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About this mod

A reupload of the deleted Companion Fergus, permissible by the original mod's readme. Fergus is a complex companion mod with lots of dialog lines and voiced by his creator.

Permissions and credits
This reupload is permissible by sylar0712 based on the readme included with the mod:
"Should something happen so that the mod is no longer available on the net, please try and contact me. In case you have been unable to reach me for more than one month, please feel free to upload this mod IN ITS CURRENT STATE to one of the public Elder Scrolls download sites."


I am reuploading this both because I was a fan of Fergus, and also because I had also worked with sylar0712 a while back to create Fergus in Skyrim, so I feel something of a personal responsibility to do so. I want to make sure Fergus always remains readily available for all Oblivion players, both old and new. I don't know why sylar0712 decided to delete his account and his mods, but I think it's an absolute shame, whatever his reason.

This reupload is of Companion Fergus v2.1, completely unaltered and identical to sylar0712's last update on 02/02/2020.

Sadly, because the original mod was tagged as adult, trying to view its description on the Wayback Machine only leads to an archived page telling you to log in to view it - as such, it seems to me that the original description and screenshots are lost. The only reason I still happen to have a partial crop of the original picture of Fergus was due to my aforementioned Skyrim mod.

If anyone has screenshots or any sort of archival of the original page, please let me know, so that I can reconstruct a better description, more accurate to the original. Until then, I will use the mod's readme as a basis for a simple (although wordy) description.


1. Description

Fergus is a complex companion mod with lots of dialog lines and voiced by his creator. He has a background and personality and can engage into three different levels of interaction with the player: loyal friendship, boyfriend for a girl or for a boy.

2. Details

If you want to compare Fergus, he was born directly from the womb of mother Neeshka and has as father, Stoker Wolff. Sonia is his grandmother and Vilja is his sister and muse. Other companions mods influenced him, specially Arren, Companion Share and Recruit and Indiana James. I also checked CM Partners, Valtierro, Vincent/Valeria and Saerileth.

He is designed to be a bit versatile, you can use him as your buddy or you can start a romance with him. The romance interaction is based on the style offered by SultericDrums in Stoker Wolff and Saerileth.

Finding him can be tricky because having him as a follower is supposed to be a kind of a quest, like, you're adventuring and then you found the man, instead of he was sitting on a PUB waiting for your arrival. His intro is a bit longer than the others. If you need a tip, check around the Golden Road, between Skingrad and Kvatch, near those bandit's camps, like, Ra'sava Camp. I'm not telling that it's Ra'sava Camp, it's just an example, but if you want to check that camp first, suit yourself. He might be in trouble, but he will only accept joining your group after he complete his task in Imperial City (you can choose to escort him or ignore that and talk to him there later).

I heard that his reward for helping him is too much generous. Well, Fergus is a generous guy and well, what kind of delivery do you think he's doing? Probably something really profitable.

He starts been part of the Thieves Guild and he's very loyal to them. You can ask him to join the Mages Guild and Fighters Guild anytime you want as long as you're part of those guilds. If you're into the Dark Brotherhood, Fergus might need time to accept to join and only YOU, as a speaker or listener can make him join. I also added option to join the BlackWood Company, but I didn't have time to see if it's compatible with Lingwei's "The BlackWood Company" mod.

Fergus is not using cosmetic resources, besides his eyes. But he has his own race entry and he's open for any customization (check the end of the Licensing/Legal). Besides he has an Imperial attitude sometimes, he never talks about his own race or features, so he's free to be a redguard, woodelf, khajiit, breton or any race you please. I think khajiit and Tabaxi would fit him well, since he's from Elsweyr. Woodelf, Redguard and Breton seems good too, in my opinion.

2.1 News on Version 2

I implemented, removed and changed many features in Fergus for Version 2.

Fergus "Start Combat Spell" has a new function. If you use it on a locked chest or door, Fergus will enter sneak mode, approach the chest and open it, IF he has lockpick with him. I studied the scripts in Talkie Toaster's "Companion Share and Recruit", so Fergus behaviour is the same as the one for the thieves in this mod using the same thing. I mean, as limitation, Fergus will never get a bounty for unlocking chests or doors, because of this, Fergus will only open locks with picklocks in his inventory, Skeleton Hand doesn't count. If you're not a thief, take Fergus to Ongar, Luciana, Dar-Jee or Orrin and if he has few lockpicks, he'll ask money to buy some with them. Another important detail is that, some chests and doors makes him act oddly, so, there is a timer in case he messes up and forces him to unlock.

I worked together with amgepo and with the help of cdcooley to implement a script to save Fergus from the jail bug, the one that can kill any companion Follow AI once player is in jail. I hope you guys won't need to reload a previous saved game anymore.

Implemented a "Companion Recognition System", I mean, in Companion Vilja, you can introduce other companions and Vilja may call them by name and all. That's one of my favorite things in Vilja and of course, Fergus should have it too. The system I chose is different, you talk about the companion and Fergus gives you an item to put in this companion's inventory. Drop it in the inventory and voila! Fergus might call them by name and have special things to tell to them. Right now, I added interactivity to Vilja, Neeshka, Arren, Sonia and Rosalind. These are the companion mods that I usually use. There could be more things to be added and I need you, Fergus users, to create a larger library. What are the other companions you have in game? I prefer to focus on the pattern that users have, since there are lots and lots of companions mods avaiable.

Side Note: Fergus can't recognize if the item is in the world, since you can loose them, talk to Fergus again and tell him that the NPC lost a certain item, he'll give you another, and another, and another, you can have 10000 Neeshka's favorite mug if you want. Another VERY important thing is about Rosalind, she's the mais for Benirus Manor created by Khetienna. To add his token, you should sneak and drop it (since it's 0 weight, that's ok), BUT, the girl respawns! So you should remove that flag or drop the token all the time you visit Benirus Manor.

A new menu in Sneak mod, to give Fergus quick orders.

Skills and attributes are shown via dialogue, instead of a messagebox menu. I did this to open space in Fergus scripts.

Other NPCs in the world may know about Fergus and might talk about him. (Silent voice only)

Follows and wait topics were changed a bit. Both follows will be shown if Fergus is not following you, if he follows you in armor, only the casual one will appear, if he's casual, only to follow in armor will appear. The wait topic only appears while he's following you, and now he'll respond according to what's happening: if he's in amor, he'll wait in armor; if he's casual, he'll wait casual; if he's sneaking, he'll wait in sneak mode and, if he's in the exterior cells of the Market District, he'll laught and wait without armor. After one hour, there are 30% of chance of him having more gold or jewelry in his pockets. Fable2 suggested something similar, to tell him if he can stay without doing anything funny or not, but I chose something simplier and well, he only does it in the Market District and well, he's weak. "Relax here for a while" and "Find some flora" were moved to "Before we continue..." to avoid too much clutter when you start talking to him.

People complained that Fergus died constantly. That's why he has a birthsign that gives him a troll skin (he restores 6 points of health every second), enchances his acrobatics and athletics by 15 and supposed to fortify his health by 200. Since it looks overpower, he has weakeness to fire 25. It's like a better The Lord bithsign. Yup, now Fergus has a birthsign. Besides that, I still recommend you to give him a bow.

2.2. News for Romancing with Fergus

Now, the part that Fergus lovers were waiting. I revised and changed how Fergus handles his story and love options. I banned the variables "trust" and "love" that I added to make him more random. Now, to romance with him, you need to follow his story and if you're not interested in romance, don't worry, because he's not going to flirt with you, except if you really want it.

The story is now dependant on your Level, so, if you're in level one, you can't listen to his full story, but, if you're level 10, you can do it, as long as he has enough disposition. I just noticed that Neverwinter Nights 1 uses this for the story of the henchmen. Keeping this, if you want to romance Fergus, you'll have three parts of interest: At level four, at the end of the talk, you can show that you're jealous about all the women in his life and by choosing that, he'll stop flirting your other female companions (have you ever noticed Fergus inviting Vilja to swim or drink wine? He had more in mind, I swear).

At level five, girls have the first opportunity to catch the boy, at the end of the piece, he'll tell about his last lover and you can ask some things and end up having him as a boyfriend. Yeah, easy that way, kiss him, tell that you love him and he's all yours.

Keep reading. If you're a man, and you like male to male interaction, unfortunately it's on level eight that you have the chance to have him as boyfriend, and you need to choose the right topics to open the one at the end. He'll tell about a certain guard that used him for his "hidden desires", you need to say that it's "cool" and then you'll have the option to ask Fergus if he's really easy on these things, he says yes, kiss him, tell that you love him and now you got your boyfriend.

The last oppotunity is at the end of all his story, at level nine, kiss him, tell you love him and voila! If you already told him that, you can say that you like his company.

Crowlotus reported Fergus using messages for boys while you're a girl, there was a problem in the conditions and I hope that was completely fixed. So sorry for that, girls!

NOTE: IF you got stuck in Fergus' romance and you already listened to all his story and upgraded your version, open the console and type "set fcmfergusquest.story to 12". That will make the last piece of his story avaiable again. You must have at least a level 9 character to go through it.
I guess that's all about the new changes.

2.2 Companion Features

Here's a list of Fergus' functions:

- Follow me, and equip your gear. (he follows you and will equip any gear he may have)*

- Follow me, but go casual. (he follows you wearing clothes)*

- Can I check your gear, please? (opens inventory menu)*

- Wait here, please. (the way he waits depends on the follow ai)

- We're done for now, see you later. (Fergus will teleport himself to his HOME Mark)*

- You have a bounty? Here's 500g. (If Fergus has a bounty and no money, you can help him!)*

- Before we continue... (Major menu that holds the following options:)*

     - I need you to meet me elsewhere. (Vilja has it, but Arren and CSR influenced more, he'll wait you in one tavern of the eight cities, plus if you own a house, he can stay there and he can wait near Kvatch Orignal Map Marker)

     - About our living arrangements...***

- This is our home. (Set his home mark - default at The Foaming Flask)*

- Your horse can stable here. (Change his horse mark - default at IC Stables)*

- Let me check what you use to sleep. (Opens his pijamas box, so you can let him sleeping naked or with soemthing else)**

- This is your bed. (Set his bed Mark - default at The Foaming Flask)*

- This is a nice spot in the afternoon. (Set a second wander mark that can be set on an exterior or at a PUB or Guild Hall - default at The Foaming Flask)*

     - Teleport to our meeting spot. (Recall for Fergus)*

     - If we need to split up, meet here. (Mark a place for Fergus - default at Temple of the One)*

     - Go get some sleep. (Fergus will go to sleep and will use his pijamas)***/**

     - Let's sit down for a while. (Fergus look for a place to sit, so you can sit near him)**

     - Relax here for a while. (Fergus shall do other things like eat, sleep, read, just like Vilja)**

     - Look around for some ingredients. (Hang around looking for ingredients)

     - How are your skills progressing? (Brings option where the player can check his stats, atributes, major and secondary skills. You can also set fergus to be Essential -when you finish his intro, he's not essential anymore- and stop him from talking alone -whistles, yawns and so on)*

     - Regarding your abilities...*

- When we come across an enemy... (Sets his aggression to 0, 5 or 10, can be accessed in a middle of a battle, like in Vilja "Do you need help?")*/**

- Can I have a few repair hammers? (If you have none, he can give you two for free)*

- I in need a few lockpicks... (Different from Vilja or Neeshka, Fergus, as a stealth type, can sell you lockpicks or exchange clutter for a lockpick. He can improvise lockpicks from calipers, shears, tongs or pewter knifes, spoons or forks)*

- You can stop using a torch now. (Stop using a torch)*

- Use a torch when we're in the dark. (Forces him to use a torch)*

- Don't heal me outside of combat.*

- Heal me outside of combat, please.*

- Don't heal me during combat.*

- Try to heal me during combat, please.*

- Cast an AOE party heal spell, please. (Cast a cheat spell that will cure EVERYONE in the area)*

     - Let's talk for a while.**

- Tell me about yourself. (He'll tell his story in several parts)**

- Any news with you? (Generic Gossip)**

- Join The BlackWood Company (NOT TESTED, if you belong to the BlackWood Company, he'll join them, just ask him near Jeetum-Ze)

- Join Dark Brotherhood (NOT TESTED, if you're from the Dark Brotherhood, you can convince Fergus to join too. Only when you're above speaker, you can invite him)

- Join Fighters Guild (Ask him to join near Vilena Donton, Burz gro-Karsh or Azzan OR he'll join automatically if you're a Master)

- Join Mages Guild (Ask him to join near Raminus Polus OR he'll join automatically if you're the arch-mage)

Note: Fergus is a Thives Guild member since the begginig

- About my friends... (Fergus gives you itens to be put in the companion inventory. "Friend's Luck Coin" is usefull for any NPC that you want to see Fergus calling Friend. Support for Vilja, Arren, Neeshka, Sonia and Rosalind%. Once you talked about these unique NPCs, Fergus might have an option to give endless of the same item, in case you lost one or maybe you have three Neeshkas, dunno) 

- About some friends that left... (I was about to implement gossips about the companios, but only one happens if you have Vilja and Neeshka -and if he's talking to Neeshka. In the future, this option will be more important as long as I add more interaction between him and the NPCs and give him gossips to tell to you.)

- Here's 100 septims for you. (A very thoughtful gift for Fergus, increases his dispossition)

Note: You can also increase his disposition when he asks for Food or Drink, just like Vilja.

     - [Flirt with him] (This option appears when you're romancing with him)***

- [Smile at him.] 

- [Kiss him] 

- I love you, Fergus! (This will appear if you choose a discreet romance or a full romance)

- [Make him crazy] (figure out yourself what would make him crazy)

- We need to talk about us. (Set type of romance)

     - We need to break up. (Get tired of Fergus? Then break up with him, but don't expect to go back!)

     - No, I'm kidding! (If you change your mind)

     - We need some time, let's be "friends" (Fergus Love Style 3, he's your buddyf**k, you can make him crazy, but you can't and he won't tell that he loves you. Also he will rarely call you darling, sweetheart and so on... after all he's that friend that goes to bed with you)

     - I love you, but be more discreet (Fergus Love Style 4, he's your boyfriend, but he won't tell you that he loves you all the time and will rarely call you darling)

     - I need more love, Fergus! (Fergus Love Style 5, Indiana James is back to Oblivion!)

NOTE: If you activate Fergus in Sneak Mode, you'll have a menu with quick instructions. (Reminds a bit CM Partners, I recall that they have this. But what made me want to do that is Vilja, whom you can access her inventory and that quick inventory access is really useful!)

* Command from Companion Neeshka

** Command from Companion Vilja

*** Command from Companion Stoker Wolff

%Rosalind is the maid at Khetienna's "Better Benirus Manor - Helping Hands". She doesn't have inventory access, so you might add her token via pickpocket (zero weight item is all right for that). Also she respawns, so, except if you remove that flag from her, you might need to give the item all the time. I didn't remove her from my list because if too much cool to hear Fergus calling her by name.


Further and more technical information can be found in the readme included in the download.