Not sure why you got so many issues with localization things, saw this not for a long time.

    F.e. Stomach Decrease Rate is set to 0.75 in the config, your UI shows 75,000000. Daytime Speed Rate is set to 0.5 in the config, your UI shows 1,000000.
    The strange thing, when i manual enter Daytime Speed Rate 0,5 in the UI, its get saved with 0.5 in the config, but when i reload the UI, it shows 5,000000.

    Windows 10 x64, Language: de-DE

    I personally use palworld-worldoptions for configuration, because the server don't like the PalWorldSettings.ini anyway.
    1. Elektraxd
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
    2. Trekkan42
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I was finally able to replicate this issue.  I think I have it fixed, but I can't be sure until someone else says so.  If you can, could you please join my Discord?  I can send you a test copy to see if this is resolved.
    3. miakx
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      1.6.3 fixed perfectly that issue for me
      EDIT: not so much in fact, it saves correctly on the PalWorldSettings.ini but it doesn't load back successfully the config file when closing and re-opening PALA