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About this mod

I found Quickclay\'s fame indicator mod some time ago and thought it was a great idea and started using it. But I kept seeing it come up on the Oblivion Conflict Detector and began to wonder how it was made. I had a look in the editor and sure enough it was a series of modifications to the game\'s quest scripts. After having spent the last few

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I found Quickclay's fame indicator mod some time ago and thought it was a great idea and started using it. But I kept seeing it come up on the Oblivion Conflict Detector and began to wonder how it was made. I had a look in the editor and sure enough it was a series of modifications to the game's quest scripts. After having spent the last few weeks working on another mod (primarily scripting) I saw a way to do the same thing, *but* make it 100% compatible with other mods as well as work with mods that include fame or infamy
increasing events of their own.

Thus I present to you Xero's Fame Indicator. It consists of 1 quest script that continuously watches for changes in fame or infamy levels and displays an appropriate message. Though I know of no events that cause fame or infamy to go down, if one occurs for any reason another message will indicate such.

I was also having problems in my current game with bounties
appearing with no indication of how they got there and thus added a bounty reporting feature to this mod.

v1.1 Fixed a bug where the infamy increase/decrease notification wouldn't go away.