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About this mod

Adds Blades spies to each major city, whom act as class trainers

Permissions and credits
Welcome to the 39th installment in my Oblivion Immersion Series.  A good chunk of my mods consist of my going: "Man, I really wish Oblivion had _______ feature from Skyrim."  This mod reverses that pattern, instead importing a feature from Morrowind into Oblivion: the presence of Blades agents across the province, fulfilling orders outside the scope of the player and acting as a skills trainer on the side.  It has always bugged me how isolated the Blades feel compared to other factions in the game.  Integral as the Blades are to the main quest, they have little to no presence anywhere else throughout the game.  The Mythic Dawn shows greater presence in the world at large, what with the sleeper agents posted in every town.   

Here's a breakdown of the deployed agents to be found:

  - Anvil (Salem): repairs, blade training
  - Bravil (Cravonus Antares): marksman training
  - Bruma (Rolfe): repairs, armorer training
  - Cheydinhal (Evelle Lamont): enchantment recharging, restoration training
  - Chorrol (Perwic DeVaulle): enchantment recharging, destruction training
  - Imperial City Market District (Helena Vitrix, Caius Cosades): enchantment charging, conjuration training; hand-to-hand training
  - Leyawiin (Vulpea Mesintal): light armor training
  - Skingrad (Kelrish gro-Anzush): repairs, heavy armor training

That's right, everyone's favorite grumpy old skooma addict Caius Cosades is back, in all of his shirtless glory. 

In case you don't want to consult the readme or the mod page every time you want to track someone down, there is an orders manifest on Jauffre's desk in Cloud Ruler Temple (but I wouldn't suggest stealing it).  Alternatively, look for the NPCs with the katanas - I say the agents are hidden, but I had to make some concessions for player ease. 

NOTICE: I am in the midst of moving at the time of this release, so while I decided to post this in keeping with my monthly schedule, checking for comments or providing updates is at the very bottom of my priority list right now.  Thank you for your understanding.


Oblivion Version 1.2.0416

Installation Instructions

Copy contents into your Oblivion data folder.  

Uninstallation Instructions

Delete the esp


Fully compatible with Cloud Ruler Temple Alive. 

Known Issues

None at the moment


Feel free to come to me with questions or issues and I will help as best as I can.  That said, please bear in mind that I am a novice modder and may not be able to offer much in the way of assistance.

Thanks to:

Bethesda Softworks
TES Nexus
LHammonds - Readme Generator
The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)


I am making this mod open to revision by the public.  If you have any ideas of how to expand or improve upon this mod, then go ahead.  No permission needed.  All I ask is that you give me proper credit.  This mod and its contents may not be commercialized for any reason.