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About this mod

FINAL UPDATE: Now works regardless of whether OBSE is installed or not. The previous version contained an erroneous OBSE function which has since been removed. This mod has been updated! It will now keep track of any horse or ridable creature, including those added by other mods. Please redownload for the latest version. Description:

Permissions and credits
FINAL UPDATE: Now works regardless of whether OBSE is installed or not. The previous version contained an erroneous OBSE function which has since been removed.

This mod has been updated!
It will now keep track of any horse or ridable creature, including those added by other mods.
Please redownload for the latest version.


There's nothing like the sense of satisfaction you feel after cleaning out a big dungeon, and finally making your way back out into the warm sunlit forests of Cyrodil, lootbags overflowing, body weak from battle...until your mood sinks in annoyance as you scan the horizon, one question on your mind: "Hey, where'd I park my horse?"

I don't use the fast travel map, and my character being a stealthy type, I like to leave my horse a fair distance from the entrance to a dungeon so that I can sneak up undetected on any enemies standing guard outside. So, rather than make the effort to sharpen my memory retention skills, I made this little plugin to let me know exactly where I left my trusty steed. This plugin provides you with a quest marker pointing directly to your last ridden horse, any time you need it.