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About this mod

A lore-friendly, and minimalist improvement to the class system in Oblivion. This mod unlocks previously unplayable vanilla classes, adds a multitude of new and varied classes, adds new descriptions for vanilla classes and gives each class new abilities.


(SZCO = Swizzarmyzzz Class Overhaul (for short))

Permissions and credits
Version 2 Now Released!
- New abilities and powers for each class
- 2 new classes
(Penitent & Plague Doctor)
- Updated some class descriptions
- Grammar fixes

1.) Description
2.) Versions
3.) Requirements
4.) Installation
5.) Load Order
6.) Compatibility
7.) Modding Process
8.) Requests
9.) History
10.) Credits

11.) Personal Load Order / Install Guide

I find the selection of vanilla classes rather underwhelming, and I dislike having to
create a custom class every time I play, so I have attempted to remedy this by
making picking a premade class more varied and enjoyable. The main features of
the mod are:

- New and improved vanilla class descriptions
- Unlocked 22 previously unplayable vanilla classes and added lore-fitting descriptions
- Added 22 new and varied classes with lore-fitting descriptions
- Given each class new powers and passive abilities!

Details of Unlocked Classes, Descriptions and Powers/Abilities in Spoiler Below:

(Unplayable vanilla classes are not edited at all, I just added new class
records with exact same stats. I did this to help reduce conflicts.)

Unlocked Vanilla Classes:
- Alchemist
- Bandit
- Blademaster
- Chaplain
- Conjurer
- Enchanter
- Enforcer
- Farmer
- Herald
- Hunter
- Marauder
- Merchant
- Necromancer
- Noble
- Pirate
- Priest
- Savant
- Sharpshooter
- Smith
- Warlock
- Witch
- Zealot

Unlocked Vanilla Classes Descriptions & Powers/Abilities:

Whether secreted away in a smoky basement laboratory or gleefully experimenting in a well-respected school of magic, the alchemist is often regarded as being just as unstable, unpredictable, and dangerous as the
concoctions they brew. Rather than cast magic like a regular spellcaster, the alchemist enhances their own magic potential within the liquids and extracts they create, infusing potions with virulent power to grant themselves impressive skill all manner of self-transformative magic.

Alchemical Innovation – On self. Fortify alchemy 25 points for 360 seconds.
Noxious Fumes – On touch. Weakness to poison 50 points and drain speed 25 points and damage health 1 points per second in 20ft for 30 seconds.
Passive Ability:
Mithridatism – Resist poison and paralysis 25 points

Bandits have long been the bane of travellers and merchants. They watch the roads frequently travelled, ambushing at speed and taking anything of value, lining their pockets with ill-gotten riches. Whilst not necessarily evil, they are not afraid to shed blood to protect themselves or to obtain great treasure.
Crippling Strike – On Touch. Drain agility andstrength 25 points, and drain speed 75 points for 15 seconds, disintegrate armour 50 points. Paralyze for 1 second.
Lesser Power:
Gallows Humor – On touch. Charm 25 points for 60seconds.
Passive Ability:
Savvy Evasion – Resist normal weapons 10 points, fortifyfatigue 30 points

Unlike the warrior or other blade-wielding classes, blademasters consider their chosen edged weapon to be a part of their very being. From a young age, blademasters spend incredible amounts of times fighting, and are never found without a blade by their side. Without a weapon, a blademaster quickly falls into depression and despair. Although they initially appear to have a threatening nature, blademasters are often very friendly and hospitable outside of battle.
Disarming Blow – On touch. Drain fatigue 100 pointsfor 30 seconds, disintegrate weapon and armor 75 points.
Inner Focus – On self. Fortify blade, block and strength25 points for 60 seconds.
Passive Ability:
Assiduous Discipline – Fortify fatigue 30 points, shield 5points.

The Champion is someone who believes deeply in a cause, though that does not necessarily mean it is a righteous cause. The Champion views this cause as a driving force within their life and if necessary, will
meet in battle over it, and even sacrifice themselves for it. Champions can be
devoted to people, ideals and any other facet of life as long as they believe
enough that the cause is something worth fighting for.

Sundering Cry – On touch. In 20ft, demoralise up tolevel 15 and drain strength 15 points for 20 seconds, and disintegrate armor 50 points.
Moment of Inspiration – On self. For 60 seconds, fortifystrength and endurance 25 points, restore magicka and fatigue 5 points per second.
Passive ability:
Unshakeable Resolve – Resist magic 5 points and fortifyhealth 25 points.

Conjurers specialize in ripping open the fabric of the very universe, digging into its depths and drawing forth creatures and spells of incredible power to aid them in their pursuits. One of the most versatile schools of magic, conjuration offers its disciples an effective solution to nearly any task. In combat, adept conjurers fight from behind wave after wave of summoned foes, overwhelming their enemies.

Bound Aegis – On self. For 45 seconds, summon bound boots, greaves, cuirass, gauntlets and helmet and drain speed and agility 50 points.
Sigil of Consumption – On touch. For 15 seconds, absorb health 4 points per second, absorb magicka 6 points per second, absorb fatigue 8 points per second, absorb endurance 10 points, and absorb strength 10 points.
Passive Ability:
Unearthly Rite – Fortify magicka 30 points, resist shock andfire 10 points, weakness to frost 25 points.

Masters of enchantment, unrivalled in their ability to imbue powerful properties into both weapons and armor. The weapons they enchant become devastating, striking down enemies in but a single blow. The armor they
enchant becomes impenetrable, weathering strike after strike with nothing but a scratch to show for it.

Bastion of Assimilation – On self. Spell absorption 30 points and shield 30 points for 30 seconds.
Bodily Transmutation – On self. Detect life 75ft, feather 50 points, fortify intelligence and willpower 10 points, and water breathing for 150 seconds.

Passive ability:
Corporeal Ward – Fortify magicka 30 points and shield 5 points.

The avenging crusader of the dark. The skulking fiend. The black-clad horror striking fear into the hearts of those who prey on the weak. Enforcers appear to be cold-blooded killers. However, when examined under close scrutiny, the enforcer turns acts of murder into works of art. Rather than relying on brute force, the enforcer applies precision and skill to all of their work. To an enforcer there is no greater challenge than pulling off the perfect mission, slipping in unseen, slitting their target's throat or dropping poison into a wine goblet, then getting away completely undetected.
Nightfall – On self. For 150 seconds, chameleon 25 points, fortify sneak and speed 25 points and frost shield 20 points. Sun damage 5 points per second.
Anatomy of Murder – On touch. For 20 seconds, weakness to normal weapons and weakness to magic 25 points, weakness to poison 50 points. Disintegrate armour 75 points.
Passive ability:
Umbral Veil – Resist normal weapons 10 points, resist frost 25 points.

Though not typically thought of as a warrior or adventurer, working in the field all day when the sun is hot and high in the sky certainly makes a person far tougher than most. A fight against one of these individuals is sure to be a long one that not many can endure.
Second Wind – On self. Fortify endurance 25 points for 60 seconds, restore fatigue 5 points per second and restore health 3 points per second for 60 seconds.
Rural charm – On self. Fortify speechcraft and personality 25 points for 360 seconds.
Passive Ability:
Hardy Constitution – Resist frost 25 points, fortify health 15 points and fortify fatigue 20 points.

Singers of songs, tellers of tales, slayers of beasts; heralds are men and women who embody the notion of legend. These warriors inspire greatness by deed and word, showing their fellows that greatness is
always within their grasp. Their presence on the battlefield is a marvel to witness, and often the turning element of the battle.
Ironclad Mandate – On touch. Command humanoid up to level 15 for 60 seconds.
Emboldening Cry – On touch. For 30 seconds in 20ft, rally 60 points, fortify health 75 points, fortify fatigue 100 points and fortify strength 25 points.
Passive Ability:
Herald’s Vigor – Fortify fatigue 30 points and fortify health 25 points.

Hunters are masters of the wilds, ably traversing any terrain, whether that be a dense forest, a fetid marsh or the frozen peak of a mountain top. It doesn’t matter if their prey be animal or elf, orc or daedra, they always find it, and they always kill it.

Caught the scent – On self. Detect life 90ft, fortify marksman, sneak and agility 25 points for 150 seconds.
One with Beasts – On touch. Command creature up to level 20 for 60 seconds.
Passive Ability:
Fleet of Foot – Fortify fatigue 30 points and resist normal weapons 10 points.

Marauders are gruff, hard-boiled fighters, survivors who learn to mix brute force with a bit of craftiness. They have most of the warrior’s strengths, along with some additional skills to help keep them alive. Despite the name, not all marauders are mere savages—many are crafty veterans who use their knowledge of the world to gain an advantage against their opponents.

Open Vein – On touch. Drain speed 50 points, weakness to normal weapons 25 points, damage magicka 10 points per second and damage fatigue 6 points per second for 15 seconds.
Veteran’s Resolve – On self. Fortify heavy armour and block 25 points, fortify health 75 points and fortify fatigue 100 points for 60 seconds.
Passive Ability:
Scars of Battle – Fortify health 25 points, resist normal weapons 10 points.

Merchants excel at gathering information, bartering and negotiating their way out of all but the direst of situations. Often, they resort to bribery should it further their agenda, and have an uncanny ability to make even the strictest individuals take these "gifts". Whilst not experts in combat, they ably defend themselves using the myriad of random and usually valuable items they have accumulated through their travels.
Adroit Haggler – On self. Fortify mercantile 25 points for 360 seconds.
A Gilded Promise – On touch. Calm up to level 20 in 20ft for 30 seconds.
Passive Ability:
Countless Nights on the Road – Fortify fatigue 30 points, resist frost and fire 10 points.

Necromancers are spellcasters that harbour the ability to raise, animate, create, or summon undead. They are infamous for their manipulation of life and toying with death, finding many ways to cheat it. Some seek to revive their loved ones; others may seek everlasting life, and others may fall to the dark arts seeking nigh infinite power. Whatever the case, they turned their backs on society, and are outcasts and hunted by those whom dare.
Ethereal Step – On self. For 30 seconds, chameleon 50 points, resist normal weapons, resist magic and fortify speed 25 points, feather 200 points, drain strength 50 points and stunted magicka.
Mark of Torment – On touch. Absorb health and magicka 4 points for 15 seconds, demoralise up to level 20
for 15 seconds and soul trap for 30 seconds.
Passive Ability:
Unholy Covenant – Fortify magicka 30 points, resist frost 25 points, resist normal weapons 10 points, weakness to fire 25 points, weakness to shock 25 points

Nobles are masters in the art of speechcraft, ably navigating the political battles they often find themselves in. They are suave and charismatic, receiving a great deal of respect from most. Some nobles forsake their birthright for a lifetime of adventure, leaving riches and titles behind. Whilst others may be trying to regain access to a life of privilege they once lost.

Honorable Decree – On touch. Command humanoid up tolevel 15 for 60 seconds.
Sanguine Vow – On self. For 30 seconds, resist magic and resist normal weapons 25 points, fortify strength and blade 25 points. Damage health 60 points.
Passive Ability:
Noble Blood – Fortify health 30 points, restore health 1 point per second.

Pirates. Seafaring thugs with little respect for the law, taking whatever they can through any means necessary. Due to the nature of the job, the life of a pirate is often short, poor and violent. A landlocked pirate is nothing more than a brigand wielding a blade, with and a desire for the seafaring life.

Blessing of the Deep – On self. For 150 seconds, fortify agility 25 points, detect life 75ft, light 25ft and water breathing.
Lesser power:
Corsair’s Bargain – On touch. Charm 25 points for 60 seconds.
Passive Ability:
Exposure to the Elements – Resist shock and frost 20 points.

Unyielding faith in divine justice and hatred of darkness make priests potent fighters, but their true calling is to heal allies, counter harmful magic with protective spells, and unleash righteous wrath upon the wicked.

Divine Light – On touch. For 30 seconds, turn undead up to level 20 in 20ft. On self. For 30 seconds, light 25ft and restore health 3 points every second.
Merciful Touch – On touch. Cure poison, cure paralysis and restore health 100 points, fortify health 100 points for 60 seconds.
Passive Ability:
Bulwark of Faith – Resist magic 5 points and shield 5 points


Savants tend to be inquisitive and dedicated, always pushing the boundaries of their own knowledge and willing to go to extreme measures to do so. The drive to understand their own power, the world, and their place in it drives them. Absolute self-discovery is the ultimate goal. Savants are formidable foes, capable of turning their mind, body, and soul, into a single entity in battle.

Untapped Power – On self. Fortify willpower, strength and destruction 25 points and fortify magicka 100 points for 60 seconds.
Siphoning Shield – On self. Spell absorption 50 points, and soul trap in 20ft for 30 seconds.
Passive Ability:
Mind and Body as One – Resist shock 25 points and shield 5 points.

Whether self-taught hunters or stoic soldiers, sharpshooters can be found in many professions. They specialize exclusively in ranged combat, capable of hitting just about anything just about anywhere. They are cautious not to alert their targets, since their combat advantage requires patience and cunning rather than brute force.
Singular Focus – On self. For 90 seconds, fortify sneak, marksman and destruction 25 points, fortify agility 10 points, drain speed 30 points and weakness to normal weapons 25 points.
Chink in the Armor – On target. Paralyze for 8 seconds, weakness to normal weapons and weakness to magic 25 points for 20 seconds.
Passive Ability:
Rigorous Training – Fortify fatigue and magicka 30 points.

Workers by trade, a blacksmith is able to do marvellous things with their forged metals. People of all walks of life come to them to request their services. Whether it be for a weapon, armor, or something as simple as a new shovel, a capable blacksmith can create just about anything. But a truly accomplished smith can make something better than it already is.
Impenetrable Bulwark – On self. For 30 seconds, fortify block 25 points, shield 25 points, reflect damage and resist magic 25 points, drain agility and drain speed 50 points.

Lesser Power:
Master of Metal – On self. Fortify armorer 25 points for 60 seconds.

Passive Ability:
Long Nights by the Forge – Resist fire 25 points and fortify fatigue 30 points

Warlocks are driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge and power, which cannot be slaked with mere study and research. This leads many warlocks into a life of adventure. Unlike bookish wizards, warlocks supplement their magic with some facility in close quarters combat. They are comfortable in light armor and know how to use bladed weapons.
Aegis of Torment – On self. For 30 seconds, reflect damage and reflect spell 25 points, fortify destruction 25 points, restore magicka 10 points per second and damage health 2 points per second.
Energy Siphon – On touch. For 20 seconds, absorb 5 points of magicka and fatigue per second, absorb willpower and intelligence 25 points.
Passive ability:
A Hungering for Magical Power – Fortify magicka 30 points and resist magic 5 points.

Witches are generally feared and misunderstood, tending to live as recluses on the edge of civilisation. Like wizards, they are learned spellcasters, but unlike wizards they gain their magic not in schools but on the fringes of society, learning from the shunned and adopting old ways that frighten common folk but offer great power.

Curse of Frailty – On touch. For 30 seconds, in 20ft burden 75 points, drain speed 30 points, and drain strength and agility 15points.
Flesh Reconstruction – On self. For 15 seconds, restore health 10 points per second, resist normal weapons 25 points, resist paralysis 100 points and resist poison 50 points, Cure poison.
Passive Ability:
Fragment of the Old Ways – Fortify magicka 30 points, resist frost and shock 10 points.

Zealots are holy berserkers who pride themselves on the scars they receive from fighting in the name of their god. Zealots are brutal foes on the battlefield, their abilities in combat, though not as traditional as a warrior, are respected and feared. When a zealot does go into battle, they often fly into a holy fervour that causes them to think about nothing else except putting the business end of their weapon into their god's foe.

Word of Hysteria – On touch. Frenzy up to level 20 in 20ft for 30 seconds.
Holy Fervor – On self. For 30 seconds, stunted magicka, fortify strength and speed 25 points, fortify fatigue 100 points, resist normal weapons 25 points, drain intelligence 30 points and drain block 50 points.
Passive ability:
Devout Conviction – Fortify health 25 points, shield 5 points, resist shock 10 points.

Details of New Classes, Descriptions and Powers/Abilities in Spoiler Below:

New Classes:
- Antiquarian
- Arcanist
- Berserker
- Burglar
- Chaplain
- Cleric
- Dark Knight
- Druid
- Explorer
- Gladiator
- Grave Robber
- Magus
- Mystic
- Paladin
- Penitent
- Plague Doctor
- Ranger
- Seeker
- Shaman
- Tracker
- Vanguard
- Wizard

New Class Descriptions & Powers/Abilities:


A studious professor of ancient history, religion and archaeology by day, collector of rare antiquities by night. Scouring libraries and dungeons for a clue that will lead them to the artifact they seek, the antiquarian is both a scholar and an adventurer. The relics they seek are often guarded by secrets, traps and hostile parties searching for the same items. Through guile and smarts the antiquarian can survive any challenges that comes their way. Their careful study and encyclopaedic knowledge of creatures big and small give them a great advantage in knowing the weaknesses of any foe they face.

Delve into the Darkness – On self. For 150 seconds, detect life 90ft, night eye, water breathing and fortify sneak 25 points.

Lesser Power:
Artifact Handling – On target. Telekinesis 30ft for 20 seconds.

Passive Ability:
Archaic Knowledge – Fortify magicka 30 points and resist magic 5 points.

Arcanists are scholars of all things magical. Whereas others specialize in a school of magic, the arcanist opens up the subtle world of versatility. They constantly seek to expand their knowledge of the mysterious laws of magic, and through their strong will and expertise, bend those forces to their whim. No magic can resist their control. Many arcanists are seen as reckless, more concerned with the potency of magic than the ramifications of unleashing such power.

Arcane Will – On self. For 30 seconds, fortify intelligence and destruction 25 points, chameleon 25 points, restore magicka 10 points per second and weakness to magic 25 points.
Mind Debilitation – On touch. For 15 seconds, drain intelligence and willpower 30 points, drain speed and agility 40 points, drain magicka 100 points, burden 75 points.

Passive Ability:
Reckless Power – Fortify magicka 30 points, resist shock and fire 20 points, weakness to frost 25 points, weakness to normal weapons 10 points.

Anger. Rage. Hatred. Passion. All these are facets of emotions, and the berserker is one who brings them forth to their fullest potential. He uses the raw emotions within him, calling upon them as he goes forth into battle. This raw potential can be found in virtually anyone, but only few can bring that anger forth and use it to aid them in their battle. Berserkers make for both fearsome enemies and loyal allies.

Berserk – On self. For 30 seconds, fortify speed and strength 25 points, reflect damage 25 points, drain intelligence and block 50 points, weakness to magic 25 points.
Brutish Strike – On touch. Burden 75 points for 15 seconds, paralyze for 5 seconds, disintegrate armor and weapon 50 points.

Passive Ability:
Unparalleled Fervor – Fortify fatigue 30 points, fortify health 25 points, resist normal weapons 10 points, weakness to magic 20 points.

A good burglar can strip a palace to its foundations without waking a soul. Let the vulgar delinquents mug and kill for their gold - the burglar is agile, silent and curious as a cat. Sometimes it is the challenge of a supposedly insurmountable lock or a tireless guard that sets their blood to burn. More often, it is simple greed.

Expeditious Retreat – On self. For 60 seconds, chameleon 50 points, fortify speed and agility 50 points and fortify fatigue 100 points.

Lesser Power:
Into the Gloom – On self. Detect life 25ft and night eye for 30 seconds.

Passive Ability:
Uncanny Dodge – Fortify fatigue 30 points, resist normal weapons 10 points.

A chaplain is a warrior of their god, bringing forth the vindication of their deity to the battlefield; a conduit of raw divine power. Their actions in combat bring forth a palpable aura of divine power as the chaplain becomes a scion of his deity. They are the fist of the gods, those who choose this way are blessed by their deity to do his or her will, anywhere it needs doing. They can be a battlemage, a healer, a rally point, a frontline soldier; it makes no difference so long as their god wills it. Enemies of the chaplains’ deity do well to stay away, for they are coming.

Word of Silence – On touch. Silence in 20ft for 20 seconds
Righteous Zeal – On self. For 30 seconds, fortify strength, blunt and destruction 25 points. Restore magicka 5 points per second.

Passive Ability:
Sacrosanct Blessing – Resist fire 25 points, shield 5 points.

In faith and the miracles of the divine, many find a greater purpose. These emissaries of the divine work the will of their deities through strength of arms and the magic of their gods. Devoted to the tenets of the religions and philosophies that inspire them, clerics quest to spread the knowledge and influence of their faith. While the vast majority of clerics revere a specific deity, a small number dedicate themselves to a divine concept worthy of devotion—such as battle, death, justice, truth, or knowledge—free of a deific abstraction.

Hallowed Ground – On touch. For 30 seconds, turn undead up to level 20 in 20ft. On self. For 30 seconds, light 25ft, shield 25 points and resist magic 25 points.
Lay on Hands – On touch. Restore health 10 points per second for 15 seconds, fortify health 50 points and shield 25 points for 30 seconds. Cure poison and paralysis.

Passive Ability:
Otherworldly Favor – Shield and resist magic 5 points.

Dark Knight
A dark knight is a knight without a master. They forge their own destiny through life, taking work where they can. Oftentimes, they rely on the power of darkness to meet their own ends. Whether or not they use that dark power for good or evil is entirely up to them.

Black Mass – On self. For 30 seconds, reflect damage and reflect spell 25 points, fortify strength 25 points. Sun damage 5 points per second, stunted magicka.
A Gift of Flesh – On touch. For 30 seconds in 20ft, soul trap, absorb health 1 point per second and absorb magicka 1 point per second. Damage health 60 points on self.

Passive Ability:
Infernal Blessing – Fortify magicka and fatigue 30 points, resist fire 25 points and weakness to frost 25 points.

Secretive and enigmatic, druids call the wilderness their home. Known as the "True Priests of Kynareth"; the druids are said to be one with nature. Allies to beasts and manipulators of nature, these often misunderstood protectors of the wild strive to shield their lands from all who would threaten them, and prove the might of the wilds to those who lock themselves behind city walls. Their ultimate goal is to bring harmony to the world.

Primal Bond – On touch. Command creature up to level 20 for 60 seconds.
Oaken Skin – On self. For 30 seconds, shield and spell absorption 25 points, fortify endurance 25 points, resist frost 25 points and weakness to fire 50 points.

Passive Ability:
Heart of the Wild – Fortify fatigue 20 points, fortify health 15 points, resist shock and resist frost 10 points.

The explorer is best described as an individual on the move; accustomed to lives of travel, they rarely enjoy remaining one place for long and are always looking around for their next big undertaking. Though the explorer dreams of adventuring on epic quests for noblemen and kings and wandering the vast world in search of knowledge, treasure, fame, or glory, they tend to cautiously approach their undertakings, since they know that the hasty explorer is often a dead one.

Pathfinder – On self. For 150 seconds, fortify speed 25 points, fortify fatigue 100 points, feather 125 points, light 25ft and water walking.

Lesser Power:
Haste – On Self. Fortify speed 10 points for 60 seconds.

Passive Ability:
Traveller’s Fortitude – Fortify fatigue 30 points, resist frost 25 points.

Gladiators are the masters of the art of combat: they are gifted warriors that can take on a single powerful opponent or a horde of weaker ones. Through their mastery of oratory arts and body language, a
gladiator can intimidate foes effectively, and few can look in the eyes of a gladiator in the throes of frenzy. Fearsome for their legendary ability to find the upper hand in combat, a gladiator is not one to be trifled with. Their thirst for blood, glory and vengeance fuels their battle-hardened spirits.

Counter Strike – On self. For 30 seconds, reflect damage and shield 25 points, fortify block 50 points.
Rending Force – On touch. Disintegrate armor 100 points, weakness to normal weapons 25 points for 30 seconds.

Passive Ability:
Martial Conditioning – Fortify health 25 points, resist normal weapons 10 points.

Grave Robber
Grave Robbers are people that have a singular goal in their life: Treasure. There is nothing a grave robber wants more than to retrieve ancient artifacts, either for their own personal gain, for profit, or as a contract to others. Grave robbers are equally at home behind a table dealing with shady clients as they are knee deep in the muck of a jungle or dust of a dungeon. While not combative, grave robbers are far from helpless in combat, having many abilities that can disrupt the flow of a fight, allowing them to escape or evade conflict altogether.

Midnight Calling – On self. For 150 seconds, night eye, fortify sneak 25 points, chameleon 25 points and detect life 90ft. Sun damage 5 points on self.

Lesser Power:
Artifact Reclamation – On target. Telekinesis 30ft for 20 seconds.

Passive Ability:
Shroud of Darkness – Resist normal weapons 10 points, resist frost 25 points.

The magus is at once a student of three philosophies, blending magical ability, martial prowess and deathly silence into something entirely unique, a discipline in which spell, steel, and stealth are used to devastating effect. At the pinnacle of their art, the magus becomes a blur of steel and magic, a force that few foes would dare to stand against. The magus is well-prepared for life as an exemplary mage, a deadly assassin, or a powerful defender.

Union of Steel and Magic – On self. For 45 seconds, fortify blade, strength, willpower and destruction 25 points.
Without a Trace – On self. For 60 seconds, invisibility and fortify sneak and speed 25 points.

Passive Ability:
Versatility of Mind and Body – Fortify magicka 30 points, shield 5 points.

Mystics are spellcasters who have focused their minds unto a certain way of thinking, turning themselves inward into potent forces of magic. Their minds are said to be open to a deeper understanding of reality and its workings.

Primordial Understanding – On self. For 60 seconds, fortify willpower 25 points, resist magic and reflect spell 15 points and fortify magicka 100 points.
Nightmares from Beyond the Veil – On touch. In 20ft, paralyze for 3 seconds and demoralise up to level 15 and damage magicka 8 points per second for 20 seconds.

Passive Ability:
Strength of Mind – Fortify magicka 30 points, resist normal weapons 10 points.

The compassion to pursue good, the will to uphold law, and the power to defeat evil, these are the three weapons of the paladin. Few have the purity and devotion that it takes to walk the paladin’s path, but those few
are rewarded with the power to protect, to heal, and to smite. Paladins seek not just to spread divine justice but to embody the teachings of the virtuous deities they serve. In pursuit of their lofty goals, they adhere to ironclad laws of morality and discipline. In a land of darkness and evil the paladin is the final hope that cannot be extinguished.

Defender of Light – On self. For 30 seconds, fire shield 40 points, spell absorption 20 points and light 50ft.
Empowering Touch – On touch. For 60 seconds, rally 80 points, fortify health, fatigue and magicka 100 points, and shield 25 points.

Passive Ability:
Righteous Conviction – Fortify health 25 points, resist magic 5 points

Burdened by the guilt of untold sins, the Penitent’s singular goal is to atone. Through penance they may attain absolution for the wrongs they have committed. They are zealous and stubborn and will stop at nothing to achieve their purpose, which they believe to be divine. Though a Penitent may be good or evil, they are always true to their goal.

Vow of Silence – On self. For 60 seconds, silence, stunted magicka, shield 30 points, resist magic 25 points, fortify strength and endurance 15 points.
Weight of True Guilt – On touch. For 30 seconds, burden 150 points, drain speed 40 points and weakness to normal weapons and magic 25 points. Paralyze for 1 second.

Passive Ability:
Sanguine Blessing – Fortify health 25 points, shield 5 points.

Plague Doctor:
A doctor, researcher and alchemist specialising in the field of physical, if not controversial, medicine, making use of experimental remedies and risky healing practices to cure ailments and restore vitality. Although revered by most for their advances in the world of medicine and the preservation of life, they are looked down upon by some for their questionable methods and ethics, believing that their reliance on rare herbs, potions, and vapors brings upon false healing. Whilst experts in alchemical medicine, they often bolster their craft with powerful restoration magics. Through years of rigorous study on various poisons, diseases, and infections, plague doctors have managed to turn their mundane craft into an art form.

Cauterise the Wound – On self. For 30 seconds, fire shield 30 points, resist poison 50 points, restore health 5 points per second. Fire damage 30 points on self. Cure poison and disease.
Alchemical Experimentation - On self. Fortify alchemy 25 points for 360 seconds.

Passive Ability:
Experimental Treatment – Fortify health 25 points, resist poison and paralysis 25 points, weakness to frost and shock 10 points.

Even as civilization slowly wins its battle with the wilderness, the woodland warriors of Tamriel - the rangers - are unchallenged in their environment. Many consider them savages, but in reality, they are supremely adaptive fighting men and women, sometimes guardians of the forest, sometimes protectors of travellers, but always at one with nature.

Wilderness Mastery – On self. For 150 seconds, chameleon 25 points, fortify marksman, sneak and agility 25 points.
Tranquillity of the Forest - On touch. Calm up to level 20 in 20ft for 30 seconds.

Passive Ability:

Woodland Resilience – Fortify fatigue 30 points, resist fire and frost 10 points.

A Seeker is someone who has dedicated their life to finding and eradicating all sources of lies, in the hope that one day, only what is true shall remain. They want to find the truth and hold it before the light for all to see, as they strongly believe the origin of all evil to be in the lies spread to hide the truth. Even though they can still hold their own in the field of battle, seekers have sacrificed some of their martial training in order to practice some more social skills, allowing them to more easily distinguish the honest man from the worthless liar.

No More Lies – On touch. Silence in 20ft for 20seconds.
Unwavering Conviction – On self. For 45 seconds, resist magic and resist normal weapons 25 points, fortify health and magicka 100 points.

Passive Ability:
Single-minded – Resist magic 5 points and resist normal weapons 10 points.

Shamans are untamed fighters capable of brutal strength and ferocity that would make most men take a step back and reconsider their chances; but that wild side is equally matched by their connection to nature and its magical powers. Shamans are capable of wielding the terrible forces of nature against their foes or even calling upon savage beasts to come to their aid. Shamans excel in the use of brutal two-handed melee weapons, but can easily adapt to other tools of war when conjuring their primal powers.

Call of the Wild - On touch. Command creature up to level 20 for 60 seconds.
Untamed Ferocity – On self. For 30 seconds, fortify strength, blunt and destruction 25 points, resist normal weapons 25 points and drain block 50 points.

Passive Ability:
Storm Touched – Shield 5 points, resist shock 25 points.

Trackers are skilled at infiltration, stealing, and assassination, and thus often must go undercover to avoid their identity being revealed. They are extremely versatile and are trained to expect the unexpected. Unparalleled practitioners of deception, trackers rely on deceit and trickery over brawn and spells. A tracker is an expert at both magical and nonmagical means of evading detection, and quick-witted when it comes to improvisation. They are powerful tools utilised by influential authority figures for the purpose of investigating events and carrying out secret missions.

Shadow Dance - On self. For 60 seconds, invisibility and night eye, fortify speed 25 points, sun damage 5 points per second.
Track Down – On self. For 150 seconds, detect life in 90ft, fortify sneak, speed and marksman 25 points.

Passive Ability:
Mercurial Deception – Resist normal weapons 10 points, fortify fatigue 30 points.

The tank. The brute. The thug. The bruiser. Whatever you call them, they are the warrior standing at the front of every battle. Against ogres, bandits, vampires, and daedra, their unyielding stance works as an impassable wall against their enemies. Incredibly hard to defeat and knowing never to surrender under any circumstance. That is the lot of a vanguard.

Overguard – On self. For 30 seconds, shield 40 points, spell absorption 20 points, fortify block 50 points, drain speed and agility 50 points.
Break Morale – On touch. In 20ft, weakness to normal weapons and magic 25 points, demoralise up to level 15 for 20 seconds.

Passive Ability:

Steadfast – Fortify health 25 points and shield 5 points.

These shrewd magic-users seek, collect, and covet esoteric knowledge, drawing on cultic arts to work wonders beyond the abilities of others. While some might choose a particular field of magical study and become masters of such powers, wizards embrace versatility, revelling in the unbounded wonders of all magic. Wizards lives are seldom mundane, they are lured by the promise of knowledge and power, calling even the most unadventurous wizards out of the safety of their libraries and laboratories, and into crumbling ruins and lost cities.

Mana Flood – On self. For 30 seconds, spell absorption 25 points, restore magicka 15 points per second and fortify magicka 100 points.
Nullification – On touch. For 20 seconds, drain intelligence and willpower 25 points, weakness to magic 40 points and silence. Dispel 100 points.

Passive Ability:
Elemental Versatility – Fortify magicka 25 points, resist fire and frost 10 points.

Details of New Vanilla Classes, Descriptions and Powers/Abilities in Spoiler Below:

(I have not edited the vanilla classes stats and features, just the description. If you would like a rundown of the vanilla classes, just check out this link - https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Classes)

An experienced acrobat is as difficult to hit or hold as a drop of quicksilver. Dexterous to a superhuman degree, acrobats are remarkable leapers, climbers, dodgers, runners and tumblers. 'Acrobat' is a polite euphemism for agile burglars and second-story men. These thieves avoid detection by stealth, and rely on mobility and cunning to avoid capture.

Evasive Action - On self. For 150 seconds, fortify sneak, speed, athletics and acrobatics 25 points.

Lesser Power:
Nimble-footed - On Self. For 60 seconds, fortify acrobatics 25 points.

Passive Ability:
Abnormal Dexterity - Fortify fatigue 30 points, resist normal weapons 10 points.

Agents are operatives skilled in deception and avoidance, but trained in self-defence and the use of deadly force. Self-reliant and independent, agents devote themselves to personal goals, or to various patrons or causes.

Phantom Masquerade - On self. For 60 seconds, invisibility, detect life 90ft and fortify sneak 25 points.
For Whom the Bell Tolls - On touch. In 20ft, paralyze for 3 seconds, demoralise up to level 15 and drain speed 25 points for 20 seconds.

Passive Ability:
Cloak-and-dagger - Resist normal weapons 10 points and fortify fatigue 30 points.

Archers are specialist warriors whose weapon of choice is the bow. Warriors who prefer close melee have called the archer's long-distance attack dishonourable, but to the archer, efficiency is most important. They cannot waste their arrow shots as conventional warriors can waste their strikes. Opponents are kept at distance by ranged weapons and swift maneuvering, and engaged in melee with sword and shield after the enemy is wounded and weary.

Marked for Death - On target. For 20 seconds, drain speed 50 points, weakness to normal weapons 25 points and disintegrate armour 50 points.
Deadeye - On self. For 60 seconds, fortify marksman and agility 25 points and fortify speed 35 points. 

Passive Ability:
Seasoned Archer - Fortify health 25 points and fortify fatigue 30 points.

This is the business-like attitude of the assassin: we are the merchants whose commodity is death. Cold-blooded and efficient, the assassin is trained to find weakness and to commit murder for a profit. The Dark Brotherhood is largely composed of assassins, and casts a hostile eye on freelancers in the field.

Coup de Grace - On touch. For 20 seconds, weakness to poison 50 points and weakness to normal weapons 25 points, disintegrate armour 75 points. Demoralise up to level 20 for 5 seconds.
Baleful Intent - On self. For 150 seconds, detect life 90ft, fortify sneak, marksman and speed 25 points.

Passive Ability:
Merciless Repertoire - Resist poison and resist paralysis 25 points.

The true savage warriors of Tamriel, barbarians hail from the wastelands, where only the strongest and hardiest survive. What they may be lacking in social finesse, barbarians more than counterbalance with their battle prowess. They tend to be brutal and direct, lacking civilized graces, but they find glory in heroic feats, and excel in fierce, frenzied single combat.

Battle Trance - On self. For 30 seconds, silence, fortify health 75 points, fortify strength 25 points and resist normal weapons 25 points.
Traumatic Blow - On touch. For 15 seconds, drain speed 50 points, drain strength 25 points and weakness to normal weapons 25 points.
Passive Ability:
Stout Constitution - Fortify health 25 points and resistfrost 25 points.

The common bard seen entertaining in taverns is a wandering storyteller, a singer, a dancer, an all-around performer. Some who have mastered diverse skills have taken to enterprises other than amusement. The bard may be considered a "jack of all trades," for, in addition to their magical knowledge, bards are trained in social skills.

Bardic Inspiration - On touch. In 20ft for 30 seconds, rally 60 points, fortify health, fatigue and magicka 50 points and fortify strength 25 points.
Vicious Mockery - On touch. In 20ft for 30 seconds, demoralise up to level 15, drain strength 25 points and weakness to normal weapons 25 points.

Passive Ability:
Jack of all Trades - Fortify fatigue, magicka and health 10 points and resist normal weapons, frost, fire and shock 5 points.

The antithesis of the healer is the battlemage; whose credo comes from the School of Destruction. Offensive spells come naturally to battlemages, as defensive spells come to healers. They have mastered the art of melding both might and magic into one deadly art, one that allows them to match, or even best the strongest of foes.

Surge of Power - On self. For 30 seconds, fortify magicka 75 points, restore magicka 10 points per second and fortify strength and speed 25 points.
Elemental Exchange - On touch. For 30 seconds, weakness to fire, frost and shock 25 points, absorb destruction 25 points. Onself. Resist fire, frost and shock 25 points.
Passive Ability:
Magical Ardor - Fortify magicka 30 points and resist normal weapons 10 points.

A combatant who wields the power of brute strength and medicinal knowledge.  Cheating death after every fight, they rely on their keen knowledge of restoration to fight yet again. Any heavily armored warrior with spellcasting powers and a good cause may call himself a crusader. Crusaders do well by doing good. They hunt monsters and villains, making themselves rich by plunder as they rid the world of evil.

Divine Mandate - On self. For 150 seconds, light 50ft. For 30 seconds, fortify strength 25 points and restore magicka 5 points per second. On touch. In 20ft for 15 seconds, turn undead up to level 20.
Absolution - On self. Restore health 75 points, restore magicka and fatigue 200 points. Cure poison and dispel 100 points.
Passive Ability:
Enduring Faith - Shield and resist magic 5 points.

A sub-set of mages, healers are spellcasters who swear solemn oaths to heal the afflicted and cure the diseased. When threatened, they defend themselves with reason and disabling attacks and magic, relying on deadly force only in extremity.

Mass Renewal - On touch. In 20ft for 15 seconds, fortify health 50 points and restore health 10 points per second. On self. For 15 seconds, restore health 10 points per second.
Alchemical Research – On self. Fortify alchemy 25 points for 360 seconds.
Passive Ability:
Font of Life - Fortify magicka 30 points and restore health 1 point per second.

Lords of honour, masters of glory, and the defenders of their ladies' virtue and beauty. They are the envy of all men, the love of every woman, and the dream of each and every single child. They are men and women of honour, the force of chivalry in a savage land. Hardened through intense training, knights are not only skilled with their weapon, it is as if the weapon is part of them. Despite their bravery, they are not too proud as to make a tactical retreat if odds are against them. However, should innocent lives be at stake, a knight would gladly die for them.

Protect the Innocent - On self. For 45 seconds, shield and resist magic 25 points, fortify strength 25 points.
Word of Steel - On touch. Command humanoid up to level 15 for 60 seconds.
Passive Ability:
Heart of Iron - Fortify health 25 points and shield 5 points.

Mystics, enchanters, conjurers - all great specialist spellcasters are, at their core, mages. Mages spend years studying the six schools of magicka, combining and juxtaposing them to create effects beyond the ken.

Nullifying Aura - On touch. In 20ft for 30 seconds, drain strength 20 points, drain speed 40 points and weakness to magic 25 points.
Warding Mirror - On self. For 30 seconds, reflect spell and shield 25 points, fortify health 50 points and light 25ft.
Passive Ability:
Magical Vigor - Fortify magicka 30 points and resist magic 5 points.

Monks owe their martial artistry to their superhuman mental discipline. Their bodies and the weapons they wield are one, and such confining annoyances as shields and armor merely get in the way. Many monks even choose to reject conventional weapons, relying on their hands and feet alone to devastating effect.

Iron Will - On self. Dispel 150 points. For 15 seconds, shield 40 points and resist magic 40 points.
By Arrow or by Fist - On self. For 60 seconds, fortify strength, agility, hand to hand and marksman 25 points.
Passive Ability:
Sanctuary of the Mind - Resist normal weapons 10 points and resist magic 5 points.

Possibly the most feared class of all is the nightblade. They possess many of the skills and philosophy of the roguish classes, combined with the powers of the mage. They have a sinister reputation, since many nightblades are thieves, enforcers, assassins, or covert agents.

Twilight Passage - On self. For 150 seconds, nighteye, chameleon 25 points and fortify sneak and speed 25 points. Sun damage 5 points per second.
Death Sentence - On touch. For 20 seconds, soul trap, weakness to normal weapons and weakness to magic 25 points, weakness to poison 50 points. Paralyze for 1 second.
Passive Ability:
Shadow Bond - Fortify fatigue 30 points and fortify magicka 30points.

Hearty folk, well-versed in the tomes of old. Pilgrims are travellers, seekers of truth and enlightenment. They fortify themselves for road and wilderness with arms, armor, and through wide experience of the world, they become shrewd in commerce and persuasion.

The Truth of Things - On self. For 150 seconds, light 60ft and detect life 90ft.
Inspiriting Nature - On self. Fortify speechcraft and personality 25 points for 360 seconds.
Passive Ability:
A Road Long Travelled - Fortify health 25 points, resist fire and frost 10 points.

Rogues are adventurers and opportunists with a gift for getting into and out of trouble. Relying variously on charm and dash, blades and business sense, they thrive on conflict and misfortune, trusting to their luck and cunning to survive.

Gift of Gab - On self. Fortify speechcraft and personality 25 points for 360 seconds.
Stroke of Luck – On self. Fortify luck 25 points for 360 seconds.

Passive Ability:
True Grit - Fortify fatigue 10 points, resist normal weapons 10 points and resist fire, frost and shock 5 points.

Preferring the rolling countryside to the city life, they are gifted with the ability to evade, guard, and protect themselves with great proficiency. When forced tofight, they prefer to use skirmish tactics. By contrast with barbarians, in combat scouts tend to be cautious and methodical, rather than impulsive.

Leave no Stone Unturned - On self. For 150 seconds, fortify fatigue 100 points, fortify speed 25 points, feather 125 points and detect life 75ft.
Lesser Power:
Longstrider - On Self. Fortify speed 10 points for 60 seconds.

Passive Ability:
Wilderness Endurance - Fortify fatigue 30 points, resist frost and shock 10 points.


Besting the most well-equipped fighters, they rely on the spells of the mystic arts.  Unique tothese mages is the bodily stamina to be armed with the thickest armor. Though spellcasters by vocation, sorcerers rely most on summoning and enchantments. They are greedy for magic scrolls, rings, armor, and weapons, and commanding undead and Daedric servants gratifies their egos.

Tainted Power - On self. For 30 seconds, fortify magicka 250 points, spell absorption 40 points, weakness to magic 25 points and weakness to normal weapons 40 points, stunted magicka.
Unearthly Chains - On touch. In 20ft, for 15 seconds burden 250 points and drain speed 40 points.
Passive Ability:
Arcane Balance - Fortify magicka 30 points, resist shock 25 points, weakness to fire and frost 10 points.


Spellswords are the warrior-mages of Tamriel, a powerful class able to draw on both the inexplicable forces of magicka and the less exotic, more dependable weaponry. There are few men and women more versatile than spellswords.

Blade Song - On self. For 45 seconds, fortify blade and strength 25 points, fortify fatigue 200 points.
Blade Ward - On self. For 30 seconds, reflect damage, shield and fortify block and heavy armour 25 points.
Passive Ability:
Runic Plate - Fortify magicka 30 points and shield 5 points.

Crime most certainly pays. Ask any thief. The thief is the most versatile criminal class, capable of any skulduggery and sham. A freelance thief may find the tide of the law overwhelming, but a member of the Thieves Guild will have evened the odds. Of course, working against the odds is often the very spice of the thief desires.

Swallowed by Darkness - On self. For 60 seconds, invisibility, night eye and feather 100 points. Sun damage 5 points per second.
Lesser Power:
Shadow Step - On self. Fortify sneak 10 points and night eye for 30 seconds.
Passive Ability:
Unerring Luck - Fortify fatigue 30 points and resist magic 5 points.

In a sense, the warrior is the standard against which all classes are judged in terms of strength and versatility. As the name suggests, a warrior's milieu is physical combat. They are the ultimate fighters - capable of using any weapon, any armor, and any shield.

Indomitable - On self. For 30 seconds, shield 25 points, fortify health 100 points and fortify block 50 points, drain agility and speed 50 points.
Lesser Power:
Maintain Armor – On self. Fortify armorer 25 points for 60 seconds.
Passive Ability:
Hardened Fighter - Fortify fatigue 30 points and fortify health 25 points.

Witchhunters are dedicated to rooting out and destroying the perverted practices of dark cults and profane sorcery. They train for martial and magical war against vampires, witches, warlocks, and necromancers. Swift on foot, and clever with spells, they use distance as their ally. Slower adversaries are fodder fortheir arrows.

Witching Hour - On self. For 60 seconds, detect life 75ft, night eye, fortify agility, speed and marksman 25 points. Sun damage 5 points per second.
Even the Dark May Fear - On touch. In 20ft for 30 seconds, turn undead up to level 20 and soul trap. On self. For 30seconds, light 25ft.
Passive Ability:
Keep Watch Over the Night - Resist magic 5 points and fortify magicka 30 points.


Only use one version!

SZCO - Version 2 (Recommended):
- New and improved vanilla class descriptions
- Unlocked 22 previously unplayable vanilla classes and added lore-fitting descriptions
- Added 22 new and varied classes with lore-fitting descriptions
- Given each class new powers and passive abilities
(Vanilla records changed)

Old Versions (Not Recommended):

SZCO – All in One - Version 1:
- This is the all in one version!
- Introduces 22 previously unplayable vanilla classes, and added new lore-fitting descriptions
- Adds 20 new and varied classes, and added lore-fitting descriptions
- Adds new and improved vanilla class descriptions
- Use this version if you want a large selection of new classes (42 to be precise), and
also want new vanilla class descriptions
(Vanilla records changed)

SZCO Variant A – Playable Vanilla Classes:
- Introduces 22 previously unplayable vanilla classes, and added new lore-fitting descriptions
- Use this version if you just want a few new classes (22 to be precise)
(No vanilla records changed)

SZCO Variant B – Playable Vanilla Classes + New Classes:
- Introduces 22 previously unplayable vanilla classes, and added new lore-fitting descriptions
- Adds 20 new and varied classes, and added lore-fitting descriptions
- Use this version if you want a large selection of new classes (42 to be precise)
(No vanilla records changed)

SZCO Variant C – Playable Vanilla Classes + New Vanilla Descriptions:
- Introduces 22 previously unplayable vanilla classes, and added new lore-fitting descriptions
- Adds new and improved vanilla class descriptions
- Use this version if you just want a few new classes (22 to be precise), but also want
new vanilla class descriptions
(Vanilla records changed)

SZCO - Custom Request 1 (NOT RECOMMENDED):
- Same as the all in one version, except incorporates changes from nexus mod 'A Purist Fix for Default Classes' as requested by a member of the nexus mods community
- Not recommended, as edits vanilla classes major skills, potentially causing issues in game
- Use at your own risk!
(Vanilla records changed)


- Just vanilla Oblivion!


- Simply unpack into your Oblivion data directory
- Enable the.esp file

Load Order:

- Make sure it loads after the Unofficial Oblivion Patch
- Make sure it loads after Oblivifall – Races and Class Descriptions (recommend not using
both at the same time)
- If using a bashed patch load order shouldn’t matter too much (if you are worried just have
a quick look in tes4edit to see if anything is overwriting this, or this is
overwriting anything else)
- If not using a bashed patch (you really should be), towards the bottom of the load
order, again shouldn’t really matter as very few mods alter vanilla classes

My mod shouldn’t cause problems with any other mods.

Unofficial Oblivion Patch...
- Fully compatible. The above mod adds some spelling/grammar corrections to class descriptions,
however some versions of this mod add new vanilla class descriptions. Overwriting the
UOP changes for this is fine. Therefore, make sure Unofficial Oblivion Patch loads first.

Oblivifall – Races and Classes Descriptions…
- Fully compatible. Many of the features of the above mod are present in the All in one version
and variant C, therefore you should pick one or the other, not both. Or if you want the race
and skill descriptions from the above mod, just make sure it loads before my mod.

Mephaniels New Classes…
- Fully compatible, however not much point running them together. All of the classes added
by the above mod are featured in the All in one version and variant B of this mod, and the
above mod also enables some previously unplayable vanilla classes, much like all versions
of this mod. Therefore, you should pick one or the other, not both.

YJ’s Unlocked Classes…
- Fully compatible, however not much point running them together.
The above mod unlocks previously unplayable vanilla classes, much like all versions of
this mod. Therefore, you should pick one or the other, not both.

Modding Process:

I made this mod purely using Tes4edit, Wrye Bash, a word document, a lot of internet
browsing, and more of my spare time than I’d care to say…


I'm happy to add any custom classes you would like, just add a comment or drop me a PM with the details and I will try my best :)
Let me know...
- Class Name
- Major Skills
- Primary Attributes
- Specialization
- Preferred icon
- Custom description
- Powers & Abilities
(If you are not sure on some of these I can come up with them myself)


28/03/2020 – Initial Release
30/03/2020 - Added PDF with details of all new classes including; primary attributes, major skills, specialization and class description.
24/07/2021 - Release of Custom Request 1
29/01/2023 - Release of SZCO - Version 2 & SZCO - Class Details - Version 2
30/01/2023 - Renamed .esp file for version 2, preventing a small issue


Glowplug - Without Glowplug Version 2 would not have been possible. Glowplug is
responsible for all the scrpting in this mod and they even created a custom application
to help me finish this mod myself. I cannot thank you enough.

thekingyj - The mod YJ’s unlocked classes inspired me to make this, and laid the
foundation for it, I would not have made this mod if not for this one. Thank

Mephaniel – Many of the new classes added by this mod are from Mephaniels New Classes mod,
my mod would not have been possible without this mod. Thank you.

Cliffworms – Most of the new vanilla class descriptions are from his mod Oblivifall – Races
and Classes descriptions, and they are top quality. Thank you.

D&D Wiki – Many of the class descriptions used in this mod were taken/heavily inspired
by content on this website, shout out to all the homebrew authors who made this
possible. Thank you.

Art Falmingaid - Changes to vanilla classes major skills in Custom Request 1 were taken from
the mod A Purist Fix for Default Classes.

My Personal Mod List / Install Guide:

(This is primarily for me, not quite fit for public consumption, but feel free to have a look)


Oblivion Modding Guide (Personal)
- Install GOG version to non-program files folder
  - Make sure previous version is fully uninstalled, ccleaner used and registry checked
- Configure video settings
- Startup to generate .ini file

1.) WryeBash
- Install executable directly to Oblivion folder
  - Mopy folder should be right where data folder is!
- Or just copy mopy folder to Oblivion folder directly
2.) Boss
- Install through executable or extract folder next to oblivion executable
3.) Tes4lodgen
- Copy executable to oblivion folder
4.) Tes4edit
- Extract .exe and script files to oblivion folder
- Create copy of .exe, rename to tes4editQAC, this will perform Quick Auto Clean
5.) Tes4ll
- Copy all files into data directory (excluding .bat files)
- Create MPGUI folder in oblivion directory (not data)
- Run .msi file and install in there
7.) MP3Tag
- External program for removing MP3 tags
8.) Oblivion BSA Decompressor
- Run once, directing to Oblivion directory, (above data folder)
9.) Oblivion RAM Booster
- Make sure to enable 4gb RAM patch (gog already comes with fix)
10.) Land Magic
- Place 64 bit .exe next to other oblivion .exe files
   - Run it every now and again, then enable .esp

OBSE + OBSE Plugins

1.) OBSE
- Copy OBSE_1_2_416.dll,OBSE_editor_1_2.dll and OBSE loader.exe to oblivion directory (not data)
- Then copy GOG specific OBSE loader over the top
2.) MenuQue
- Drag and Drop
3.) Blockhead
- Drag and Drop
4.) ElysUniversal Silent Voice
- Drag and Drop
5.) Walkblessed
- Drag and Drop
6.) Use WASD in Menus
- Drag and Drop
7.) Jump while Blocking
- Drag and drop
8.) RuntimeEditorIDS
- Drag and Drop
9.) New Vegas Anti Crash
- Drag and drop
10.) Oblivion Stutter Remover
- Requires tinkering (Use custom .ini file)
- ManageFPS = use if need be, 45 fps is good
- Critical sections = useful to have, but test, 3 is best mode
- Hashtables = 1
- Experimental Stuff = yes or no, not much difference
- 5 much more stable than 6
- 1024 or 768 heap size
Experimental Stuff:
Enablesleep = 0 – apparently better for stability

11.) MessageLogger
- Drag and Drop
   - Don't USE WITH RuntimeEditoreIDs
12.) Enhanced Music and Control 2
- Drag and drop
- Can play with INI to edit times and stuff
13.) Engine Bug Fixes
- Play with .ini file
- Enable all fixes
- Use some patches (sleep wear and evaluate equipment look at)
14.) SkyBSA
- Drag and drop
15.) AddActorValues
- Drag and drop just normal .dll
16.) Enhanced Camera
- Drag and drop (incompatibility with Oblivion Reloaded past v7)

00 - In-game Performance/Utilities

1.) FormID Finder
2.) Better Saves
- Tweak.ini file
   - Change save count from 3 to 10
   - Autosave timer default 300 secs, maybe keep or change to 600
3.) Better Menu Controls
   - Play with .ini file, disable alchemy tab (mess with alchemy advanced)
   - Disable sleep wait command (annoying)
4.) Auto Update Leveled Items and Spells
- Install with Wrye Bash
   - Change level up mode in .ini file to 1
5.) Extreme Game Boost
- WryeBash
    - Enable purger in oblivion reloaded .ini,set timer to 0
6.) Oblivion Reloaded
- Custom file version 6.5
    - Wrye Bash
      - Late Install

01 - Patches (Big)

1.) Unofficial Oblivion Patch
   - Don’t need vampire aging and face fix
- AddActors.Spells, C.RecordFlags, Graphics, R.Description, Roads, Sound, SpellStats, Text
2.) Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch
- AddActors.Spells, Graphics, Roads, Sound, SpellStats, Text
3.) Unofficial DLC patches
   - Disable Thieves Den SSSB Patch .esp
- Add Graphics, Stats, Text to Battlehorn Patch
- Add Actors.Spells, Sound, Spell Stats to Frostcrag Patch
- Add Graphics to Mehrunes Razor Patch + Factions, Graphics to Mehrunes Razor Base
- Add Graphics, SpellStats to Orrey Patch
- Add SpellStats, Text to Spell Tomes Patch
- Add Invent, Text to Thieves Den Patch
- Add C.Climate, C.Owner, Invent, Names, C.Water to Thieves Den Base
- Add Graphics, SpellStats, Stats, Text to Vile Lair Patch
- Add C.Name, Invent, Sound, SpellStats, Stats, Text to Knights Patch
- Add Names to Knights Base

02 - Small Assorted Patches

1.) Floating Weapons Fix
2.) Expanded Greetings

3.) Water FPS Patch
   - Potentially add C.water and NoMerge, notsure on placement, either very beginning or very end
4.) Coronerras Max Compatibility Skeleton

5.) KOTN Weapon Improvement Patch
6.) DLC Spell Tomes OBSE Fixer

03 - Massive Mesh / Texture Replacers

1.) Oblivion Upscaled Textures
- Pick default 2x textures, 1x normals glow maps (Lowest version)
2.) Quarls Texture Pack 3 Redimized
   - Make sure to install QTP3R patch from UOPpage
3.) Bomrets Texture Pack with Fixed Meshes from USIP
4.) Mesh Improvement Project

04. - Mesh Replacers

04.1 - Mesh Replacers (VWD)

- Use wizard on Wrye Bash
   - Install core only
-Install SI Version
   - Install core, Architecture, dungeons, rocks and mushroom trees
2.) Evenstars Colorwheel LOD Update
-Install all modules except farms and shacks
3.) Optimized VWD
-Install all modules through Wrye Bash
4.) VWD Rocks
5.) AFK Weye Manor VWD
6.) RAEVWD Patch for Completely Ruined Ruins
(In Completely Ruined Ruins page)
7.) Improved Arboretum LOD
8.)RAEVWD Patch for Imperial City Retextured

Mesh Replacers (Armor &Weapons) (Install Late)

1.) King of Worms Robe Replacer
   - Custom folder, no shoulderpads, no mask
2.) Fur Armor Replacer
   - Custom folder, mix of female and maleversion
3.) Aqua Silk and Tattered Robes Replacer
4.) Archmage Robe Replacer
5.) Black Hand Robe Replacer
6.) Madness Armor Replacer

7.) Assorted Protective Female Armors
   - Custom file (all except Dwemer)
8.) Movomo’s Darker Seducer Armor
   - Non-blindfold version
9.) AIP’s Proper Torch Wield
10.) Handcuffs Replacer

04.2 - Mesh Replacers (Ecology)

04.3 - Mesh Replacers (Other)

05.0 - Texture Replacers

05.1 - Texture Replacers (Assorted)

1.) AmpolX Textures
- Custom file
   - Pick most through BAIN

05.2 - Texture Replacers(Architecture)

1.) Ruined Ruins
   - Make sure to install RAEVWD addon
2.) Bettys Sewer Textures
3.)Gecko’s Imperial Dungeon Textures
4.) Ayleid Ruins Retexture
   - 1k Version
5.) Farm Fence Retexture
6.) Better Chapel Altars
7.) TesDiesel Cloud Ruler Temple
8.) Hirez Daedric Shrines
9.) Oblivion Windows Reflection Replacer
10.) Improved Chorrol
   - Custom folder
11.) Leyawiin Woodland
- 1k version, wrye Bash
12.) Imperial City Retextured
- Allmodules, dome 1, any path
13.) TDHutor – Farm Retexture
14.) Bruma Retexture
- 1kVersion
15.) Anvil Retexture
16.) TD – Unique Skingrad
   - Don’t enable .esp

17.) TD– Wooden Sidewalk

18.) Wayshrine Replacer

05.3 - Texture Replacers (Fire and Magic Effects)

05.4 - Textures Replacer (Landscape)

1.) Rocks Retexture
- 1kVersion
2.) Nice Ice (Hills Have Ice)
3.) Ice Layer Replacer
   - Custom Selection
4.) The Daedric Terrain
(Discovery1mod, not online)
- (Custom fixed file)
5.) Oblivion Landscape Replacer
6.) LandscapeRetexture (Shivering Isles)
- Use just 1k SI version

7.) Terrain for a Mad God (Rocks Only)
(Discovery1Mod file)
- Customfile, only Rocks

05.5 - Texture Replacers (Plants& Ecology)

1.) Improved Doors and Flora
- Customfile
   - Install early (before architecture texture replacers)
2.) Arboretum + Improved Trees and Flora 1+2
- Custom file of all mixed together
3.) Oblivion Trees Overhaul
- Heavily edited (only a few files)
4.) Grass Texture Atlas
5.) Organic Bark
(Discovery1mod, not online)
6.) TheImperial Aquatics
(Discovery1mod, not online)
7.) Nirnroot Retexture
8.) Mandrake Retexture

9.) IvyReplacer

05.6 – Texture Replacers (Food& Drink & Items)

1.) Hi-res Soul Gems
2.) Kaizits Animated Ingredients
- (custom fixed file)
3.) Hi-res Varla and Welkynd Replacer
- (Max selection)
4.) Little Baron Flower Pot Makeover
5.) Meat and Veg Improved
6.)Crystal Ball Replacer
7.) FarmClutter Replacer

8.) Retextured Amulets
9.) Retextured Rings
10.) Ironwood Nut Retex

11.) Alluring Wine Bottles (With Real Glass)
12.) Better Book Pages
13.) Better Scroll Background
14.) Better Book Paper
15.) Book Jackets Oblivion HD
- Clean.esp
   - Use HD File
   - Custom file ^^
    - Add Names, Stats, Text, Graphics to .esp
16.) Grimbots DLC Book Jackets
-Shivering Book Jackets + Spell Tomes
17.) Book Jackets KOTN
18.)Book Jackets KOTN HD

19.)Book Jackets DLC Misc
20.)Alluring Potion Bottles v3
- Custom edited file

21.)Alluring Potion Bottle Idle Replacer
- WryeBash
22.) Particled Ayleid Stones

05.7 - Texture Replacers (Misc)

1.) TD Tombstones

2.) Improved Skulls + Bones + Ironwork
3.)Better Ropes
- Use new version
4.) Skull and Bones Replacer
5.) Dungeon Misc Replacer
6.) Candle Smoke
- (custom file with selection)
7.) Butterfly Replacer
8.) Improved Lightbeam
9.) Better Arena Spectator
10.) Kat’s Environment Map Replacer
11.)Enhanced Cobwebs
(Not on nexus) (https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/46264)
   - Backup mod
12.) Icons for Alchemy Apparatus
13.) Downpour Rain Retexture
   - Large option
14.) Cascade Foaming Falls Redux
(Discovery1not on nexus)
15.) High Quality Snowflakes
16.) Bearskin Replacer

17.) Wolfrug Replacer
18.) High Quality Rugs
19.) Strand Magic
21.) Painting Replacer (Custom)
- Second for SI
22.) Improved Moons + Moonshadow
   - Moonshadow after
23.) Katkat Sky Replacer
- Onlysky (delete moons)
   - Custom file

24.) TD Lower Clutter
25.) Better Silverware
- Justsilverware
26.) Hirez Clutter Silverware
-Overwrite previous file
27.) Hires Pewter
28.) Signs Complete (Mix of 3 files)
- Customfile
   - Glow version
29.) Reworked Posts
-Overwrite with glow version
30.) Custom Blood Replacer (Mix of 5)
   - Custom file
31.) HD Septims
   - Only textures, not mesh!
32.) Arena Blood Decal Remover
- Customfile
33.) Binary Sunset

05.8 - Texture Replacers (Creatures)

05.9 - Texture Replacers (Armor & Weapons)

1.) Insanity’s Improved Armory
-Install early, allow others to overwrite
2.) Weapon Improvement Project
3.) Vanilla Staff Replacer
4.)Oblivion Artifacts Overhaul / Better Unique Items (not on nexus)
   - Late Install
- AddGraphics to DLC .esp
5.) Ebony Sword Replacer
- Custo mfile
    - Late install
6.) Visually Improved Staffs
- (glow version)

06 – U.I. + U.I. Modifying gametweaks

06.1 – Loading Screens

06.2 – Menu Video Replacer

1.) Oblivion Map Loop Replacer
   - Custom file

06.3 - HUD

1.) Northern UI Away DLL Addon
- Just addon

2.) Darnified UI Bain
   - Most settings
   - LaBrit font!
3.) Skill Perk Descriptions for Av latta Magicka
4.) UHD Fonts for Darnified UI
5.) PickMe (Lockpicking interface)
   - Custom file selection
6.) Coloured Enemy Health Bar
7.) Retextured HUD Bars
8.) Coloured Quests
   - Custom Selection
     - Graphics Bash Tag
     - Place before Relevant UOPs
Colored Quests Updated
9.) 2nd to 1st Person
10.) TTYM Think to Yourself Messages
11.) Display Stats

12.) Book Tracker Updated
- WryeBash
13.) Oblivifall – Something is Definitely Not Right
14.) Toggleable Quantity Prompt
15.) DiverseEffect Icons OBSE
   - Custom file
16.) Septims Not Gold

06.4 - Maps

1.) Dynamic Map
   - Normal Version
2.) Map Marker Overhaul
- WryeBash Wizard
   - Realism Settings
    - Tweak INI, do not pick custom selection
3.) Marking the Landmarks
4.) Vanilla Map with Hidden Roads and Trails

06.5- Levelling

1.) Ultimate Levelling
UltimateLevelling .ini
SetULVL.ini_UI_progress_sound to 1
setULVL.ini_leveling_system to 1
setULVL.ini_system1_level to 3
setULVL.ini_system1_skill to 0
setULVL.ini_system1_attribute to 1
set ULVL.ini_system1_luckto 3
setULVL.ini_system1_health to 2
setULVL.ini_system1_magicka to 0
setULVL.ini_system1_sleep to 4
2.) Maskar’s Unarmored Skill

07 - OCOv2 + Additions

08 - Body Replacers

1.) Seamless OCOv2 Edition
- IdiotVersion
- AddGrapics, Names, Stats to Eve_StockEquipmentReplacer
2.) Luna’s OCOv2 Dremora Body Replacer
3.) Tatooed Golden Saints & Dark Seducers
4.) Female Body Retextured
   - Custom File

09 – Gameplay Changes (Immersion)

09.1- Dialogue

1.) Realistic Player Dialogue Overhaul
    - Text Bash Tag
2.) NoAnachronistic Main Quest Comments

09.2– Delayers

09.3 – Big Changes

1.) Harvest Flora
- Clean main esp
- Add Graphics, Scripts to DLC Frostcrag Version & Vile Lair
2.) COBL (Assimilation Lab)
- 00 Core
- 01 Stable Core
- 02 Tweaks
- Add C.Name to Cobl Glue
- Add Actors.DeathItems, Creatures.Blood. Grahpics, Invent, Names, Sound to Tweaks -

09.4 - Random

1.) Acutally Valuable Valuables
2.) Alternate Ghost Effect
3.) Ayleid Wells Revamped
4.) Minimalistic Magic Effects
-Non-LAME Version
5.) Khettienna’sMini Mods
- Garridan’s Tear Retex
- Higher Res- Welkynd Tex
- Leyawiin Woodland Stonewal Normal map Fix
- Light Spell Recolour (Not if uusing magic mod)
- Skingrad Modular door fix
- Yarn Retex
6.) Get Wet (Custom file)
7.) DLC Spell Tomes no Attack Fix
- AddActors.AIPackages
8.) Better Letters
9.)Mercers Ingredient Effect Overhaul
-Creature Diversity
10.) Migcks Miscellaneous Fixers Tweaks and Additions
   - Tweak .ini file

09.5– Classes & Birthsigns

1.) Dahyka’s Racials and Birthsigns
- Add Names, R.Addspells, R.Skills, SpellStats, Text
2.) SZCO– All in One (My mod)

10 – City and World Aesthetics

10.1 – City Mods

1.) Clocks of Cyrodiil
2.) High Res Clocks of Cyrodiil
3.) Chorrol Great Oak Replacer
4.) ImpeREAL Empire Unique Castles
5.) MSF Anvil
6.) MSF Cheydinhal
7.) ImpeREAL City – Let the People Drink Compatible
- All the Districts Merged
- LTPD Compatible
8.) The Imperial Waters
9.) Bruma Guild Reconstructed
10.) Jail Break Escape Routes
-Cleaned file
11.) Let the People Drink
- Core
- QuestCobl
12.) Better Benirus Manor
- 01 Alt Plugin Cobl
- 06 Replacer
13.) Static Alchemy and Ingredient Storage
14.) Unique Chapels Revisited
Needs.esp from…
- WryeBash
    - 00 – Core
    - 01 – UOP Patch
    - 10 – All Natural Comp
    - 20 - AWLS Comp
    - 30 – Distant View Meshes

10.2- Assorted

1.) Sinderion – Master Alchemist
- 03 Optional Cobl Glue Patch- Grinder
2.) Daedric Shrines Prodded With a Stick
    - Actors.AIPackages, Invent Bash Tag
3.)Ducks and Swans of Cyrodiil
4.) More Butterflies
5.) Aurora in Motion
6.) Glowing Wonders
-Cleaned file
7.) Smoke and Dust

8.) Smoke and Dust Patch
9.) Lights of Oblivion
-Imperial Mesh
10.) Oblivion Fragrance
11.) Hidden Treasure Chests – UL Edition
- Wrye Bash
12.) TD – Secrets
- UL Edition
- Invent Bash Tag
13.) ImpIsle Walkabout
    - IW non-xul version

10.3 - Ecology

1.) Groundcover for No Grass Textures

10.4 – Weather

1.) Weather – All Natural
- 00 Core
- 01 Real Lights
- 02 Bash Filter
- Add C.Light, C.Name, C.Owner, Graphics to Main
- Add Graphics Bash Tag to SI
- Add C.climate, C.Name, C.Owner, C.RecordFlags, Sound, Stats to Real Lights
     - Install Late
2.) Atmospheres 4 – Hell

10.5 – Places Alive

1.) Cloud Ruler Temple Alive
-Cleaned file
2.) Hackdirt Alive
- Use custom file in comments

10.6 – Guinefort Stuff

1.) Nerussa’s Wine Collection
2.) Akaviri Heirlooms
3.) Dunmerised Cheydinhal
4.) Worship in Cyrodiil
- Clean file
5.) Mothy Moth Cult
6.) Devastation of Kvatch
- Check file
    - Add Invent Bash tag
7.) Honour Thy Dead
8.) Lost Sorceries of the Ayleids

10.7 - Dungeons

1.) Better Dungeons
- Clean file
- Add Actors.ACBS, Actors.Spells, C.Name, Graphics, Invent, Names, Sound to .esp
2.) Expanded Dungeons – Play Nice Edition
3.) Snu’s Dungeons
4.) Snu’s Dungeons .esp’s
- BD Patch
- All-Natural Patch
5.) Ruins of Miscarcand - Updated
6.) Abyss of the Deep Ones
- Clean file
7.) CDEP Fanaceya - Updated

8.) Chorrol Dungeon

10.8 – Very Large Changes

1.) AWLS– Animated Window Lighting System
- 001 –Basic .esp
- 002 –Chimney Smoke
- 003 –QTP3

11– Overhauls

11.1 – Combat

1.) MOBS– Medieval Oblivion Battle System + Mobsification of mods
  - Use Custom File
2.) Vanilla Combat Enhanced
   - Core & SI, add other optional files later...
         - MOO + Creature Diversity
- Add SpellStats

11.2 - Magic

1.) OBME– Oblivion Magic Extender
- OBMM DLL only
- Manual Install
2.) Av Latta Magicka
    - Vanilla Spell Rebalance
    - Potion Rebalance
        - Stats Tag
-    If you build Bashed Patch using CBash, itis recommended to deactivate the following ALM files before rebuilding the
  -  AvLatta Magicka.esm;
  -  AvLatta Magicka.esp;
  -  AvLatta Magicka - Birthsigns.esp (if used).
After the patch is built, activate the files again. All other ALM modules are safe to
use with Bashed Patch.

11.3 – Major Overhaul
(Nothing yet)

12. – Creature Additions & Replacers

12.1 – Creature Additions

1.) Creature Diversity
   - Custom File
2.) Betty’s Animal Planet
  - Relev, Delev bash tags

12.2 – Creature Replacers

13– NPCs (New & Edited)

1.) Local Guards Features
- Add Actors.ACBS, Actors.Stats, Factions, Invent, NPC.Class
2.) Populated Prisons
3.) Tavern Goers 2 – Redux
4.) Lore Friendly Generic Name Overhaul
- AddNames, NoMerge
5.) Unique Artifacts for Unique People
   - Get MOBS Patch
6.) Quest NPCs Run
7.) Essential Travelling NPCs
- Manual (Place next to .exe)
   - Type bat essentials.txt in console
8.) Order of the Lamp Redux

14 – New Items (Armour & Weapons)

1.)Immersive Weapons
- Use.esp from… (https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/48594?tab=description)
   - Add Invent, Graphics Bash Tag

15 - New Items/Objects

16 – Companions

17– Animation

1.) Combat Stance Reanimation
- CustomFile
2.) New Eating Animations
3.) Idle Stagger and Recoil
    - 00 – Vanilla Creatures
    - 01 – SI Creatures
    - 02 – NPCs
    - 03 – 1st Person
    - 04 – Creature Diversity
4.) Better Recoil and Stagger

18.) Quests & New lands

18.1.) New Lands

18.2) Assorted Quests

1.) An Unexpected Company
   - Graphics, Names Bash Tags
2.) Gold Horse Courier
3.) The Blade of the Haunted
- (Custom file)
4.) The Well of Minlorada
5.) Secret of the Glyphs
6.) Anduril Reforged
7.) The Northern Front Fixed
   - Custom file
8.) Tales of Cyrodiil
    - Names bash tag
9.) Evergloam
    - Install early
10.) Shadowcrest Vineyard
    - COBL Version
11.) The Green Cleric
12.) A Posthumous Request
13.) Of Tales Forgotten – The Ranger
14.) A Brotherhood Renewed
    - Slight Incompatibility with ChorrolDungeon

18.3) – Huge Quests

1.) Kragenir’s Death Quest
     - Use Rural Line Additions
     - Use LTPD Patch
     - Needs UL Patch
           - Invent bash tag
2.) The Ayleid Steps
3.) The Lost Spires
4.) Integration – The Stranded Light
- No Gameplay Changes Version
   - Install early, before OCO v2
       - Load.esp before OCO v2
5.) Oblivion Uncut
    - Actors.Spells Bash Tag
    - Scripts Bash Tag
    - Relations, Sound, SpellStats, NPC.Class,Text Bash Tags

19.) New Buildings and Locations

19.1) – Arthmoor Villages

1.) Alternative Beginnings
2.) Vergayun
3.) Sutch Village
    - Faction Bash Tag
4.) Reedstand
5.) Feldscar
6.) Molapi
7.) Urasek
8.) Gottshaw Village Expansion
     - Faction bash tag
9.) Faregyl Village
10.) Frostcrag Village

19.2) New Settlements

1.) Villages 1.1d
2.) Little Shops
- Use no hearts .esp
3.) Glenmoril Covens
    - Use Ruins of Miscarcand Compatible Version
4.) Natural History Museum

19.3) Settlements Overhauled

1.) Region Revive Lake Rumare Updated
2.) AFK Weye
- 01 - Cobl
- 02 - RRLR– AFK Weye Patch

19.5) Player Homes

1.) The Imperial Real Estate
   - Scripts Bash Tag
2.) All in one Basement
3.) Camping
4.) Camping – Natural Interiors Patch
5.) Nightmist Manor
- WryeBash
   - 00, 01, 03
6.) Summonable Private Quarters
     - Scroll found in Hame, 3rdlevel

19.6) Hesu Mods

- 02 –The Hell Lands
- 03 –The Poison Swamp
- 04 –The Skyrim Temple
- 07 –The Valenwood Mine
- 10 –Dive Rock
- 11 –The Seaside Settlement

19.7)Unique Landscapes

- WryeBash
    - 00 -Core
    - 01 - Ancient Yews - NO
    - 02 - Arrius Creek - NO
    - 03 - Aspen Wood - YES
    - 04 - Blackwood Forest – YES
    - 05 - Bravil Barrowfields - NO
    - 06 - Brena River Ravine – YES
    - 07 - Cheydinhal Falls – NO
    - 08 - Chorrol Hinterland – NO
    - 09 – Cliffs of Anvil – NO
    - 10 - Cloudtop Mountains - NO
    - 11 - Colovian Highlands – YES
    - 12 - Entius Gorge - YES
    - 13 - Fallenleaf Everglade – YES
    - 15 – Imperial Isle - NO
    - 16 - Jerrall Glacier - YES
    - 19 - Panther River - YES
    - 20 - River Ethe – YES
    - 21 - Rolling Hills – NO
    - 22 - Silverfish River Valley - NO
    - 23 – Skingrad Outskirts - NO
    - 24 - Snowdale - YES
    - 25 - Stendarr Valley - YES
    - 26 - The Dark Forest - YES
    - 28 - Ancient Redwoods - YES
    - 29 - Lush Woodland - YES
    - 30 - The Heath - YES
    - 31 - The Lost Coast - NO

19.8) Dungeons

1.) Colovian Barrow Mounds
2.)Depths of the Underdark

20 – Additional Patches

20.1) Unique Landscapes Patches

- Wrye Bash
   - 01 Separate
      - HESU Poison Swamp – Blackwood Forest
      - Sutch Village – The Lost Coast
      - Feldscar – Snowdale
      - HESU Skyrim Temple – Jerall Glacier
      - Oblivion Uncut – Entius Gorge
    - 01 Merged or Separate
      - Kragenirs Death Quest – The Lost Coast
      - The Well of Minlorada – ColovianHighlands & Lush Woodland
      - The Lost Spires – Fallenleaf Everglade,The Dark Forest
      - HESU Dive Rock – Jerall Glacier
      - HESU Skyrim Temple - Snowdale

20.2) HESU Patches

- Kragenir’s Death Quest – The Seaside Settlement
- AFKWeye – The Seaside Settlement

20.3) Assorted

1.) Lost Spires Archaeology Guild Robe Fix

20.4) OCOv2 Patches

21.) Sound + Music

21.1) Sound

1.) Oblivion Stereo Sound Overhaul

2.) GOSH – Gecko’s Oblivion Sound Overhaul
    - DON’T USE AMBIENCE .esp with All Natural
    - Use Daggerfall Skeletons Addon
3.) Nightmarish Oblivion Gate Sounds
4.) Consistent Beggar Voices
   - Don’t install .esp
5.) No More Annoying Alchemical Sounds
6.) Horse Hoof Sounds
7.) Better Bell Sounds
8.) OCOv2 Female Dremora Voices

9.) Symphony of Violence

21.2) Music – Install all manual

1.) Adam Frechette Music Compilation
- Battle
   - Battle Against Darkness
   - End Credits
   - Rage of the Righteous
   - The Forsaken Grounds
   - The Graveyard
   - The Kings Study
   - The Prison
   - Bonus – Hidden Dangers
   - Exploring
   - Mornings Room
   - The Aftermath
- Public
   - The Temple
2.) Additional Music Pack
- Battle
   - The Siege
   - L2 Battle
   - 05 Madelines Lament
   - The Haunter of the Dark
   - Nocturne
   - 19 Veni Veni Emmanuel
   - Erdenstern Twilight
   - The 6th Night
   - L2 Dungeon 7
   - tbs
   - 04 Mirraw Thur
   - 15 Credits
   - Fate and Illumination
   - Fields of Kranor
   - L2C2 Forest Calling
   - Little Goblins
   - Village Love
   - Windmills
- Public
   - L2C2 Crossroad at Dawn
   - L2C2 Lovers Reunited
   - About Kings and Dragons
   - Thief of the Night
   - The Grove
   - The Industrial Halls
3.) Creepy Oblivion Ambient Tracks – COAT
- Dungeon
   - Track 01
   - Track 07
   - Track 09
4.) Colovia
- Explore
   - Colovia – Full AT
5.) Doctor Eternals Total Music Conversion
- Battle
   - Battle 01
   - Battle 04
   - Battle 09
- Explore
   - Atmosphere 01
   - Atmosphere 03
- Public
   - Town 01
   - Town 02
6.) DV’sCustom Oblivion Soundtrack
- Dungeon
   - Oblivion Dungeon 10
   - Oblivion Dungeon 2
   - Oblivion Dungeon 3
   - Oblivion Dungeon 4
   - Oblivion Dungeon 6
   - Oblivion Dungeon 7
   - Oblivion Dungeon 8
   - Oblivion Dungeon 9
   - Oblivion Kampf
- Explore
   - Oblivion Explore 1
   - Oblivion Explore 2
   - Oblivion Explore 3
   - Oblivion Explore 4
   - Oblivion Explore 5
   - Oblivion Explore 6
   - Relaxing 1
- Public
   - Oblivion Public 3
7.) Extra Music Pack Complete
- Battle
   - Burn Them Down
   - Field of Tenerron
   - Last Stand
   - Red Fields
   - Straight into Ambush
   - Through the Dark Portal
- Dungeon
   - Cemetery
   - Dark Secrets
   - Gathering Dusk
   - In Mist Shrouded
   - The Ancients
   - Where the Dead Lay
- Explore
   - Angels Redemption
   - Angels Tear
   - Awakening
   - Dreaming of Flying
   - Ethereal Awakening
   - Forever and Ever
   - Forgotten
   - Hope for Rebirth
   - Inside a Cocoon
   - Jesters Tear
   - Long Live the King
   - Midwives
   - Mont St. Joseph
   - Mystic River
   - Rainy Day
   - Second Awakening
   - Song of Mourning
   - Third Awakening
   - Winter
   - Woods of Eremae
   - World of Ice
- Public
   - Alchemist
   - Caverns
   - Commemoration
   - Crystal Cavern
   - Desert Village
   - Dire News
   - Dream of a Butterfly
   - Ethereal Void
   - Evening Falls
   - Faire
   - Frozen Silence
   - I Will Come for You
   - Lament Part 1
   - Lament Part 2
   - Lucid Dream
   - Memories
   - Metamorphosis
   - Mind’s Eye
   - Nightingale
   - Passing Twilight
   - Past Tense
   - Presence
   - Remembrance
   - Secret Garden
8.) Kages Epic Oblivion OST Overhaul
- Battle
   - Atmosphere 03
   - Battle 02
   - Battle 03
   - Battle 05
   - Battle 06
   - Battle 07
   - Battle 08
   - Battle 10
   - Bonus 3
- Dungeon
   - Dungeon 02
   - Dungeon 03
   - Dungeon 04
   - Dungeon 05
   - Dungeon 07
- Explore
   - Atmosphere 01
   - Atmosphere 02
   - Atmosphere 07
   - Atmosphere 08
   - Atmosphere 10
   - Atmosphere 13
   - Atmosphere 16
   - Atmosphere 17
   - Atmosphere 18
- Public
   - Town 01
   - Town 02
   - Town 03
   - Town 06
   - Town 07
9.) Morrowind Music Overdose I, II, III, & IV
- Battle
   - Akavir Has Come (MMO IV)
   - A Story (Bonus Explore) (MMO III)
   - The Firmament (MMO III)
   - The Land (MMO III)
   - Better Life (MMO IV)
   - For Good and ILL (MMO IV)
   - The Forest Girl (MMO IV)
- Public
   - A Boat to Vivec (MMO III)
10.) Music Pack 1 (Music for Oblivion)
- Battle
   - Battle 03
   - Battle 04
   - Battle 05
- Dungeon
   - Dungeon 01
   - Dungeon 02
   - Dungeon 03
   - Dungeon 04
   - Dungeon 05
- Explore
   - A Major 7 – Northern Lights
   - A Major 7 – My Anvil Home 2
   - Explore 01
   - Explore 02
   - Explore 03
   - Explore 04
- Public
   - A Major 7 – My Anvil Home Part 1
11.) Music Pack 2
- Explore
   - Explore 03
   - Explore 04
12.) Music Pack Dungeon 1
- Dungeon
   - 01. Dungeon
   - 02. Dungeon
   - 04. Dungeon
13.) Oblivion Music Overdose
- Battle
   - The Battle of Bruma
   - The Emperor’s Murder
- Explore
   - A Land Neglected
   - Cries of the Empire
   - Dawning Beauty
   - Vilja
- Public
   - Cyrodilic Contentment
   - Martin
14.) Oblivion Symphonic Variations Music Suite
- Battle
   - Legion’s Rally
   - Turn of the Tide
   - Vanguard’s Assault
- Dungeon
   - Domain of the Spectre
- Explore
   - Cloudforest Awakening
   - Dawn Reflection
   - Emerald Paradise
   - Eternal Renewal
   - Heartland Vista
   - Light from the Shadows
   - The Road Ahead
- Public
   - Last Haven
   - Tales and Tidings
   - The Forgotten Age
15.) Order of the Dragon Theme Music
- Public
   - Harp
   - Theme Harp
16.) Symphonies of Skyrim
- Battle
   - Dragonbane
   - No Ordinary Enemy
   - The Last Stand
- Dungeon
   - Korpen’s Cave
   - The Elixir of Exploration
- Explore
   - Call of the Mountains
   - Endless Mist
   - Hearthfires
   - Moonlit Orchard
   - Peace in the Hold
- Public
   - Cobbled Streets
   - Dawn Over the Market
   - Endure
17.) TheMinstrels Lament
- Battle
   - King of the North
   - Legend
   - Time of the Gods
   - Medieval Legends
- Explore
   - Riversong (Vocal)
   - Riversong
   - Guardians of the Woods
   - Hero’s Journey
   - The Immortal Land
   - Magic of Love
   - Celtic Love Song
- Public
   - Riversong
   - DragonLand
   - Memories
   - You and I
18.) Daggerfall Music Integration
- Dungeon
   - Theme 05
   - Theme 011
- Explore
   - On the Ship
   - Snow over Northmoor
- Public
   - Daggerfall Main Theme
   - Folk 2
   - Folk 3
19.) Creepy Dungeon Music Pack
- Dungeon
   - Creepy 3
   - Creepy 5
   - Creepy 9
   - Creepy 15
- Explore
   - Secunds (Skyrim)
20.) Oblivion Music Overdose 2
- Battle
   - Ayleid Vengeance
   - Lady of the Light
   - Mankar’s Absolution
- Explore
   - Anvil Coast
   - For Vilja
   - The Heartlands
   - The Journey Home
- Public
   - A Girl from Chorrol
   - Love in Cheydinhal
21.) Daggerfallesque Sound Sequences
- Dungeon
   - ECBD
   - ECMDF
   - ECSewer
- Explore
   - Camoran
   - ECMG
   - Pale Pass
- Public
   - EC Folk 2
   - EC Folk 3
   - ECST
   - EC Start
   - ECTG
   - Shop
22.) Adash – City of Magic
(Music is from German website)
- Battle
   - 04 Theme RC
- Dungeon
   - 07 Black Temple
   - 08 Forgotten Realm
   - 11 Danqua
   - 14 Toten Stadt
- Explore
   - 01 Theme WC
   - 15 West Bezirk
   - Cyrod Explore 1
   - Cyrod Explore 2
   - Cyrod Explore 3
   - Cyrod Explore 4
   - Cyrod Explore 5
   - Safe
- Public
   - 05 Theme GC
   - 10 Hafen Bezirk
   - 12 Schloss Bezirk
   - 13 Seud Bezirk
   - Safe
23.) Order of the Dragon
- Public
   - Harp
   - Theme Harp
24.) Ehma Music Pack
- Explore
   - Ensemble

20.3) Music from Other Games/Films

1.) Dungeon Lords
- Battle
   – DL Theme
2.) Deadly Premonition
- Battle
   – 06 Big Red Kaysen
- Dungeon
   – 01 Shadow
   - 05 Forrest Kaysen
   - 18 Red Tree
- Explore
   - 07 Greenvale
   -10 York and Zach
   -11 Goddess
- Public
   - 12 The Woods
   - 24 After the Rain  
3.) Darkness Within
- Dungeon
   - 01 Reptile’s Dream
   - 03 Bowels of the Earth
   - 05 Howard’s Dream
   - 15 Deep in Thought
   - 21 Necropolis
- Explore
   - 07 Time Less (Howard’s Theme)
- Public
   - 06 Howard’s Residence
   - 10 Nolder’s Office
   - 12 Suspense
   - 18 Childhood Dream
4.) Lord of the Rings
- Dungeon
   - 13 The Forbidden Pool
- Explore
   - 01 The Prophecy
   - 18 Samwise the Brave
- Public
   - 02 Hope and Memory
   - 05 Stewards of Gondor
   - 06 The King of the Golden Hall
   - 08 Evenstar
   - 10 The Council of Elrond
   - 15 The Quiet Life
   - 18 May it Be
   - 19 Gollum’s Song
   - 19 Into the West
5.) Risen
- Explore
   - 02 The Beach
   - 04 The Island
   - 05 The Island at Night
   - The Great Swamp
- Public
   - 06 The Harbor City
6.) Old School Runescape
   - Autumn Voyage
7.) Fable Anniversary
- Public
   - 09 Temple of Light

Music Folder Shorthand:
AF = Adam Frechette Music Compilation
AMP = Additional Music Pack
AT = Adash Tracks
CDMP = Creepy Dungeon Music Pack
COAT = Creepy Oblivion Ambient Tracks
Colovia = Colovia
DETMC = Doctor Eternals Total Music Conversion
DGF = Daggerfallesque Sound Sequences
DM = Daggerfall Music Integration
DL = Dungeon Lords
DP = Deadly Premonition
DV = DV’S Custom Oblivion Soundtrack
DW = Darkness Within
Ehma = Ehma Music Pack
EMPC = Extra Music Pack Complete
Fable = Fable
KEOOO = Kages Epic Oblivion OST Overhaul
LOTR = Lord of the Rings
ML = Minstrels Lament
MMO III = Morrowind Music Overdose 3
MMOIV = Morrowind Music Overdose 4
MPD1 = Music Pack Dungeon 1
MP1 = Music Pack 1
MP2 = Music Pack 2
OMO = Oblivion Music Overdose
OMO2 = Oblivion Music Overdose 2
OOD = Order of the Dragon
OSVR = Oblivion Symphonic Variations
Risen = Risen
RS = Runescape
SOS = Sounds of Skyrim
Oblivion.ini tweaks:
fdlgfocus= 6 – Changes dialogue zoom
iShadowMapResolution= 1024 – As it says
At start of game:
- RunTes4Lodgen
- RunTes4LL
- Type bat essentials.txt in console
- Go to Hame, pick up scroll for pocket dimension home
Cleaning Utilities/Mods in general:
- Clean all DLCs except Shivering Isles
- Use tes4editQAC executable, double click on one to clean
   - Then you are done!