
TESNexus records highest trafficked day of all time

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In light of the recent server upgrades it seems only fitting that yesterday (Sunday, 8th March) was actually the highest trafficked day of all the site's history, dating back to August 2001.

The last record was held by TESSource on the 5th of April 2006 (just after the launch of Oblivion) where the site clocked an impressive 75,489 unique visitors.

Yesterday set the record at 76,396 unique visitors and only stands to confirm the longetivity of Bethesda's Elder Scrolls series, and personally a testament to just how important the modding community is to the continued success of the game almost 3 years on from Oblivion's original release. Bethesda themselves confirm a recent resurgence in playing figures on the XBox 360:

Fun fact: the number of people playing Oblivion has gone up since this past December. While I can’t give the actual numbers, the number of folks playing Oblivion while logged onto Xbox Live has increased back to late 2006 levels (roughly 8 months after Oblivion shipped). There are lots of reasons why this may be - 360 user base is larger now, Fallout 3 fans going back to Oblivion or trying out Oblivion, Oblivion is cheaper/on sale, etc…

So good news all around I'd say.

The high traffic figures have also been a great benchmark for the recent server move. Hopefully everybody can agree that the server(s) have been far more stable since the move, with far less IPS Driver Errors. I haven't actually seen any myself, but some forum users have reported a couple. Hopefully much much less than before.

The forum software had some extra memory pumped into it yesterday too, so hopefully that should bolster it up even more.

Sunday 16th of March sets another new record at 77,764 unique visitors, beating last weeks highest ever total by more than 1,000 visitors.


  1. NAPALM13092
    • member
    • 15 kudos
    I think the biggest reason why this site is so popular is ease of use the categories are extremely easy to navigate and it is easy to find a a specific mod amongst the thousands here.Other sites don't allow you to specify certain details or narrow down your search to find stuff. Also with the new servers the Nexus is a lot faster than many other sites. My favorite reason tho is other than that window on the home page there are no advertisements on this site I can't stand closing pop-ups and having work my way around a sea of spam
  2. random007
    • premium
    • 125 kudos
    Hmmm. I wonder if Bethesda are saying that if their games were cheaper they'd sell more copies? <img class=">
  3. ytsejam91
    • supporter
    • 22 kudos
    that's wonderful! oblivion is the best rpg game i've ever seen, expecially because its almost infinite potential caused by mods: OBSE is an example that even SOME engine limitations can be overcomed.
  4. oblivionmedej
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Yes the great secret behind Morrowind and Oblivion is that people can make modifications to the game (if say you dont like a rock you can delete it or if you want a house you make can it. plus the great story and replay value.

    Many people still play Morrowind because of the mods and some play it because they love the story (i play it with both reasons)

    and i play battlespire, daggerfall and arena (sometimes) because of the great work and story behind it all.

    And Bethesda has been breaking the grounds of gaming for years.

    wonder why there aren't so many morrowind files here though.
  5. JD_Hman
    • premium
    • 6 kudos
    It's also thanks to this great website and the staff in charge of it that keeps my interest in Oblivion going.

    Thanks for all your guys' hard work to keep us a smooth running site with countless mods.
  6. Pushkatu
    • premium
    • 455 kudos
    Tesnexus Rock's! <img class=">
  7. Dark0ne
    • Site Owner
    • 2,923 kudos
    Updated original post with yesterdays total that beat last weeks highest <img class=">
  8. zeralesaar
    • supporter
    • 65 kudos
    Hmm. Well, it's quite good that the servers are less prone to those loathesome driver errors, now. Shame about the third one, though; the lack of it is playing hell with the download speeds some people get. <img class="> ~600 using the USA one at once is quite...different from what used to be.

    Having used Premium in the past and cosidered it a triviality then due to reasonable speeds on the site, I'm now thinking about returning...these 20kb/s speeds are beyond annoying.

    Despite that, I'm very pleased you got the server issues unravelled in a fairly timely manner. If nothing else, we can hold confidence in Dark0ne that he can keep the site running tip-top, eh? Thanks!
  9. Golegrey
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Reason I bought oblivion around that time was I bought Fallout 3 and was like....who made this? Hmm Bethesda eh?
    And that's the story of how I acquired Oblivion GotY edition.
  10. coyote_player93
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    oblivion are the best sp game ever(Y) nothing beats it! (maybe the next tes game, but thats not out yet)