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About this mod

Follow the Path of Kynareth and Hircine. Shapeshift into beasts, call vines from the ground. Know the power of being a child of The Lady and The Prince.

Permissions and credits
[size="4"]Druid Mod Remade
by Pimpskinny

Official forum release thread here.


Oblivion script Extender (OBSE) v0018 or later
Druid Mod Remade will not load without it.
- And please remember to launch Oblivion with the OBSE Launcher.

You need this to open the archive (7-zip is free).


This mod adds 23 custom spells to the game, earned by advancing your Alteration and Conjuration skills during a long, ongoing quest given to you by Kynareth and Hircine. The spells include the ability to shapeshift into several different animal forms each with its own special abilities, and custom summons including animal companions and animated vines that attack from the ground to immobilize and poison your prey.

In addition to the custom spells and quest, the mod includes a custom axe and shield (made by NateNeurotic), a temple that can serve as your home (with a spell to teleport there), a custom bird (made by Waalx), custom animal textures, a custom staff and armor (made by Tumbajamba), custom spell icons, some custom spell shaders, three books, and custom sounds.

Any race can be a druid. There is a "Druid" preset class available during character creation that suits this mod well, but it is not required. You can start this mod with an existing character.

Below is a list of the spells. You will also find a book while playing the mod that details each spell and what is required to get it.


Manual or BAIN
1. Copy the all the contents of the "Druid Mod Remade.7z" archive to your Oblivion\Data folder. If you've never installed this mod before, then nothing will be overwritten.
2. Start Oblivion Launcher, click 'Data Files', place a checkmark beside the Druid Mod.esp file. Or activate it with OBMM, Wrye Bash, or whatever your preferred mod manager is.
3. Or if you use BAIN, the archive is structured to be BAIN-friendly.

1. Activate "Druid Mod Remade.omod" in OBMM.

1. AFTER installing Manual or Omod full version, apply patch and overwrite. All you need to do is drag and drop all the contents of the Patch archive into your Oblivion/Data folder.


Manual or BAIN
1. Uncheck the Druid Mod Remade.esp.
2. Delete the following files and folders from your Oblivion\Data folder:
- Druid Mod.esp
- OBSE\Plugins\DruidModCustomSpellIcons.dll
- Meshes\DruidMod\ (delete entire folder)
- Sound\FX\DruidMod\ (delete entire folder)
- Sound\Voice\Druid Mod.esp\ (delete entire folder)
- Textures\DruidMod\ (delete entire folder)
- Textures\Menus\Icons\DruidMod\ (delete entire folder)

3. Or if you use BAIN, deactivate and delete it using BAIN.

1. Deactivate "Druid Mod Remade.omod" in OBMM.


You must first purchase and read a book from Novaroma in Bruma called "The Mysterious Norring Red-Cloud." If your Alteration and/or Conjuration skill is at least 25, you will soon receive a vision, and you will be summoned to a hidden temple. As your Alteration and Conjuration skills advance, Kynareth and Hircine will demand offerings at this sacred and forgotten place. In return, you will be granted unique abilities.

Shapeshifting Basics

While shapeshifted, the different animal forms grant different bonuses like Strength, Endurance, and varying degrees of natural armor that animal hide provides.

You will have a regular attack, a special attack, and a special action, detailed in the spell list below.

To move, you control yourself in animal form as if you are mounted. To attack, Mouse Button 1 performs your regular attack, Mouse Button 2 performs your special attack, and the V Key performs your special action (if you have one). To shift back to humanoid form, hit the spacebar or whatever key you have set to dismount a horse.

The magnitude of your physical attacks in animal forms is determined by your Blunt skill, Strength, Fatigue status, Alteration skill, and Spell Effectiveness. And also your target's Armor and Resistances.

Your health in animal forms is determined by your health in humanoid form, plus any bonuses unique to the animal form.

Any resistances you have through race abilities, active spell effects, and armor/weapon enchantments will carry over to your shapeshifted form.

You will also be granted a shield effect through varying qualities of Animal hide, depending on your Spell Effectiveness.

Hitting an enemy while in animal form will increase your Blunt skill. Jumping will increase your Acrobatics skill. If you want your Athletics skill to increase while running in animal forms, download my mod called "Athletics Skill Increases While Riding."

With this dynamic way of determining various shapeshifted stats, the animal forms will scale with you.

Summoning Basics

In addition to the abilities to summon a wolf, bear, or lion that scale with you (up to a point), you will be able to summon creeping vine companions that emerge from the ground to attack your enemies. There are also two beneficial vines that you can summon on yourself.

The three distinct hostile vine types are Entangling Creeper, Poison Creeper, and Thorny Creeper. Entangling Creeper will emerge from the ground and immobilize multiple enemies at once. Thorny Creeper will do the same, but also damage them over time with lacerating thorns. Poison Creeper will quickly strike from the ground to infect them with poison and then find the next target. The vines cannot be attacked by your enemies.

The duration of the immobilizations is determined by your Conjuration skill, Spell Effectiveness, and a small random factor. The magnitude of damage and poison is determined by your Conjuration skill and Spell Effectiveness.

The vines feature custom sounds.

Known Issues

The mod Unholy Darkness, Sneaking Detection Recalibrated, or any other mod that changes the alpha (or transparency) behavior of the PC might cause your character while shapeshifted to appear mounted to your animal form.

The shapeshifting spells are very complicated, and will sometimes cause a CTD if there is a lot of other game processing going on. This has also been an issue with other mods that feature real shapeshifting. I've spent a crazy amount of time improving the success rate, but it's not perfect. I will continue to try different things.

Any mod that changes the mechanics of riding a horse could bring conflicts, as all the shapeshifting is done with custom mounts.

This mod puts you into the creature faction when shifting into an animal (so you can mingle with other beasts), and then takes you out when shifting back. This might bring conflicts with some mods because I know there are a lot out there like OOO that mess with factions. Not sure how to address this. If it's a problem, I could just eliminate all faction changes in the Druid Mod and there would be negligible impact.

Version History
- Fixed duration of Thorny Creeper damage-over-time.
- Removed rabies from spell manual.
- Decreased mountain lion speed slightly.
- Added 25% chance of triggering Block skill when taking damage in animal form.
- Reduced damage done while in animal form for balance.
- Added various chances to trip your enemy when using a power attack while in Wolf, Mountain Lion, and Hircine's Pet forms.
- Changed Bear form power attack to be a high chance of knocking your enemy down instead of it always happening.
- Reduced shield effect of animal hide for balance.
- Improved stability of Summon Animal spells.
- Added additional fail-safe to remove Rat Form sneak bonus from Player when shifting out.
- Improved power of Shield Vine.
- Added immunity to paralysis while in animal forms to improve shape-shifted operations.

- Added custom spell icons to all the spells.
- Vastly improved Command Beast spell scripting for better reliability.
- Eliminated Rabies from Wolf Form to prevent unintended permanent effects on base actors.
- Eliminated enchantments from armor to make it easier to repair.
- Added fail-safes to shift-out scripting to prevent occasional issue of animal aspects remaining on Player.
- Eliminated Conjuration and Alteration bonuses from Master of the Outdoors ability to prevent unintended confusion in quest script.
- Eliminated debugging messages accidentally left in a couple of the vine summon scripts.
- Slightly reduced mana cost of a few higher level spells.
- Increased speed of Crow Form.
- Added damage effect shader to Wolf Form and Lion Form bleed-over-time attacks.

- Reduced speed of wing flapping animation for crow form and crow summon.
- Changed location of temple to avoid conflict with Curse of Hircine Resurrected and Gates to Aesgaard.
- Druid Armor updated with tweaked/improved meshes and textures from TumbaJamba.

- Added measure to ensure Player remains 100% Resistant to Disease while in Wolf Form.
- Changed method of receiving vision to avoid some kind of mod conflict regarding paralysis.
- Increased speed of Rat Form.
- Simplified quest scripts to improve timing.

- Changed custom shield mesh to go completely invisible while shapeshifted.
- Changed mechanics of shifting and healing/shield vines to be compatible with the mod Realistic Fatigue.
- Fixed Summon Forest Wisp spell effect typo.
- Added measure to make sure Player stays invisible while shifted to be more compatible with other mods.
- Added failsafe measure to Dismiss Summoned Beast lesser power.
- Various Readme additions.
- Added special creature near temple entrance.

1.0: Initial Release.

Recommended Other Mods

Athletics Skill Increases While Riding
This mod will allow your Athletics skill to increase while you run (or fly) in shapeshifted form.


Even lone modders like me don't really make a mod alone. I'm sure I'll be adding more credits as Druid Mod Remade progresses.

Creative Input and Technical Help
Koniption, wetblanket, spookyfx, The Vyper, haama, Bruneauinfo, MorganaNiNuala, tejon, WillieSea, CDM_, Khettienna, QQuix, ghastley, washington, gyshall, Psymon, Elric of Grans, scruggsywuggsy the ferret, DragoonWraith, and Arkngt.

Resources Generously Shared
The OBSE Team for making OBSE, Waalx for the bird model, NateNeurotic for the custom axe and shield, Tumbajamba for the custom armor and staff, Hel Borne for the wolf statue, Statttis for the script functions making custom spell icons possible.

Tools Used
The "Making Ridable Creatures" Tutorial at the CS Wiki (by Andrew Maneri I think), The Oblivion Mount Project Animation Warper (by Andrew Maneri), TES4Gecko by TeamGecko, The Oblivion Construction Set, Notepad, Nifskope, XVI32 hex editor, and Adobe Photoshop Elements (with the DDS file plug-in).

Please contact me before-hand if you want to release anything in this mod. And make sure you know that not everything in this mod was made by me.

List of Spells

Commune at the Temple
Granted when Quest begins
Teleport to the Temple of Kynareth and Hircine. And while remaining inside the temple, you may teleport back to where you came from. But if you leave the temple, you will lose the ability to "recall" to your original location.

The Path of Hircine

Shapeshift into Deer
Requires Alteration Skill of 25
Transform into a deer. You will be able to outrun most enemies and will have a high acrobatics skill. But your attacks are weak.

Mouse Button 1: Strike with Antlers
Mouse Button 2: A more powerful strike with hooves

Hibernate Beast
Requires Alteration Skill of 30
Causes your target to fall asleep. The duration is determined by your Spell Effectiveness. Only "natural" creatures can be affected such as animals, imps, goblins. Undead and daedra will not respond. Only one creature may be hibernated at a time, and each creature may only be hibernated once.

Shapeshift into Wolf
Requires Alteration Skill of 35
Transform into a wolf. Significantly stronger attacks than deer, with good fatigue regeneration. And, you have the ability to toggle a "Danger Sense" on or off. While Danger Sense is active, you will know when a hostile creature or person comes within 80 feet, because you will growl and glow red for a moment.

Mouse Button 1: Bite
Mouse Button 2: Mangle (A powerful bleed over time effect)
V Key: Toggle Danger Sense

Charm Beast
Requires Alteration Skill of 40
Causes your target to follow and fight for you for a time. The duration is determined by your Spell Effectiveness. Only "natural" creatures can be affected such as animals, imps, goblins. Undead and daedra will not respond. Only one creature may be commanded at a time, and each creature may only be charmed once.

Shapeshift into Ghost Wolf
Requires Alteration Skill of 45
Transform into a ghost wolf. You have the ability to attack ethereal creatures like ghosts and wraiths, and are highly resistant to normal attacks. But your attacks against non-ethereal creatures have no effect. You also have the ability to walk on water.

Mouse Button 1: Ethereal Bite
Mouse Button 2: Ethereal Mangle (Drain life essence over time)
V Key: Frighten Undead

Shapeshift into Rat
Requires Alteration Skill of 50
Transform into a rat. Very sneaky. Can move close to enemies without them detecting you, but get too close and they will attack. Your distance from enemies, the amount of light on you, and your enemy's line of sight affects if you are seen. Your attacks are weak and your health is very low, so try to stay hidden. Companions have a way of ruining your stealth. You can also toggle night vision.

Mouse Button 1: Bite
Mouse Button 2: Bite (same attack - rat doesn't have a power attack)
V Key: Toggle Night Vision

Master of the Outdoors
Requires Alteration Skill of 55
Being outside automatically boosts your Speed, Acrobatics, Alteration and Conjuration skills, and if it's daytime you have a slight restore health effect.

Shapeshift into Lion
Requires Alteration Skill of 60
Transform into a Mountain Lion. Faster and more powerful than wolf, and can toggle night vision. But you can't swim.

Mouse Button 1: Claw
Mouse Button 2: Shred (A powerful bleed over time that ignores enemy armor)
V Key: Toggle Night Vision

Shapeshift into Bear
Requires Alteration Skill of 65
Transform into a large bear. Very powerful attacks and good health bonus. Attacks also damage your target's fatigue.

Mouse Button 1: Maul
Mouse Button 2: Bash (Damage enemy and send them flying from you)
V Key: Slam the ground and knock all around you off their feet

Shapeshift into Crow
Requires Alteration Skill of 70
No combat ability, and can only cast if not in combat and while outdoors. You can fly. The direction you fly is determined by where you are looking, including up and down.

Shapeshift into Hircine's Pet
Requires Alteration Skill of 75
Shapeshift into Hircine's wolf companion. Very, very powerful. Downright mean, not to mention rude, with horrible table manners.

Mouse Button 1: Bite
Mouse Button 2: Mangle (bleed over time)
V Key: Dread howl (All around you are paralyzed with fear)
B Key: Toggle Danger Sense

The Path of Kynareth

Summon Forest Wisp
Requires Conjuration Skill of 25
A small wisp follows you and provides light. It has no combat ability. You also receive a spell to dismiss the wisp.

Requires Conjuration Skill of 30
A touch spell. A vine entangles a single enemy so they are unable to move. The duration of the entanglement is determined by your Conjuration skill, Spell Effectiveness, and a random factor. Ethereal creatures such as ghosts are not affected, because they have no physical form to grasp. Only one target may be entangled at a time.

Summon Wolf
Requires Conjuration Skill of 35
Summon a wolf to follow and fight for you. The wolf will follow you until it dies. Cannot be active alongside Summon Lion or Summon Bear. You also receive a spell to dismiss the creature.

Call Healing Vine
Requires Conjuration Skill of 40
Calls a beneficial vine to surface and immobilize you while providing a restore health effect. The magnitude of the restore health effect is determined by your Conjuration skill and Spell Effectiveness.

Summon Poison Creeper
Requires Conjuration Skill of 45
Summons a creeping poison vine to follow you. While in combat, the vine will quickly strike enemies one by one, infecting them with Creeping Poison, which drains their Strength and makes them Weak against Normal Weapons. This weakness will also cause your attacks against them while in animal forms to increase. The magnitude of the poison is determined by your Conjuration skill, Spell Effectiveness, and your enemy's Poison Resistance.

Summon Bear
Requires Conjuration Skill of 50
Summon a black bear to follow and fight for you. The bear will follow you until it dies. Cannot be active alongside Summon Lion or Summon Wolf. You also receive a spell to dismiss the creature.

Summon Entangling Creeper
Requires Conjuration Skill of 55
Summons a vine to periodically surface and immobilize enemies. Multiple enemies may be entangled. The duration of the entanglement is determined by your Conjuration skill, Spell Effectiveness, and a random factor. The entanglement does not last as long as the single-target Entangling Vine spell, but does last longer than Thorny Creeper. Will not work alongside Thorny Creeper. Ethereal creatures such as ghosts are not affected.

Summon Lion
Requires Conjuration Skill of 60
Summon a mountain lion to follow and fight for you. The lion will follow you until it dies. Cannot be active alongside Summon Wolf or Summon Bear. You also receive a spell to dismiss the creature.

Call Shield Vine
Requires Conjuration Skill of 65
Calls a vine to surface around you, immobilizing and shielding you while reflecting physical damage onto attackers. The magnitude of the shield and reflect damage effects are determined by your Conjuration skill and Spell Effectiveness.

Summon Thorny Creeper
Requires Conjuration Skill of 70
Summons a vine to periodically surface and immobilize enemies while doing damage over time to them. Multiple enemies may be affected. The duration of the entanglement is determined by your Conjuration skill, Spell Effectiveness, and a random factor. The damage done to them is determined by the same factors (except that a random factor does not affect the damage). Will not work alongside Entangling Creeper. Ethereal creatures such as ghosts are not affected.

Kynareth's Pet
Requires Conjuration Skill of 75
Summons Kynareth's Pet - the very bird that rests on her shoulder - to follow you. It does not attack, but grants bonuses to you and negatively affects undead and daedric attackers. You also receive a spell to dismiss the pet.