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About this mod

This mod enhances a certain tomb found during The Lost Spires' main quest by adding additional artifacts and items

Permissions and credits
The Lost Spires - Enhanced Tomb

To avoid spoilers, I'll just say that this mod enhances a certain tomb found during The Lost Spires'
main quest by adding additional artifacts and items to make it look more
fitting for the person it belongs to.

Have fun discovering it and finding the new details added!


This mod requires The Lost Spires, of course: www.LostSpires.com

You will also need to download two sets of resources by the amazing Stroti. THE MOD WILL NOT WORK WITHOUT THESE!!

Strotis Ayleid Furniture: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/41670

Strotis Ayleid Clutter: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/41558

Copy all files in the Data directory of the zip file into the Oblivion game Data directory.

Activate the mod in your load order. This will need to be loaded after The Lost Spires' ESP.

The Liquid Graphics Interactive team behind The Lost Spires, one of my favorite quest mods!

Stroti for the wonderful meshes that made this mod possible!

Finally, MANY THANKS to the hardworking members of the Nexus community who have done wonders for keeping Oblivion alive and interesting!