About this mod
Adds flowers and shrines of Arkay to cemeteries
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
To this end, bouquets and vases of flowers have been added to some of the graves in the temple cemeteries and inside their respective catacombs. Further, a shrine of Arkay may be found in each cathedral graveyard, since it only makes sense that mourners and visitors would pay respects to a funerary god while there. Last, imperial legion weapons or armor have been added to some graves in the Green Emperor Way, in addition to flowers, since I interpret Green Emperor Way as a war cemetery as well as the resting place for the Imperial City's elite.
Oblivion Version 1.2.0416
Installation Instructions
Copy contents into your Oblivion data folder.
Uninstallation Instructions
Delete the plugin, meshes, and textures
Will be incompatible with Open Cities. Will be incompatible with Better Cities (and there are too many variants of Better Cities to make patching worthwhile in my opinion, unfortunately). Will be compatible with Losing My Religion.
Change Log
- removed esm dependency on Oblivifall
- initial release
Known Issues
I accidentally made the first release dependent on the Oblivifall esm when beta-testing this mod against Losing My Religion. This has been corrected in V1.1.
Feel free to come to me with questions or issues and I will help as best as I can. That said, please bear in mind that I am a novice modder and may not be able to offer much in the way of assistance.
Thanks to:
Bethesda Softworks
TES Nexus
The Imperial Library
The creators of these wonderful resources
LHammonds - Readme Generator
Special thanks to mazcopikczo for bringing the esm dependency issue to my attention
Meshes and textures provided from:
Phaedra - Flowers Resource Pack 1 V1.1, Flowers Resource Pack 2
I am making this mod open to revision by the public. If you have any ideas of how to expand or improve upon this mod, then go ahead. No permission needed. All I ask is that you give me proper credit. This mod and its contents may not be commercialized for any reason.