- Refine results Found 57 results. 32282 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: tags. (Clear filters)
Makes slow walking quest NPCs run.
This mod improves the game's melee combat system while maintaining the overall balance and feel of Oblivion combat. It gives combat more dynamism, variety, and depth by adding features to both the player and the opponent's combat mechanics.
- 444KB
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This mod improves the game's melee combat system while maintaining the overall balance and feel of Oblivion combat. It gives combat more dynamism, variety, and depth by adding features to both the player and the opponent's combat mechanics.
Highly configurable combat overhaul inspired by Skyrim combat mods and other action games. The majority of features can also be used separately. Frequently updated with new features. Includes Gamepad support for Northern UI.
- 2.7MB
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Highly configurable combat overhaul inspired by Skyrim combat mods and other action games. The majority of features can also be used separately. Frequently updated with new features. Includes Gamepad support for Northern UI.
Oblivion Comprehensive Modding Guide by Dispensation (OCMG)
This is a list of mods for Oblivion to get you started as well as how to mod the game. Intended for the new player modding for the first time and also those seeking mods to use.
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Oblivion Comprehensive Modding Guide by Dispensation (OCMG)
This is a list of mods for Oblivion to get you started as well as how to mod the game. Intended for the new player modding for the first time and also those seeking mods to use.
Crowded Cities Redone - Cyrodiil Collection
Adds multiple (~140) unique new NPCs with new daily schedules to the cities of Cyrodiil to make them feel more alive.
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Crowded Cities Redone - Cyrodiil Collection
Adds multiple (~140) unique new NPCs with new daily schedules to the cities of Cyrodiil to make them feel more alive.
Radiant AI - NPCs Alive - Cyrodiil - Beta
Gives more life and randomized interesting behaviour to most citizens of Cyrodiil. You are now much more likely to see and meet NPCs randomly around town, in shops or taverns during the day.
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Radiant AI - NPCs Alive - Cyrodiil - Beta
Gives more life and randomized interesting behaviour to most citizens of Cyrodiil. You are now much more likely to see and meet NPCs randomly around town, in shops or taverns during the day.
Remakes many of the Forts in Oblivion to be unique and more interesting, sometimes adding new small quests to them as well.
- 1.3MB
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Remakes many of the Forts in Oblivion to be unique and more interesting, sometimes adding new small quests to them as well.
Another Oblivion Overhaul. This one is meant to keep the game as close to vanilla feel as possible while improving on various aspects of the game. Examples: No more hordes of bandits and marauders in daedric or glass armor, adjusted level scaling of NPCs, lower level enemies don't dissapear, new armor variations and more smaller and greater changes
- 269.2MB
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Another Oblivion Overhaul. This one is meant to keep the game as close to vanilla feel as possible while improving on various aspects of the game. Examples: No more hordes of bandits and marauders in daedric or glass armor, adjusted level scaling of NPCs, lower level enemies don't dissapear, new armor variations and more smaller and greater changes
Have you played through Oblivion and noticed that some NPC's don't do anything at all? They stand in place 24/7 and do nothing for the rest of their lives. This mod fixes that, and gives these overlooked NPCs some new script packages so they may live their lives once again!
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Have you played through Oblivion and noticed that some NPC's don't do anything at all? They stand in place 24/7 and do nothing for the rest of their lives. This mod fixes that, and gives these overlooked NPCs some new script packages so they may live their lives once again!
Not much of an overhaul, but its a revamped collection of my mods that tweak and improve the experience of oblivion from AI, crime ,speechcraft, lockpicking, movement and other QOL or bug fixes.
- 24.5MB
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Not much of an overhaul, but its a revamped collection of my mods that tweak and improve the experience of oblivion from AI, crime ,speechcraft, lockpicking, movement and other QOL or bug fixes.
Randomly adds groups of allied patrols to Oblivion Gates.
Region Revive - Lake Rumare Updated
- Cleaned with TES4Edit!- Fully voiced!- Grammatical patch fully integrated!- Stays compatible with all existing patches!- The skooma quest can be fully completed now!- Some dirty edits were removed!- An improved OOO version is now available!
- 9.5MB
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Region Revive - Lake Rumare Updated
- Cleaned with TES4Edit!- Fully voiced!- Grammatical patch fully integrated!- Stays compatible with all existing patches!- The skooma quest can be fully completed now!- Some dirty edits were removed!- An improved OOO version is now available!
RedBag's Imperial City - 2020 Edition
An overhaul for Imperial City.
Gives Gaius Prentus the basic necessities of life to make his guard posting a little more bearable. Also moves S'fara to Bawnwatch Camp or a prison cell in Bravil when the player enters the Gates of Madness. NB - this mod must be activated BEFORE you enter the Strange Door for the first time. Doing so later can cause glitches.
- 1.7MB
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Gives Gaius Prentus the basic necessities of life to make his guard posting a little more bearable. Also moves S'fara to Bawnwatch Camp or a prison cell in Bravil when the player enters the Gates of Madness. NB - this mod must be activated BEFORE you enter the Strange Door for the first time. Doing so later can cause glitches.
Morroblivion Improvement Project, shortened to MIP is designed to Expand and Improve Morroblivion.
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Morroblivion Improvement Project, shortened to MIP is designed to Expand and Improve Morroblivion.
RadiantAI - NPCs Alive - Cyrodiil - Unofficial Patch
This unofficial patch for the mod Radiant AI - NPCs Alive - Cyrodiil - Beta fixes a few incompatibilities between the Unofficial Oblivion Patch and the mod, by merging the faction changes between the two mods.
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RadiantAI - NPCs Alive - Cyrodiil - Unofficial Patch
This unofficial patch for the mod Radiant AI - NPCs Alive - Cyrodiil - Beta fixes a few incompatibilities between the Unofficial Oblivion Patch and the mod, by merging the faction changes between the two mods.
Thievery in the Imperial City - Tweaks and Fixes
Some tweaks and fixes for the mod Thievery in the Imperial City by jog. This update does not continue the storyline into part 2, but just edits the existing mod a bit. You do not need the original mod at all when using this updated file hosted on this mod page.
- 13.6MB
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Thievery in the Imperial City - Tweaks and Fixes
Some tweaks and fixes for the mod Thievery in the Imperial City by jog. This update does not continue the storyline into part 2, but just edits the existing mod a bit. You do not need the original mod at all when using this updated file hosted on this mod page.
AI Enhanced Ruined Ruins retexture created by maczopikczo
Silgor Bradus and his band of merry men
Adds Silgor Bradus and his band of merry men to the game, because Rusia Bradus mentions that her husband is out in the field on Anvil's borders to Valenwood, but he does not exist in the game.
- 4KB
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Silgor Bradus and his band of merry men
Adds Silgor Bradus and his band of merry men to the game, because Rusia Bradus mentions that her husband is out in the field on Anvil's borders to Valenwood, but he does not exist in the game.
Makes Fort Naso unique and more interesting, also adding a new quest involving it.