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Lena Wolf

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About this mod

An old Grey Warden outpost somewhere along the Panther River. Abandoned by the Wardens, likely due to the lack of darkspawn in Tamriel.

Permissions and credits
An old Grey Warden outpost at the source of the Panther River. Abandoned by the Wardens, likely due to the lack of darkspawn in Tamriel. Could there be anything of interest inside?

A small independent mod, a teaser for things to come in my larger mods. This little teaser is stand-alone and can be used with my other mods when they get Grey Warden content.

NOTE: The fort turned out to be outside Cyrodiil borders. Please disable borders in Oblivion.ini to access it. I tried to find a place where it would not conflict with popular mods!

These resources are free to use. All armour and clothing is for vanilla bodies.