- Version A: the vanilla version, meant to be a stand-alone mod
- Version B: a reduced version meant to be compatible with and complement Nerussa the Wine Collector by Saania
- Version C: another reduced version meant to be more compatible with MTC Expanded Villages
Choose whichever one you prefer. Personally, I would recommend using version B or C, as I think this mod works best in conjunction with other mods to fill out the inn more.
Last, Nerussa's inventory has been expanded so that she now sells exotic liquors from Morrowind (sujamma, shein, etc.). It makes her hobby more legit if she can sell these otherwise inaccessible goods. Note that doing so adds new leveled lists to her merchant's chest, with the vanilla leveled lists untouched, so this mod should not conflict with anything (so long as it doesn't directly alter Nerussa's merchant chest of course).
Oblivion Version 1.2.0416
Installation Instructions
Copy contents into your Oblivion data folder
Uninstallation Instructions
Delete the esp and mesh and texture files
Will in all likelihood be incompatible with mods that edit the interiors and layout of the buildings in the game. Versions A and C are not compatible with Nerussa the Wine Collector by Saania, but Version B is. Versions A and B are not compatible with MTC Expanded Villages, but version C is. Versions A, B, and C are not compatible with each other, so pick only one.
Known Issues
None at the moment
Feel free to come to me with questions or issues and I will help as best as I can. That said, please bear in mind that I am a novice modder and may not be able to offer much in the way of assistance.
Credits and Thanks
Thanks to:
Bethesda Softworks
The makers of these wonderful resources
TES Nexus
LHammonds - Readme Generator
Meshes and textures provided from:
perolozhach a.k.a. washington, Dave91, Connary, and Vacuity - MW Booze
Licensing and Legal
I am making this mod open to revision by the public. If you have any ideas of how to expand or improve upon this mod, then go ahead. No permission needed. All I ask is that you give credit to me and to the creators of these resources. This mod and its contents may not be distributed commercially.