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About this mod

Replacer + New Armour

Permissions and credits

This's a new armour made specifically with the Legion Battlemages in mind,

The armour was made because I just wanted to test things out in nifskope, I've never successfully done anything in nifskope before so I'm aware this's crap compared to 99.9% of mods on the internet in general.

Drop the data folder into your oblivion directory, click yes to overwrite, then tick the .esp

why didn't you use the mage robes?
Well the answer to that is simple, they're guards & not mages of the guild, they've just had magic training so why would they be wearing the mages robes, why not their own form of robe. (I feel like i'm going to be corrected on this, but that's my verdict)

Some slight clipping issues, only minor.

The icon I used is really bad, I don't usually do Icons so it was the first time.

feel free to do whatever you want with this, upload it to other sites, edit it, include it in your mods. just make sure i'm credited, thanks.