- Refine results Found 62 results. 30344 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: tags. (Clear filters)
Stylish Jump - Animation Replacer
This mod changes the Jump and DodgeBack animations to stylish. It is only 3rd person stance.
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Stylish Jump - Animation Replacer
This mod changes the Jump and DodgeBack animations to stylish. It is only 3rd person stance.
New Idle Poses
This mod improves the ability to walk, run, swim and jump by taking into account the landscape, any items carried/worn and the weather. It also adds the ability to sprint.
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This mod improves the ability to walk, run, swim and jump by taking into account the landscape, any items carried/worn and the weather. It also adds the ability to sprint.
This addon unequips any broken armor your character and npcs (including companions) are wearing, much like weapons already do by default. Optionally, it can replace broken armor by clothing if available in the inventory, giving the impression it was worn underneath the armor.
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This addon unequips any broken armor your character and npcs (including companions) are wearing, much like weapons already do by default. Optionally, it can replace broken armor by clothing if available in the inventory, giving the impression it was worn underneath the armor.
DLC Spell Tomes OBSE fixer and translator
"What's this? This Spell Tome says one thing, but the spell it teaches says another!" Well worry no more about that nuisance (or at least worry a bit less) thanks to the power of OBSE and this mod!
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DLC Spell Tomes OBSE fixer and translator
"What's this? This Spell Tome says one thing, but the spell it teaches says another!" Well worry no more about that nuisance (or at least worry a bit less) thanks to the power of OBSE and this mod!
2 Cute Elf CM Partners - Aeryn and Abbey
Adds 2 CM partners..
A vast world for travelers and explorers. Rozległy świat dla podróżników i odkrywców ( Polish, English)
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A vast world for travelers and explorers. Rozległy świat dla podróżników i odkrywców ( Polish, English)
Simple Conjuration Based Summon Limit
Provides a limit on the amount of creatures you can summon depending on your conjuration skill. | This mod is very simple. One small script that checks for your conjuration skill, running once after the mod's activation and afterwards every second to update the limit, as such, it should prove to have close to no impact on performance.
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Simple Conjuration Based Summon Limit
Provides a limit on the amount of creatures you can summon depending on your conjuration skill. | This mod is very simple. One small script that checks for your conjuration skill, running once after the mod's activation and afterwards every second to update the limit, as such, it should prove to have close to no impact on performance.
In vanilla Oblivion, up to 60 Oblivion Gates can open during the game. But the game allows up to 100 at a time. This mod allows you to choose how big the Oblivion Crisis is - from laughable (no random Gates) to chaos (infinite Gates, and they will not stay closed).
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In vanilla Oblivion, up to 60 Oblivion Gates can open during the game. But the game allows up to 100 at a time. This mod allows you to choose how big the Oblivion Crisis is - from laughable (no random Gates) to chaos (infinite Gates, and they will not stay closed).
Unofficial Oblivion Patch 3.5.5 - Polish Translation
Unofficial Oblivion Patch PL ================================= Unofficial Oblivion Patch to opracowana przez użytkowników Quarn/Kivan modyfikacja do The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, która zgodnie z tytułem pełni rolę nieoficjalnej aktualizacji do tej gry. Projekt poprawia setki małych błędó
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Unofficial Oblivion Patch 3.5.5 - Polish Translation
Unofficial Oblivion Patch PL ================================= Unofficial Oblivion Patch to opracowana przez użytkowników Quarn/Kivan modyfikacja do The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, która zgodnie z tytułem pełni rolę nieoficjalnej aktualizacji do tej gry. Projekt poprawia setki małych błędó
TSBM is a looped background video for Oblivion\'s title screen. It\'s perfect as trailer of the game, and gives it a better look.
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TSBM is a looped background video for Oblivion\'s title screen. It\'s perfect as trailer of the game, and gives it a better look.
polish font PL for DarNified UI
polish font PL for DarNified UI polska czcionka
DarNified UI Polish Fonts Polskie Fonty Czcionki
Polskie fonty do moda 'DarNified UI' dla Oblivion. Polish fonts for mod 'DarNified UI' for Oblivion.
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DarNified UI Polish Fonts Polskie Fonty Czcionki
Polskie fonty do moda 'DarNified UI' dla Oblivion. Polish fonts for mod 'DarNified UI' for Oblivion.
Mercantile leveling - FIXED --ALL LANGUAGES--
Tired of selling one item by another to increase the mercantile skill? With this mod you don't have to do that. The whole amount of items you sell will be registered and correctly awarded.
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Mercantile leveling - FIXED --ALL LANGUAGES--
Tired of selling one item by another to increase the mercantile skill? With this mod you don't have to do that. The whole amount of items you sell will be registered and correctly awarded.
2 retextures of Cyrodiil\'s currency.
BFGs Enhanced Armory Realism - BEAR
Fully customizable! Enhances the impact weapon and armor health has on gameplay, to increase immersion and realism. Broken armor falls off and is replaced by clothing. A new weapon is equipped if the previous one broke or was disarmed. Magic enchantments lose strength as equipment takes damage. And much more. Applies to the player and NPCs.
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BFGs Enhanced Armory Realism - BEAR
Fully customizable! Enhances the impact weapon and armor health has on gameplay, to increase immersion and realism. Broken armor falls off and is replaced by clothing. A new weapon is equipped if the previous one broke or was disarmed. Magic enchantments lose strength as equipment takes damage. And much more. Applies to the player and NPCs.
Dwemer Precision Bow 21 FULL POLISH
Jest to spolszczenie do moda Dwemer Precision Bow dodajacy kozacki (znaczy wypasiony:) upgrejdowalny luk w grze. Brak pl-fontow w tym opisie wynika z winy stronki. Brak spolszczonego readme. ------------- So that you guys all understand: i only made a translation. The original mod author is Cethegus, and he should be given kudos :P
- 546KB
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Dwemer Precision Bow 21 FULL POLISH
Jest to spolszczenie do moda Dwemer Precision Bow dodajacy kozacki (znaczy wypasiony:) upgrejdowalny luk w grze. Brak pl-fontow w tym opisie wynika z winy stronki. Brak spolszczonego readme. ------------- So that you guys all understand: i only made a translation. The original mod author is Cethegus, and he should be given kudos :P
Denock Arrow and Spell Delete Nehrim
Just the same function like Denock Arrow for Oblivion by scruggs just for Nehrim and a similar coding like Spell Delete from troybayliss. Die selbe Funktion wie Dennock Arrow fuer Oblivion von scruggs nur fuer Nehrim und ein aehnliches Coding wie bei Spell Delete von troybayliss.
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Denock Arrow and Spell Delete Nehrim
Just the same function like Denock Arrow for Oblivion by scruggs just for Nehrim and a similar coding like Spell Delete from troybayliss. Die selbe Funktion wie Dennock Arrow fuer Oblivion von scruggs nur fuer Nehrim und ein aehnliches Coding wie bei Spell Delete von troybayliss.
Anari Face preset and Save game
Wyre bash Face preset/save