A set of Akaviri ceremonial weapons.
This will add a set of stylised feudal Japanese weapons to a chest in the armory of Cloud Ruler Temple. The designs are based on feudal Japanese weaponry, but are not exact, so if you are a fan of feudal Japan, be aware that the weapons are not representative of my understanding of feudal Japan, but my take on the style.
The set contains:
Tantou - 1 handed and offhand versions.
Wakizashi - 1 handed and offhand versions and a 1 handed special cane scabbard version.
Ninjatou - 1 handed and offhand versions.
Nodachi - 1 handed, 2 handed and offhand versions.
Tanbou - 1 handed and offhand versions.
Hanbou - 1 handed and offhand versions.
Bou - 2 handed version.
Nagamaki - 2 handed version.
Naginata - 2 handed version.
Yari - 2 handed version.
Jutte - 1 handed version.
For those who don't yet have access to Cloud Ruler Temple armory but insist on obtaining the weaponry anyway, the chest can also be found in the Testinghall's weapons warehouse. The offhand versions use the torch slot and are equipped as shields, thus they will only appear when a 1 handed weapon is equipped.
None, zip, zilch, nada.
General thanks to my modding pals.
Anyone who ever made a blender tutorial.
Sharing and Caring:
Whatever you want. Seriously. No credit required. Release it anywhere, upload it anywhere, port it to anything, use the resources for anything. Sharing is indeed caring. I can assure you, except the place you found it, I have no intention of uploading the file or releasing it anywhere else, so have at it.