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This changes the carrying capacity to 65,535 x Strength. I think that should be enough... Just put the .esp in your data folder. This is most likely a cheat unless you\'re playing your 2nd time thru and don\'t want to spend 1/4 the game lugging around loot to sell.
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This changes the carrying capacity to 65,535 x Strength. I think that should be enough... Just put the .esp in your data folder. This is most likely a cheat unless you\'re playing your 2nd time thru and don\'t want to spend 1/4 the game lugging around loot to sell.
This mod will allow you to get a wondrous little bag called the \"Bag of Holding\", based on the famous Bag of Holding from Dungeons & Dragons. This bag allows you to store as many items as you want in it while also nullifying their weight. Using the Bag of Holding There are 3 methods to open the Bag of Holding: 1.) Dr
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This mod will allow you to get a wondrous little bag called the \"Bag of Holding\", based on the famous Bag of Holding from Dungeons & Dragons. This bag allows you to store as many items as you want in it while also nullifying their weight. Using the Bag of Holding There are 3 methods to open the Bag of Holding: 1.) Dr
Unlimited Amulets and Rings 1.0 by timmypod This is a simple mod that allows the user to wear an unlimited number of amulets and rings. - Rings do NOT show on the fingers - This mod does not affect user-made custom rings. Only the default rings in the CS. *supposedly all rings, pre-made and enchanted work. I will test this soon to be certain*
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Unlimited Amulets and Rings 1.0 by timmypod This is a simple mod that allows the user to wear an unlimited number of amulets and rings. - Rings do NOT show on the fingers - This mod does not affect user-made custom rings. Only the default rings in the CS. *supposedly all rings, pre-made and enchanted work. I will test this soon to be certain*
A full feature base for your player character. Huge home with many things to do. You need never leave home again! Mod of the month for April, 2008! UPDATED TO VERSION 1.3.0 on 06/25/2008 Contains a working bathroom, full training arena, games, labled storage and display space, baking, teleports to replace fast trave
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A full feature base for your player character. Huge home with many things to do. You need never leave home again! Mod of the month for April, 2008! UPDATED TO VERSION 1.3.0 on 06/25/2008 Contains a working bathroom, full training arena, games, labled storage and display space, baking, teleports to replace fast trave
Have you ever lost a high level save game and have to start over from scratch? Just need to make test characters to test a mod? Now you can quickly gain the levels you lost using this shack just up the hill from the Imperial Sewer Exit.
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Have you ever lost a high level save game and have to start over from scratch? Just need to make test characters to test a mod? Now you can quickly gain the levels you lost using this shack just up the hill from the Imperial Sewer Exit.
A small chest containing some RIDICULOUSLY powerful spells and weapons, plus gold!
This oblivion mod adds a basement to each house you can purchase. What makes this building mod unique is the fact that it\'s the same basement no matter which house you buy. Buy one house or buy all of them; the basement stays the same. This gives the player one consistent area to store all his loot.
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This oblivion mod adds a basement to each house you can purchase. What makes this building mod unique is the fact that it\'s the same basement no matter which house you buy. Buy one house or buy all of them; the basement stays the same. This gives the player one consistent area to store all his loot.
Black Market Version 1.0 By: Kilo11 Description: The Black Market Shop has opened up north west of the Imperial City. It has everything for the warrior, thief, or alchemist. Evey weapon and armor you can find is here (non enchanted items except arrows), plus eveything alchemical, and a fence. It only closes one hour of the day, so its alm
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Black Market Version 1.0 By: Kilo11 Description: The Black Market Shop has opened up north west of the Imperial City. It has everything for the warrior, thief, or alchemist. Evey weapon and armor you can find is here (non enchanted items except arrows), plus eveything alchemical, and a fence. It only closes one hour of the day, so its alm
===Download file \"14 cheaters rings\" dont watch at the size,its rar=== That mod adds 14 rings special for cheater.They cna be found in Bruma in Olavs Tap and Tack,if you wont find them there try to search \"the cheaters rock\'\' at Olavs Tap and Tack Rings: 1.The ring for the real cheater: It just combine all powers 2.The ring tha
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===Download file \"14 cheaters rings\" dont watch at the size,its rar=== That mod adds 14 rings special for cheater.They cna be found in Bruma in Olavs Tap and Tack,if you wont find them there try to search \"the cheaters rock\'\' at Olavs Tap and Tack Rings: 1.The ring for the real cheater: It just combine all powers 2.The ring tha
Download an ORGANIZED list of codes. Every code you could ever need is in this list! THIS IS A COMPLETE LIST!!
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Download an ORGANIZED list of codes. Every code you could ever need is in this list! THIS IS A COMPLETE LIST!!
2006-4-15 v1.2.2 The Character Generate Amulet can change your race, class, and birthsign. Race attribute and skill bounses will keep and auto-calculate, but class will only keep stats, no skill calculate. Change race function includes change face, name, age, race. You can change your character in the middle of the game. ---Example---
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2006-4-15 v1.2.2 The Character Generate Amulet can change your race, class, and birthsign. Race attribute and skill bounses will keep and auto-calculate, but class will only keep stats, no skill calculate. Change race function includes change face, name, age, race. You can change your character in the middle of the game. ---Example---
A ring that provide unlimited fatigue regeneration
Probably the first weight mod for Oblivion (originally posted on the official TES forums March 22nd): (Edit: Link taken out, it \"broke\" the page -- instead, see the link in \"mirrors\" for the thread). Anyway, if you\'re a \"looter\" like me, and can\'t stand leaving anything (that\'s worth money, not just random junk like b
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Probably the first weight mod for Oblivion (originally posted on the official TES forums March 22nd): (Edit: Link taken out, it \"broke\" the page -- instead, see the link in \"mirrors\" for the thread). Anyway, if you\'re a \"looter\" like me, and can\'t stand leaving anything (that\'s worth money, not just random junk like b
Adds an amulet which will let you change race, birthsign and class at will.
This modification increases your encumbrance by millions, thereby rendering the encumbrance system useless.
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This modification increases your encumbrance by millions, thereby rendering the encumbrance system useless.
This plugin modifies the encumbrance of your character from the original value (5pts. encumbrance for 1pt. of Strength) to 50pts. encumbrance per point of strength.
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This plugin modifies the encumbrance of your character from the original value (5pts. encumbrance for 1pt. of Strength) to 50pts. encumbrance per point of strength.
Werewolf: The Awakening is a mod to create a werewolf system in Oblivion. It is a fully playable infection/hunger system where the player can hunt or join werewolves. You have the ability to create other werewolves and command your own pack, as well as leveling up your werewolf side and choosing different disciplines to activate.
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Werewolf: The Awakening is a mod to create a werewolf system in Oblivion. It is a fully playable infection/hunger system where the player can hunt or join werewolves. You have the ability to create other werewolves and command your own pack, as well as leveling up your werewolf side and choosing different disciplines to activate.
A bat file that when entered, makes all stats and skills 100.
WHAT\'S NEW Lifted the limitation of maximum transformed items. If you are already using the former version, you have to set the slots again. DESCRIPTION This mod makes you able to wear more apparels than normal. It gives you a transformation box that can reset the equipment slots of the items in it. By setting the slots to none, the i
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WHAT\'S NEW Lifted the limitation of maximum transformed items. If you are already using the former version, you have to set the slots again. DESCRIPTION This mod makes you able to wear more apparels than normal. It gives you a transformation box that can reset the equipment slots of the items in it. By setting the slots to none, the i
Adds a book inside the Arcane University that grants infinite weapon charges to the holder. This mod is for those tired of always having to micro-manage their weapon\'s enchantment charges.
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Adds a book inside the Arcane University that grants infinite weapon charges to the holder. This mod is for those tired of always having to micro-manage their weapon\'s enchantment charges.