About this mod
Mike\'s Clothes Replacer v1.1 (compatibile with UOP 3.0) This Mod replaces the textures of almost all the clothes in Oblivion.
- Permissions and credits
This Mod replaces the textures of almost all the clothes in Oblivion.
Lower-class clothes:
- brightness, contrast, color changes for a sharpened effect.
- corrected few normal maps.
Middle-class clothes:
- brightness, contrast, color changes for a sharpened effect.
- graphic modifications.
- corrected some normal maps.
- some textures are now in higher resolution than before.
Upper-class clothes:
- brightness, contrast, color changes for a sharpened effect.
- graphic modifications.
- corrected some normal maps.
- many textures are now in higher resolution than before.
- brightness, contrast, color changes for a sharpened effect.
- graphic modifications.
- corrected some normal maps.
- now the mage robes have a new design with the symbol of the mages guild.
This package incudes all the clothes of oblivion exept for the Emperor and the wizard robes.
Give a look at screenshots for preview.
v. 1.1
This version includes some fixes in order to be compatible with Unofficial Oblivion Patch (UOP) 3.0
Added a new directory ...Textures\clothes\UOPRobes
Added ...Meshes\clothes\RobeMage
Added ...Meshes\clothes\RobeMageArch
Deleted the content of ...Textures\clothes\robelc02
Install UOP first and then this mod.
This mod works without UOP too.
Only textures and few meshes are included in this mod, no .esp files.
Copy all the content in the directory:
...Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data
Update your ArchiveInvalidation file and enjoy :)
It Will conflict with any mod replacing the textures of the clothes.