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This is a utility for managing plugins, and also for packing them for distribution. It can be used either as an enhanced version of the oblivion launcher\'s data files selector, or as a more advanced mod manager when mods are specially packed into omod files.
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This is a utility for managing plugins, and also for packing them for distribution. It can be used either as an enhanced version of the oblivion launcher\'s data files selector, or as a more advanced mod manager when mods are specially packed into omod files.
Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE xOBSE)
The Oblivion Script Extender, or OBSE for short, is a modder's resource that expands the scripting capabilities of Oblivion. It does so without modifying the executable files on disk, so there are no permanent side effects.
- 5.1MB
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Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE xOBSE)
The Oblivion Script Extender, or OBSE for short, is a modder's resource that expands the scripting capabilities of Oblivion. It does so without modifying the executable files on disk, so there are no permanent side effects.
An OBSE plugin that adds support for gender variant head models and textures for NPCs. And allows free camera movement in the race/sex menu. And enables pain-free inventory idle overriding. And per-NPC/Race/scripted body/head texture/model overriding. And animation overriding. And equipment model overriding.
- 169KB
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An OBSE plugin that adds support for gender variant head models and textures for NPCs. And allows free camera movement in the race/sex menu. And enables pain-free inventory idle overriding. And per-NPC/Race/scripted body/head texture/model overriding. And animation overriding. And equipment model overriding.
OBSE required. For Oblivion version 1.2.416 only. Makes Oblivion not stutter so much, improves stability.
- 279KB
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OBSE required. For Oblivion version 1.2.416 only. Makes Oblivion not stutter so much, improves stability.
An OBSE Plugin that adds various additional UI functions , some quest functions and some misc functions.
- 1.1MB
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An OBSE Plugin that adds various additional UI functions , some quest functions and some misc functions.
OBSE -Elys- Universal Silent Voice
This OBSE plugin makes Oblivion play a 8 seconds duration silent voice for any missing voice file. - If the subtitles are turned off, Elys_USV will force display subtitles for missing voice files. - You will have up to 8 seconds to read long subtitles when there is no voice existing for an Oblivion plugin. - Modder creating
- 30KB
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OBSE -Elys- Universal Silent Voice
This OBSE plugin makes Oblivion play a 8 seconds duration silent voice for any missing voice file. - If the subtitles are turned off, Elys_USV will force display subtitles for missing voice files. - You will have up to 8 seconds to read long subtitles when there is no voice existing for an Oblivion plugin. - Modder creating
This is a continuation by Ethatron of Timeslip's work on the original OBGE, and Scanti and ShadeMe's work on OBGEv2, and will allow the user to improve Oblivion's graphical engine.
- 188.5MB
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This is a continuation by Ethatron of Timeslip's work on the original OBGE, and Scanti and ShadeMe's work on OBGEv2, and will allow the user to improve Oblivion's graphical engine.
Coronerras Maximum Compatibility Skeletons
Better Animation Skeleton with ALL the bones in every custom skeleton for Oblivion. Better Bouncing Boobs for HGEC. Better lower body for Demons with textures. What more can a person want?
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Coronerras Maximum Compatibility Skeletons
Better Animation Skeleton with ALL the bones in every custom skeleton for Oblivion. Better Bouncing Boobs for HGEC. Better lower body for Demons with textures. What more can a person want?
This mod adds custom race 'Mystic Elf' which has 4 versions; normal male / normal female / tattooed male / tattooed female. and 19 female hairstyles & 9 male hairstyles for all races. Each hairstyle has 3(4) versions; normal / blindfold(bandage) / mask. You can change the hair's colour in game, but cannot
- 19.9MB
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This mod adds custom race 'Mystic Elf' which has 4 versions; normal male / normal female / tattooed male / tattooed female. and 19 female hairstyles & 9 male hairstyles for all races. Each hairstyle has 3(4) versions; normal / blindfold(bandage) / mask. You can change the hair's colour in game, but cannot
Qarls Texture Pack III OMOD - QTP3
**NOTE**What Does It Do?This mod makes things seem much clearer and sharper in-game.Description-The full version of Qarl's Texture Pack III with the 1.3 patch already installed, and made into OMOD files.
- 92.2MB
- 19.7k
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Qarls Texture Pack III OMOD - QTP3
**NOTE**What Does It Do?This mod makes things seem much clearer and sharper in-game.Description-The full version of Qarl's Texture Pack III with the 1.3 patch already installed, and made into OMOD files.
TES4Edit is the Oblivion version of xEdit. xEdit is an advanced graphical module viewer/editor and conflict detector.
- 21.9MB
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TES4Edit is the Oblivion version of xEdit. xEdit is an advanced graphical module viewer/editor and conflict detector.
An OBSE plugin containing bug fixes for the Oblivion game engine.
Small .exe with sole purpose of applying >2gb patch to .exe and .dll files. Automatically makes backups of original files. Applying this to all .exe and .dll related to Oblivion MAY give some of those with 4gb plus ram a performance boost. Even then extra tweaks and additional utilities are usually necessary to optimize things.
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Small .exe with sole purpose of applying >2gb patch to .exe and .dll files. Automatically makes backups of original files. Applying this to all .exe and .dll related to Oblivion MAY give some of those with 4gb plus ram a performance boost. Even then extra tweaks and additional utilities are usually necessary to optimize things.
DarkUI\'d DarN 1.6 By Gothic251 ********************************************************************************************* ALRIGHT!!!! I DID IT!!!!!!! Here you go guys, I know how much you all ask DarN and Darkbirdy and god knows who else if there\'s a DarkUI version of DarNified UI. I wor
- 17.8MB
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DarkUI\'d DarN 1.6 By Gothic251 ********************************************************************************************* ALRIGHT!!!! I DID IT!!!!!!! Here you go guys, I know how much you all ask DarN and Darkbirdy and god knows who else if there\'s a DarkUI version of DarNified UI. I wor
Animated Window Lighting System and Chimneys - AWLS
A replacement of Texian's Window Lighting System now with animated meshes with a tool to animate your own building windows. It also comes now with Chimney Smoke.
- 167.6MB
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Animated Window Lighting System and Chimneys - AWLS
A replacement of Texian's Window Lighting System now with animated meshes with a tool to animate your own building windows. It also comes now with Chimney Smoke.
Makes Oblivion quit instantly.
One-Click DistantLOD Generator
ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated
If you have used previous version of ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated! (versions lower then v1.1.0) uninstall it before installing the new version. This little mod will allow you to totally eliminate the need of ArchiveInvalidation, no more messing around with ArchiveInvalidation.txt or BSA edits from Oblivion Mod Manager, your replacement textur
- 298KB
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ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated
If you have used previous version of ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated! (versions lower then v1.1.0) uninstall it before installing the new version. This little mod will allow you to totally eliminate the need of ArchiveInvalidation, no more messing around with ArchiveInvalidation.txt or BSA edits from Oblivion Mod Manager, your replacement textur
A universal usable skeleton.nif working with all mods changing this unique game file. Works with all races. Strictly recommended for all mod users and all modders. Contains the whole set of Scale Bones from Controlable Skeleton (including vertebral Scale Bones).
- 25KB
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A universal usable skeleton.nif working with all mods changing this unique game file. Works with all races. Strictly recommended for all mod users and all modders. Contains the whole set of Scale Bones from Controlable Skeleton (including vertebral Scale Bones).
3.0 Open Beta: ============== Streamline v3.0 Open Beta 4 is open for testing! This will be the final beta in the series, and is considered a \"release candidate\", minus some documentation. Any bug reports, feedback, comments, or otherwise should be directed to the thread for Streamline 3.0 on the official Bethesda forums: http:/
- 310KB
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3.0 Open Beta: ============== Streamline v3.0 Open Beta 4 is open for testing! This will be the final beta in the series, and is considered a \"release candidate\", minus some documentation. Any bug reports, feedback, comments, or otherwise should be directed to the thread for Streamline 3.0 on the official Bethesda forums: http:/