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An OBSE plugin that adds support for gender variant head models and textures for NPCs. And allows free camera movement in the race/sex menu. And enables pain-free inventory idle overriding. And per-NPC/Race/scripted body/head texture/model overriding. And animation overriding. And equipment model overriding.
- 169KB
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An OBSE plugin that adds support for gender variant head models and textures for NPCs. And allows free camera movement in the race/sex menu. And enables pain-free inventory idle overriding. And per-NPC/Race/scripted body/head texture/model overriding. And animation overriding. And equipment model overriding.
Oblivion Character Overhaul version 2
A comprehensive, all-in-one revamp of Oblivion character heads. New head shapes, skin textures, normal maps, eye textures and some new hairstyles covering all races in the game, including Dremoras and Shivering Isles races, all built to a single unified art direction that adheres to the styles of Skyrim and TESO. Affects both player and NPCs.
- 172.0MB
- 55.6k
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Oblivion Character Overhaul version 2
A comprehensive, all-in-one revamp of Oblivion character heads. New head shapes, skin textures, normal maps, eye textures and some new hairstyles covering all races in the game, including Dremoras and Shivering Isles races, all built to a single unified art direction that adheres to the styles of Skyrim and TESO. Affects both player and NPCs.
OBSE required. For Oblivion version 1.2.416 only. Makes Oblivion not stutter so much, improves stability.
- 279KB
- 31.2k
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OBSE required. For Oblivion version 1.2.416 only. Makes Oblivion not stutter so much, improves stability.
An OBSE Plugin that adds various additional UI functions , some quest functions and some misc functions.
- 1.1MB
- 28.8k
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An OBSE Plugin that adds various additional UI functions , some quest functions and some misc functions.
Better Cities overhauls and enhances all the cities from the original game adding new buildings, new NPCs, and new quests. Several separate mods by various people have been integrated into Better Cities.
- 1.6GB
- 27.7k
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Better Cities overhauls and enhances all the cities from the original game adding new buildings, new NPCs, and new quests. Several separate mods by various people have been integrated into Better Cities.
This mod adds over 290 new and unique spell types. It adds beam, spray and projectile attacks. Turn bodies to gold, summon your own magic carpet, or dwemer transformer, or protect yourself with a ring of fire.
- 67.7MB
- 26.7k
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This mod adds over 290 new and unique spell types. It adds beam, spray and projectile attacks. Turn bodies to gold, summon your own magic carpet, or dwemer transformer, or protect yourself with a ring of fire.
Alternative Start Arrive by Ship
This mod replaces the tutorial dungeon with a ships cabin. Immigration forms allow you to determine your character. Multiple options available. GERMAN VERSION: There is now a german translation available! \'The Silver\' asked for my permission to do a translation,
- 39KB
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Alternative Start Arrive by Ship
This mod replaces the tutorial dungeon with a ships cabin. Immigration forms allow you to determine your character. Multiple options available. GERMAN VERSION: There is now a german translation available! \'The Silver\' asked for my permission to do a translation,
OBSE -Elys- Universal Silent Voice
This OBSE plugin makes Oblivion play a 8 seconds duration silent voice for any missing voice file. - If the subtitles are turned off, Elys_USV will force display subtitles for missing voice files. - You will have up to 8 seconds to read long subtitles when there is no voice existing for an Oblivion plugin. - Modder creating
- 30KB
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OBSE -Elys- Universal Silent Voice
This OBSE plugin makes Oblivion play a 8 seconds duration silent voice for any missing voice file. - If the subtitles are turned off, Elys_USV will force display subtitles for missing voice files. - You will have up to 8 seconds to read long subtitles when there is no voice existing for an Oblivion plugin. - Modder creating
This is a continuation by Ethatron of Timeslip's work on the original OBGE, and Scanti and ShadeMe's work on OBGEv2, and will allow the user to improve Oblivion's graphical engine.
- 188.5MB
- 22.8k
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This is a continuation by Ethatron of Timeslip's work on the original OBGE, and Scanti and ShadeMe's work on OBGEv2, and will allow the user to improve Oblivion's graphical engine.
All Natural is a modular weather modification that incorporates Natural Interiors (NI) for indoor weather synchronization and Real Lights. The modular nature allows you to choose add-ons for Enhanced Weather (EW), Natural Weather (NW, part of Natural Envirionments ), Atmospheric Weather System (AWS) or any combination of the three at the same t
- 172.9MB
- 18.1k
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All Natural is a modular weather modification that incorporates Natural Interiors (NI) for indoor weather synchronization and Real Lights. The modular nature allows you to choose add-ons for Enhanced Weather (EW), Natural Weather (NW, part of Natural Envirionments ), Atmospheric Weather System (AWS) or any combination of the three at the same t
Rebuild Kvatch, become the new count(ess) or find the rightful heir of the throne. Get your own statue in the city and fight in the arena to become the new champion! And just as you thought it was all done, uncover the dark secrets of old Kvatch!
- 169.1MB
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Rebuild Kvatch, become the new count(ess) or find the rightful heir of the throne. Get your own statue in the city and fight in the arena to become the new champion! And just as you thought it was all done, uncover the dark secrets of old Kvatch!
Adds a keychain to your inventory to hold your keys, reduce inventory clutter, and decrease Journal and Container load times. Requires Oblivion v1.2.0416 and OBSE v.0017a
- 38KB
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Adds a keychain to your inventory to hold your keys, reduce inventory clutter, and decrease Journal and Container load times. Requires Oblivion v1.2.0416 and OBSE v.0017a
An OBSE plugin containing bug fixes for the Oblivion game engine.
This is an obse plugin that enables a visible body when in first person. Also, any points where the game force switches to 3rd person (sitting, death, etc) are now in 1st person.
- 98KB
- 14.9k
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This is an obse plugin that enables a visible body when in first person. Also, any points where the game force switches to 3rd person (sitting, death, etc) are now in 1st person.
Animated Window Lighting System and Chimneys - AWLS
A replacement of Texian's Window Lighting System now with animated meshes with a tool to animate your own building windows. It also comes now with Chimney Smoke.
- 167.6MB
- 10.7k
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Animated Window Lighting System and Chimneys - AWLS
A replacement of Texian's Window Lighting System now with animated meshes with a tool to animate your own building windows. It also comes now with Chimney Smoke.
Immersive Interiors adds new found realism to the game, allowing you to see out of the interior windows. This means you can be in the local pub staring out of the window at the town around you, or watch the sun set behind the city walls.
- 4.4MB
- 10.3k
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Immersive Interiors adds new found realism to the game, allowing you to see out of the interior windows. This means you can be in the local pub staring out of the window at the town around you, or watch the sun set behind the city walls.
Makes Oblivion quit instantly.
This mod will make all flora behave more realistically by changing their appearance when you harvest them (whether you are successful or not). When you harvest a plant if its ingredient is a flower then the plant\'s flowers will disappear and so on, through some plants ingredients are roots which they don\'t have and you can\'t see them anywa
- 5.4MB
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This mod will make all flora behave more realistically by changing their appearance when you harvest them (whether you are successful or not). When you harvest a plant if its ingredient is a flower then the plant\'s flowers will disappear and so on, through some plants ingredients are roots which they don\'t have and you can\'t see them anywa
NifSE is an OBSE plug-in that allows Oblivion script to operate on Nif files during run-time. More specifically, NifSE uses the NifTools' NifLib to create new functions through OBSE's plug-in API.
- 1.1MB
- 9.1k
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NifSE is an OBSE plug-in that allows Oblivion script to operate on Nif files during run-time. More specifically, NifSE uses the NifTools' NifLib to create new functions through OBSE's plug-in API.
This is an overhaul mod, improving many aspects of the game, while maintaining the overall feel of the game and ensuring compatibility with most other mods. All features are configurable through OMOD installation and/or editing the ini file.
- 875.5MB
- 8.9k
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This is an overhaul mod, improving many aspects of the game, while maintaining the overall feel of the game and ensuring compatibility with most other mods. All features are configurable through OMOD installation and/or editing the ini file.