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About this mod

All this mod does is notify you when your fame, infamy, or bounty go up. If it\'s your bounty it will try to tell you what you did wrong (murder, theft, assault). It also notifies you if you\'ve murdered somebody, whether you got a bounty for it or not. Each message informs you the amount that the stat raised by and what its new total is. It\'s great for people who don\'t like to continual

Permissions and credits
All this mod does is notify you when your fame, infamy, or bounty go up. If it's your bounty it will try to tell you what you did wrong (murder, theft, assault). It also notifies you if you've murdered somebody, whether you got a bounty for it or not. Each message informs you the amount that the stat raised by and what its new total is. It's great for people who don't like to continually check their misc stats page, but want to be kept aware of certain changes.