About this mod
A complete visual overhaul of most of Oblivion and Shivering Isles along with DLC areas. This is only the modlist resources for those seeking the Snowy version of Bevilex' modlist for Oblivion.
This page includes the folder tree, along with the configurable ini files that Snowy uses in the guide video series. This is not a guide on its own.
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
Be sure to see what Snowy's Oblivion looks like before installing by checking out the YouTube graphical showcase. I also stream on Twitch regularly!
I do not take any credit for the graphical changes, textures, and mod install order/list!
This would NOT be possible without the basis - Bevilex' modlist for Oblivion - Graphics
Please refer to the Bevilex' guide for anything included in the video tutorial series. The forums are especially helpful.
Be sure to endorse the Bevilex' guide! The team there are extremely helpful, resourceful and nice.
The reason I made this in the first place was due to the sheer amount of changes I was making following the Bevilex' guide, as well as seeing how outdated some of the installation elements were (regarding OblivionReloaded) if you wanted to use an updated version - along with ENBSeries receiving its v0.500 update back in February of 2024.
I cannot say I have optimized the performance for anyone, other than my own machine which is running a NVIDIA RTX 4070 and a Ryzen 9 9900x - so proceed with the installation at your own risk.
This page is for those seeking the folder tree used in my live video guide series (Credit goes to the Bevilex' team for the naming of most headers; Specifically monkeyangie
Important to note: This guide in itself does deviate from Bevilex' but mostly towards the end, as mods are edited, uninstalled, changed, and added.
Included are four files - Snowy-Bevilex Oblivion - Folder Tree.zip, Snowy Oblivion Stutter Remover ini.zip, enbseries.ini - Interior Update.zip, and Snowy's OblivionReloaded E3 Presets.zip
If any mod installed is not the same version as seen in the video guide series, I cannot ensure things will work.
Everything HAS to be the exact same version. I am also only running Oblivion through steam and cannot assist with any other versions.
Please note that Depth of Field (DoF) is off for most uploaded screenshots
- Follow along with Bevilex' modlist for Oblivion - Graphics - and the Snowy YouTube video guide to make sure you install in the correct order and make the necessary changes to make it truly Snowy's Graphical Overhaul (changes listed below)
- Download the Snowy-Bevilex Oblivion - Folder Tree.zip and extract the folder
- Download the Snowy Oblivion Stutter Remover ini.zip
- Install in Wrye Bash after OblivionStutterRemover
- Ensure you make the necessary enbseries.ini changes if you end up using my OblivionReloaded E3 presets - changes can be seen in the YouTube guide series. (Not releasing the enbseries presets because I felt they were too similar to monkeyangie's MonkeyENB, as few edits were made)
- Download and extract Snowy's OblivionReloaded E3 Presets.zip
- Install each OblivionReloaded shader preset manually as I did in the video series to ensure the changes are made properly
If you are following the guide specifically for ENB and OblivionReloaded information:
- Do not install anything without following our YouTube guide extensively, or thoroughly reading through the Bevilex' guide
- Make the proper in game ini, and out of game Oblivion.ini tweaks recommended by the author of OblivionReloaded E3 (UNOFFICIAL)
- Make sure you are running ENBSeries v0.500
- Make sure you are running OblivionReloaded E3 (UNOFFICIAL)
- Make sure you are running MonkeyENB
- If your game's interiors feel impractically dark, make the following tweaks in your enbseries.ini
Adjust as needed and if you need to, adjust contrast with corresponding bloom values - these are what worked for me.
I merely am putting this together for your pleasure. this is not to take from other guides that exist on the Nexus
Changes from Bevilex' Modlist
- OSR (Oblivion Stutter Remover) Ini
- Custom install guides for utilizing NifSkope to fix some of these issues
- Install order
- Additional patches for some mods to function better
- Kvatch Rebuilt, Rescue Menian, and their respective patches
- (Optional) KatKat74's White Gold Tower Lasers Removed - Fix for distant LOD
- NAO - Natural and Atmospheric Oblivion (major immersion change) - along with balancing ENB to work well with this
- Patch for Vanilla Gear Redux
- Ungoggled Helmets by xenogearslucas
- New replacers to Naihaan's replacers for female models by xenogearslucas
- Daedric Statues Improved - 2k Upscaled and Fixed Textures
- Map Marker Overhaul
- Custom Class Description
- (Optional) Attributes Easy
- Magical Arrows
- Magic and Enchantment effects Overhaul
- Magic Visuals Overhaul
- Enchantment Cost Multiplier
- Create Enchanted Arrows
- Custom LOD maps generated using Landscape LOD generator tes4ll-v5 along with guide references
- The Landscape Multi Purpose GUI used along with the LOD generator
- (Optional) Batch DDS Conversion Utility using TexConv to allow modern systems to quickly process BMP files to DDS with the LOD utilities above
- Smart Greeting
- Monkey ENB instead of Bevilex' version
- Custom Monkey ENB edits instead of its preset monkeyangie released
- OblivionReloaded E3 (UNOFFICIAL) - (utilizing Volumetric Lighting over God Rays) instead of ORC - Oblivion Reloaded Combined
- Custom presets for OblivionReloaded E3 (UNOFFICIAL)
- ENBSeries v0.500 instead of the older v0.181
- Invisible wall texture item - (0005a59e) - inside The Howling Halls - Shivering Isles fort.
- Anvil retexture has reflective meshes phase in and out depending on distance, time of day, or NAO weather. Install TD's Unique Anvil instead if this bothers you.
- Oblivion's engine limitation issues with multiple lighting points (flickering shadows when multiple sources are active and near one another. Sometimes from specific light points).
- Volumetric lighting effects are not available for custom added (7) NAO weathers. To me its a nice change up when NAO weathers appear, you can choose to skip using NAO for this reason.
- Smoke particles with Animated Window Lighting System and Chimneys - AWLS appear very bright at night when in contrast with NAO nights. Weather mods make nights VERY dark. I now use AWLS without chimney smoke due to this reason.
- Trayvond the Redguard in the Cheydinhal Mages Guild can cast the newly added Create Enchanted Arrows spells. If you are in his loaded zone within the mages guild, it will act as if you cast it and present you the prompt to create enchanted arrows. If this is bothersome enough, uninstall the mod.
- Some locations - specifically the basement of the Bravil Mages Guild have some floating smoke particles. I have yet to dig deeper.
- While blocking playing as a female archetype, the idle animation can cause you to see through your body if you look down. Only prominent while in certain armors edited by other mods for the HG EyeCandy body mod.
- When viewing distant mountain LOD while clear weathers are active - the other side of Cyrodiil mountain range fog will sort of morph when turning your head. So far its most noticeable north of Chorrol - the far west - Imperial Reserve - Gold Coast hilltops - outskirts of Anvil - the Jeralls
- Trees can be see floating even after generating your own LOD at times. Part of these quirks have to do with either mod conflictions (so double check your landscape mods) or if running vanilla, game engine limitations. More info can be found on the TES4All LOD mod page.
- When running landscape LOD mods - some distant water pools in Cyrodiil and Shivering Isles will appear transparent. Could be a bug or vertex issue limitation when generating these LOD's. Notable locations are Mania where water is clearly transparent on clear days when viewing from afar. Apparently this is a game engine limitation - mod I found that can edit water planes in CS - testing now.
- Neck seams appear during character creation, but appear to be gone afterwards. You can play around with your mod installation order if it bothers you enough. It may be skin shader related in OR E3, but I have not tested.
- Orange water in sewers when first loading them from the start of the game - make a new save, restart your game and it should be fixed.
- Female neck seam slightly visible with some of Naihaan's female variants. xenogearslucas's mod/edits help a TON regarding this issue.
- Underwater shader causes rain to appear stop when its still raining. Exiting water or using third person fixes this issue.
- Chapel lighting (appears to be from OR E3) flickers when approaching from altar towards the entrance.
MANY Issues are detailed in the guide, along with the png/jpg images held within the Snowy-Bevilex Oblivion - Folder Tree download (along with some fixes), so please look there first or the posts search within the 'Bevilex' modlist for Oblivion' page. Do not go to the Bevilex' modlist to post about issues that may be related to our guide. Instead use the posts tab here.
- bevilex for creating the original base modlist and guide we are using here
- Any wonderful mod creator whose mods were featured in this guide series
- monkeyangie for a wonderful ENB and the usage of some of their presets (and their help with Bevilex' guide headers)
- mcstfuerson for creating OblivionReloaded E3 (UNOFFICAL)'s stunning results
- Anyone who has supported the Oblivion modding scene