MGRO enhances the appearance of Mages Guild-affiliated robes, giving them a touch more gravitas and decidedly less frump.
Permissions and credits
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Other user's assetsAll the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources
Upload permissionYou are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
Modification permissionYou are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the features so long as you credit me as the original creator
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Asset use permissionYou are allowed to use the assets in this file without permission as long as you credit me
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Author notes
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File credits
Naihaan - For the main body of these robes. Your work is always top-notch :) Xenogearlucas - For your contribution of the female version of Naihaan's Arch-Mage robes. More generally, thank you for your meticulous, lore-centered approach to modding - I enjoy your stuff thoroughly. Elalquimista - For your stunning clothing and armor re-meshes, which have been used by both myself and Xenogearlucas. Aknevrec - for the mantle-overcoat section of these robes and for your work in providing more diverse robes.
If I've forgotten anybody or if you would like to talk to me about these assets, please reach out.
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MGRO enhances the appearance of Mages Guild-affiliated robes, giving them a touch more gravitas and decidedly less frump. The original vision of Oblivion's magery has been kept at the forefront of this rework, so that the robes do not come across as overly flashy, luxurious or otherwise out-of-place.
This mod is NOT a replacer: you will need both the .esp and assets for this to work.
In addition to the updated look, I'm introducing two new lines of robe: the Magister's and Wizard's robes. These will be obtained as one naturally progresses the Mages Guild questline and come with their own levelled enchantments. As part of this mod, the Archmage robes also boast an enchantment worthy of the head of Cyrodiil's seat of magical study.
For those who want to nab the robes without going through the rigmarole of proving yourself to the University, I've stowed unenchanted versions of each set in the well just outside the main Arcane University tower.
In terms of incompatibilities, anything that edits the Arcane University Tower Council room or Mages Guild robes themselves may present a problem.